Friday 28th September, 2018
Yesterday Year 5 went back to 1939.
Thank you to parents and carers who helped the children to make our day such a fantastic success. The children dressed in World War II type clothing and completed their look with gas mask boxes, ID cards, ration cards and evacuation tags.
They spent the day learning about the role of propaganda during the war; designing their own evacuation posters while also experiencing an air raid! They were asked regularly, around school, to prove who they were by showing their identity cards or risk spending time being questioned by a policeman (played with gusto by Mr Cunningham).
At lunchtime, they had to use their ration coupons to collect their WWII lunch of corn beef hash with potatoes and carrots. Thank you to Mrs Gray and her team for providing the lunch and dressing in the style of 1940’s women. In the afternoon, the children played WWII games, sang songs from the era and even had a visitor who spoke to them about WWII artifacts. Jerome allowed the children to hold and wear equipment and also allowed them in the jeep from the era.
At the end of the day, parents came in to the hall to decide which evacuee they wanted to take home with them. It was a long wait for some children…
Friday 21st September, 2018
This week in, English, we have been looking at using fronted adverbials and identified the features of a diary before planning our diary entry, as an evacuee. In maths we have been exploring negative numbers in context, we then moved on to addition, showing different strategies for solving calculations. Next week we will be looking at formal subtraction strategies – don’t forget to use the maths booklet to help consolidate the learning in class.
The spellings this week are a continuation of silent letter words and your child has been sent home with instructions to make their own gas mask box ready for our WWII day on Thursday. They also have a piece of card to complete this task. Please remember that Thursday is a dress up day as a WWII evacuee.
Don’t forget our final meeting about the residential trip (Tuesday 25th September at 5pm). Please complete and return any medical forms by this date.
This week Seren Tricker (5E) received the golden key award for being a good friend and settling well in to life at St Peter’s. Amelia Morris (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Evie Mosely (5PC) received the golden key award for her excellent teamwork and for supporting her peers in class. Annie Woodings (5PC) has his writing on the showstopper wall.
As the weather is beginning to turn, please ensure your child has a coat.
Have a great weekend,
The Year 5 team
Friday 14th September 2018
Thank you to all the parents who made it to the welcome meeting on Wednesday. Information regarding the residential trip will go out early next week to include a final meeting date.
This week in English we have been continuing to explore the novel, Carrie’s War, focusing on the character of Mr Evans. Children have been practising the skill of writing expanded noun phrases and have begun to look at fronted adverbials again. In maths we have been rounding numbers up to 1 000 000 and applying these skills to solve problems.
Well done to the children who have completed their first spelling home learning task. New spellings were sent home today and will be due in next Friday. They have been looking at words with silent letters.
This week Archie Abraham (5E) received the golden key award for persevering with his mathematics, to improve his understanding. Benita Byju (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Ann Eldo (5T) received the golden key award for her fantastic school council presentation. Leon Hogan (5T) has his writing on the showstopper wall.
Have a terrific weekend,
The Year 5 team
Friday 7th September, 2018
Welcome to Year 5! Your children have made a fantastic start to the year, working hard and getting on with their learning immediately.
This week in Maths, the children have been recapping their understanding of place value with numbers up to 1 million. Please spend time with your child over the next week practicing reading numbers up to 1 million. They have started explore the novel Carrie’s War by Nina Bawden, looking particularly at the evacuation scenes.
This week your child has been sent home with a new spelling homework book. Children need to complete the tasks set by next Friday (14th Sept). They have also received a Reading Passport which requires them to read a wide variety of texts over the course of the term. Please encourage your child to complete this passport and read with them as much as possible. We will talk more about homework at our welcome meeting (Weds 12th at 4.15pm).
Just a reminder that there is still time to sign up for our exciting residential that begins on the 8th October.
Have an enjoyable weekend,
The Year 5 team