This week in, English, we have been looking at using fronted adverbials and identified the features of a diary before planning our diary entry, as an evacuee. In maths we have been exploring negative numbers in context, we then moved on to addition, showing different strategies for solving calculations. Next week we will be looking at formal subtraction strategies – don’t forget to use the maths booklet to help consolidate the learning in class.
The spellings this week are a continuation of silent letter words and your child has been sent home with instructions to make their own gas mask box ready for our WWII day on Thursday. They also have a piece of card to complete this task. Please remember that Thursday is a dress up day as a WWII evacuee.
Don’t forget our final meeting about the residential trip (Tuesday 25th September at 5pm). Please complete and return any medical forms by this date.
This week Seren Tricker (5E) received the golden key award for being a good friend and settling well in to life at St Peter’s. Amelia Morris (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Evie Mosely (5PC) received the golden key award for her excellent teamwork and for supporting her peers in class. Annie Woodings (5PC) has his writing on the showstopper wall.
As the weather is beginning to turn, please ensure your child has a coat.
Have a great weekend,
The Year 5 team