Friday 15th February, 2019

This week we held our class poetry competitions to find our three finalists to represent year 5 at our Off By Heart whole school finals next month! A huge well done to every pupil in Year 5 for learning their poem off by heart, standing up in front of their peers and delivering fantastic performances – we were extremely impressed with everyone! It was a very difficult decision for the teachers to choose just three winners but after much deliberation a decision was made. Our three finalists are Glens, Sihanua and Kian. We wish them luck in the finals which will take place on Friday 8th March.
5CW have now completed their swimming lessons and have hopefully arrived home with their swimming certificate and a goody bag full of swimming related treats. Well done to all children for not only representing our school brilliantly but for also persevering with and improving their swimming technique over the last five weeks. 5E will begin their lessons on the first Thursday back after half term.
** Reminder: 5E children will need to make sure they have a swimming hat for their lessons.
Please remind your child to continue with their reading passport over the half term break.
We wish you all a restful and relaxing half term break!
Year 5 team

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