This week the children have been developing their knowledge and understanding of 3D shapes, angles and direction. In English, they have started a new unit about extreme sports. They have been gathering vocabulary and asking questions. We will continue to study Carrie’s War during guided reading.
Your child should have come home with a homework sheet but if not, see attached!
This week Patrick Healy (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him for persevering with his presentation of work and his handwriting’ and Eve Banham (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Nicolas Renji (5T) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to always do the right thing and set an excellent example to the rest of the class.’ Lily Tan (5T) has her work on the showstoppers wall too.
We hope you enjoy a restful half term and enjoy a small sample of the many photographs we took at Runway’s End.
The Year 5 team.