Friday 18th May, 2018

This week in Maths, the children have consolidated different methods of multiplication and division through problem solving. In English, they have finished their unit on superheroes.

Please continue to work on the spelling lists, using the strategies given. Children should have a list of personal spellings in their home learning diary. In preparation for next week children need to look at ie and ei words and forming the past tense.

Reading comprehension homework is due on Monday next week, when another one will be sent home. We are asking children to stay in at break and/or lunch to complete any homework that has not been brought to school, so please remind them to check that it is in their bag on Monday morning. The book review challenge has already produced a lot of responses from Year 5. It was a pleasure to see so many children receiving their first award during Celebration Assembly.

This week Patrick Healy (5E) received the golden leaf award for his commitment to learning. Molly Gray (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Hollie Nightingale (5T) received the golden leaf award for much improved presentation in Maths. Millie Worrall (5T) has her writing on the showstopper wall.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 team

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