This week the children have worked on solving problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages. In English, they have started to think like Egyptologists in preparation for some diary writing.
We have completed our tests and will use some of the next three weeks to revisit and consolidate some areas of learning.
This has been a very busy week with two lessons of fencing, test papers and the St Peter and Saint Paul Feast Day Mass. Next Monday will be our final fencing lesson. Both coaches have been very impressed by their enthusiasm and skills.
Some children, who attend Sacred Heart Church and are members of the Prayer Garden Group, have taken a letter inviting them to volunteer to speak after Mass to the congregation in the hope of raising more funds. If you think your child would enjoy this opportunity and you would be prepared to take them to church on the 14th or 15th July, please ask your child to request a letter. It is not limited to the Prayer Garden Group.
This week Eve Banham (5E) received the golden leaf award for always working hard and being a kind member of the class. Sienna Brown (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Franklin Horton (5T) received the golden leaf award for great effort and concentration. Nicolas Renji (5T) has his writing on the showstopper wall too. Mathemagicians of the Month were Elea De Vos (5E) and Dominic Lethbridge (5T).
Have a wonderful warm weekend,
The Year 5 team.