This week the children have been adding and subtracting fractions, finding the lowest common multiple and finding equivalent fractions. They have continued to use their knowledge of improper fractions and mixed numbers too. In English, they have been writing, editing and publishing their non-chronological reports about extreme sports.
Please continue to work on the spelling lists sent home, using the strategies given.
Just a reminder, Year 5 and 6 Mass will take place on Tuesday 21st November. Many thanks to those who have offered to help walk the children to and from the church. We look forward to seeing you there if you are available.
The children had a lovely time at Fort Nelson, becoming ‘spies’ and using I-pods to record their ideas for disabling the fort. The guides running the workshops were very impressed with the World War II knowledge the children displayed.
This week Ernie Purkis (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him for using his critical thinking skills while on a trip to Fort Nelson’ and Molly Gray (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Dominic Lethbridge (5T) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to behave quietly and politely.’ Tia Abbinnett and Alicia Richards (5T) have their work on the showstoppers wall too.
Have an wonderful weekend,
The Year 5 team