Monthly Archives: September, 2017

29th September, 2017

This week the children have been using their addition and subtraction skills to solve word problems. In English, they have begun to familiarise themselves with the text, ‘Carrie’s War’. They have been thinking carefully about characterisation and using expanded noun phrases.


For homework the children have to complete the next section of their World War II pyramid by Friday, 6th October.

Practise their times tables in preparation for our next unit on multiplication and division.

Practise their spellings: we have been learning about words with the letter string ough and suffixes able and ible. Use their preferred strategies to practise and learn these words. They will be tested on them on Monday, as well as a few other words that follow the same patterns, so they will need to do some investigation.














This week Vincent Inman (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him for being committed to improving work in all subjects’ and Orla Carey (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Monet Lewendon (5T) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave her to be kind and helpful to other people.’ Freya Bijumon (5T) has her work on the showstoppers wall too.


A quick reminder: please could we have any medical forms, for Runways End, by Monday.

Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 team

15th September, 2017

Dear Parents,

This week the children have been working on their knowledge and understanding of place value and rounding. They have then applied these concepts to problem solving. If you are able, please practise multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 using a place value grid and rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 or more using a number line.

In English they have been writing sentences about the animation, ‘The Piano’, using their knowledge of time conjunctions and adverbials and learning to use relative clauses.

Homework books have been sent home this week with a World War II home learning pyramid glued in. Their first piece of work will be due by the 25th September. Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in before that time.

As it is getting colder and wetter, please make sure your child has a coat for break and lunchtimes.

Year 5’s Welcome meeting will be on Tuesday 19th September at 5pm. We look forward to meeting many of you then.

Have a great weekend!

The Year 5 Team

8th September, 2017

Dear All,

Welcome back to a new school year. The children have all settled in well and we are already busy on our new units of learning. The topic for the first term is World War II; there is a lot of good children’s fiction based around this subject as well as information books and websites. Please encourage your children to do some personal research and enjoy reading.

Just a reminder that P.E. will be on a Monday with Mrs Turner or Mrs Edge and every other week on a Wednesday as well.

As the weather is beginning to turn, please ensure that your child has a coat for break and lunchtimes.

Please remember to return the medical consent forms for the Runways End residential.

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 5 Team