Monthly Archives: December, 2018

Friday 21st December, 2018

In maths we have continued to focus on fractions. We have been ordering, comparing and finding equivalents.

In English we completed our stories based on The Small Miracle.

This week the spring term reading passports went home with the children. We suggest that the children start with the book ‘Wonder’ as it may take some time to complete.

This week, Anne-Sophie Shaul (5E) received the golden key award for being a being a hard worker, a friendly member of the class and always having a sunny disposition. Harry Woolston (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Sophie Lictaoa (5CW) received the golden key award for fantastic learning and Joshua Renji has his writing on the showstopper writing wall.


Have a joyous and peaceful Christmas.

The Year 5 team

Friday 14th December, 2018

Our lessons in maths this week have focused on fractions. Children have looked at unit and non-unit fractions: drawing fractions as visual representations, putting them on a number line correctly, ordering, comparing and finding equivalents.

In English we have continued to explore different sentence structures to help develop our story writing skills. The children have planned their narrative and we have written the opening paragraph.

Thank you to all the children who dressed up in their Christmas jumpers today. They looked very festive and have raised money for charity.

Well done to the Year 5’s who performed their version of A Christmas Carol as part of Drama Club. A fantastic performance thoroughly enjoyed by all.

This week, Charlie Henderson (5E) received the golden key award for being a committed learner and a great classmate. Carl Huxley (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Harry Lawson-Barnes (5CW) received the golden key award for improved attitude to learning and Aki Hurst has her writing on the showstopper writing wall.


Have a super weekend.

The Year 5 team

Friday 7th December, 2018

On Tuesday of this week Year 5 travelled to Sacred Heart for a whole school Advent service. Many thanks to all the parents who helped walk the children to and from school. Well done to all of the children who took part in our service.

Our lessons in maths this week have continued to focus on decimal numbers. Children have applied their understanding of place value to help them solve a range of routine and non-routine problems.

In English we have been exploring different sentence structures to help develop our story writing skills. Next week children will begin applying these new skills through more extended pieces of writing.

Today in class we all became scientists as part of our first STEM day of the year. We spent the day looking at the filtration of water before children worked in groups to design and make their own water filtration system using a range of materials. They then proceeded to filter some really muddy water with some very successful results. We will add some photos to the blog early next week.

This week, Joseph Hatter (5E) received the golden key award for improving his work rate and effort in lessons. Joe Bennett (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Esther Burrows (5CW) received the golden key award for being a fantastic team player and collaborating well with others.


Have a wonderful weekend.

The Year 5 team