Monthly Archives: March, 2019

Geography Deep Learning Day

Friday 29th March, 2019

Today the children have developed their geographical skills through a study comparison of Waterlooville and the Chihuahuan Desert, on the border of North America and Mexico. They have collaborated to create non chronological poster reports including climate, topography and human features of both places. They have also compared similarities and differences and the position of each location on our planet.

Next week children will be completing their extreme sport reports and investigating a murder mystery in maths, based on line graphs.


This week Andrew Soy (5E) gained the golden key for the improvement in his work rate and understanding. Cameron McIntyre has his work on the showstopper wall. Ruby Garvey (5CW) received the golden key for contributing to class discussions and respecting the opinions of others. Sophie Lictaoa has her writing on the showstopper wall.

Hoping that you have a lovely, sunny weekend,

The Year 5 Team


Friday 22nd March, 2019

Congratulations to the winners of the reading Passport Challenge – Tilly, Niamh, Islwyn, Kieran and Faith – who will be going to Rock Up on the 1st April.

This week in maths we have been finishing our unit about time, solving problems to do with various timetables. We are now moving on to statistics – interpreting different types of graphs.

As part of our focus on extreme sports, children have been exploring complex sentences, identifying the main and subordinate clauses. Please ensure that your child’s homework is in on Monday as they will need this to begin their own non-chronological reports.

This week in Golden Key Assembly Cameron McIntyre (5E) received the golden key for increased effort in all areas of work  and Charlie Henderson (5E) has his work on the showstopper wall. Joshua Renji (5CW) received his golden key for making the right choices inside and outside of the classroom. Jacob Kurowski (5CW) has his work on the showstopper wall too.

Have a great weekend,

Year 5 Team

Friday 15th March, 2019

In Maths we have been looking at how to read and interpret timetables and solve problems involving time. We have used number lines to help solve how long there is between two set times; using a start time and a length of time to find a finish time and vice versa.

We have started looking at extreme sports as part of our new English topic. They have gathered ideas, justified their opinions about whether or not a particular sport is risky or extreme; researched snowboarding as an example and shared their knowledge with the rest of the class.

** Reminder

English home learning about an extreme sport of their choice is due in next Monday (18th March)

Reading Passports need to be completed by next Wednesday (20th March) ready for the big draw on the Friday. Rock Up is the exciting prize and takes place on 1st April.

This week, Jeremy Lea (5E) received the golden key award being a helpful member of the class. Jack Nightingale (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Amelie Frost (5CW) received the golden key award for exemplary behaviour at all times and always focused in lesson. Henry Stunt (5CW) has his writing on the showstopper writing wall.


Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year 5 team

Year 5 and 6 ‘Poetry by Heart’ finalists

5E World Book Day characters

Friday 8th March, 2019

In maths we have been continuing to solve problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages of amounts. We have been finding fractions, decimals and percentages of amounts as well as asking the children ‘Would you rather…’ questions, which they needed to solve.

In English we have edited our stories and written them into presentation copy. We’ve decorated an envelope, which will contain our stories, so that next week we can begin to ‘hide’ them for members of the public to read them.

Today we listened to all the poetry finalists from across the school. There were some great costumes, amazing recital skills and fantastic acting from all the finalists. Glens, Sihanua and Kian performed their poems brilliantly in the UKS2 section. All were worthy winners but Kian was the overall winner of the Year 5/6 section. Well done, Kian!

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 5 team

Friday 1st March

Another busy week in Year 5 with children continuing to write their action stories ready for completion next week. We have been really impressed with the quality of their stories. They have worked really hard on their language choices, sentence techniques and overall organisation, producing some really entertaining stories.

This week in maths we have focused on finding percentages of amounts. We have worked on finding 10% first (simply dividing by 10) and then scaling up or down from there depending on the amount they need to find. Please feel free to help your child practise this over the weekend by giving them some calculations to work on, e.g. find 30% of 200grams of sugar or find 45% of the £20 in my wallet etc.

5E started their swimming lessons this week and once again were fantastic representatives for our school. Thank you to the parents who helped with transporting the children to and from the pool.

On Thursday of next week we have World Book Day where children have the opportunity to dress up as a character from a book. Don’t forget to check out the bedtime stories on the KS2 Bedtime Stories blog – a video will be posted each night from now until next Friday!

Have a great weekend!

Year 5 team.