Monthly Archives: February, 2019

Friday 15th February, 2019

This week we held our class poetry competitions to find our three finalists to represent year 5 at our Off By Heart whole school finals next month! A huge well done to every pupil in Year 5 for learning their poem off by heart, standing up in front of their peers and delivering fantastic performances – we were extremely impressed with everyone! It was a very difficult decision for the teachers to choose just three winners but after much deliberation a decision was made. Our three finalists are Glens, Sihanua and Kian. We wish them luck in the finals which will take place on Friday 8th March.
5CW have now completed their swimming lessons and have hopefully arrived home with their swimming certificate and a goody bag full of swimming related treats. Well done to all children for not only representing our school brilliantly but for also persevering with and improving their swimming technique over the last five weeks. 5E will begin their lessons on the first Thursday back after half term.
** Reminder: 5E children will need to make sure they have a swimming hat for their lessons.
Please remind your child to continue with their reading passport over the half term break.
We wish you all a restful and relaxing half term break!
Year 5 team

Year 5E – STEM day photos

Friday the 8th February, 2019

In maths we have been looking at solving a problem involving perimeter. The children have recapped how to find perimeter and find missing lengths of a shape. They have also investigated perimeter using scaling. Please could the children work out the perimeter of a room in your house, ready for next week’s lessons?

In English we have been focusing on sentence level work, exploring short sentences for dramatic effect and longer sentences to add extra information. Next week we will be looking at using dialogue within a story.

Today the children have enjoyed another STEM day, creating the tallest service structure they could, out of spaghetti and marshmallows. They have also designed their own rockets to match the size of their structures.

This week, Max Perdu (5E) received the golden key award for making a greater effort with his work. Joseph Hatter (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Kian Marples (5CW) received the golden key award for being polite and helpful at all times and Amelie Frost has her writing on the showstopper writing wall. January’s Mathemagicians are Isla Brown (5E) and Annie Woodings (5CW).

Please ensure your child is putting the finishing touches to the poetry performances ready for their in-class performances on Wednesday next week. Teachers will be picking winners from class entries to go through to the poetry finals day.


Have a super weekend.

The Year 5 team

Friday 1st February, 2019

In maths we have been solving problems by converting units of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres. Next week we will be moving on to finding the area and perimeter of shapes.

In English we have been analysing the film clip ‘Ruin’, which can be found on The Literacy Shed. Over the next few weeks we will be building towards writing our stories.

This week, Islwyn Mainwaring (5E) received the golden key award for being a committed learner and great member of the class. Marissa Moreton-Pedrosa (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Toby Collins (5CW) received the golden key award for avoiding distractions and settling down to work and Aki Hurst has her writing on the showstopper writing wall.

Please ensure your child is putting the finishing touches to the poetry performances ready for their in-class performances during the week beginning 11th February.


Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 5 team