Friday the 8th February, 2019

In maths we have been looking at solving a problem involving perimeter. The children have recapped how to find perimeter and find missing lengths of a shape. They have also investigated perimeter using scaling. Please could the children work out the perimeter of a room in your house, ready for next week’s lessons?

In English we have been focusing on sentence level work, exploring short sentences for dramatic effect and longer sentences to add extra information. Next week we will be looking at using dialogue within a story.

Today the children have enjoyed another STEM day, creating the tallest service structure they could, out of spaghetti and marshmallows. They have also designed their own rockets to match the size of their structures.

This week, Max Perdu (5E) received the golden key award for making a greater effort with his work. Joseph Hatter (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Kian Marples (5CW) received the golden key award for being polite and helpful at all times and Amelie Frost has her writing on the showstopper writing wall. January’s Mathemagicians are Isla Brown (5E) and Annie Woodings (5CW).

Please ensure your child is putting the finishing touches to the poetry performances ready for their in-class performances on Wednesday next week. Teachers will be picking winners from class entries to go through to the poetry finals day.


Have a super weekend.

The Year 5 team

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