Week 2 – 16th June 2017

This week the children have been developing their understanding of adding and subtracting fractions (with same and different denominators), as well as converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions. Some children have been problem solving and explaining their reasoning in order to deepen their understanding of these topics. In English, they have been reinforcing their understanding of persuasive language and they have begun to write their persuasive letter based on The Scarab’s Secret.


For homework the children have 6 spellings using ending in ‘-ssion’ (‘soft sh sound’); Mymaths and they need to complete the next section from the homework pyramid. This homework is due by next Friday (23rd June). Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.


This week Samuel Ford (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him for working hard and trying his best to improve his writing’ and Joana Lopez De Souza (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Samuel Clarke (5F) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to always be a cheerful member and extremely hard working individual. He always has a positive attitude towards all aspects of his learning’. Wendy Wheatley (5F) has her work on the showstoppers wall too.


Just a reminder, 5E will be going on their trip to Staunton Country Park on Monday. We have explained to both classes that they will need to wear: sensible trousers (no shorts due to the possibility of ticks), appropriate walking shoes, their school t-shirt, hat and rain coat (just in case of poor weather). Please bring sun cream.

5F will be going the following Monday (26th).


Have a fantastic weekend,

The Year 5 team

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