Friday 2nd November, 2018

Welcome to Mrs Wilson who started on Monday, covering Mrs Pike’s maternity leave.

This week in English we have started our Superheroes topic. Children have been exploring the features of persuasive writing and have been set the task of writing a persuasive speech, to persuade Marvel why their chosen superhero is the greatest of all. Children have been sent home with a task – to research their chosen superhero. This will help them when they write their speech. It is due in on Wednesday 7th November. In maths, we have been looking at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, looking at what happens to the place value of each digit. Check out the maths vlog below for an example of the short multiplication method, ready for next week.


**Please remember Reading Passports must be completed by Wednesday 21st November as the draw for Shrek: The Musical will take place on the 23rd.

This week Harry Woolston (5E) received the golden key award for supporting others with their learning. Isla Brown (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Bea Carter-Hall (5PC) received the golden key award for being a really welcoming member of the class for Mrs Wilson. Andrew Cordina (5PC) has his writing on the showstopper wall. Islwyn Mainwaring (5E) and Kian Marples (5CW) both received the Mathemagician of the Month.


Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy any firework events you may be attending.

The Year 5 team

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