Another busy week in Year 5. On Monday 5CW led whole school worship, demonstrating the effects of bullying through drama. Their powerful performance marked the second week of our focus on anti-bullying. Well done to all for taking to the stage to share their message to the rest of the school.
On Tuesday the children had a trip to church for the Year 5 and 6 Mass. Well done to the children of 5E, who read beautifully. Thank you to all the parents who helped walk the children to and from the church.
We visited Fort Nelson on Thursday where we became spies for the day. Although cold, the children had a marvellous time finding the clues and filming/ taking photographs with I-Pods. Later they had to decide the best way to enter the fort undetected, blow up the ammunition and then escape.
Children have completed their persuasive speeches in English, which we will be sending off to Marvel Headquarters next week. Next week in maths we are moving on to look at decimal numbers.
Well done to all children who completed their reading Passports on time. Congratulations Sihanua, Joshua S, Aki and Henry, who were picked at random during assembly this morning. They will be going to see Shrek: The Musical on the 6th December.
Have a super weekend,
The Year 5 team