15th September, 2017

Dear Parents,

This week the children have been working on their knowledge and understanding of place value and rounding. They have then applied these concepts to problem solving. If you are able, please practise multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 using a place value grid and rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 or more using a number line.

In English they have been writing sentences about the animation, ‘The Piano’, using their knowledge of time conjunctions and adverbials and learning to use relative clauses.

Homework books have been sent home this week with a World War II home learning pyramid glued in. Their first piece of work will be due by the 25th September. Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in before that time.

As it is getting colder and wetter, please make sure your child has a coat for break and lunchtimes.

Year 5’s Welcome meeting will be on Tuesday 19th September at 5pm. We look forward to meeting many of you then.

Have a great weekend!

The Year 5 Team

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