Week 7 – 17th February 2017

This week the children have been developing their understanding of converting percentages into decimals and fractions. In English, they have been completing their space adventure stories using the skills taught.


For homework the children have been given spellings, Mymaths and need to complete another section from the homework pyramid. In addition, the children will have to complete this half term’s RE homework that can be found in their Home Learning Diary. This homework is due by Friday 3rd March. Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.


This week there were no Golden Leaf and Showstoppers Writing awards because the assembly was directed by some Year 10 students with a focus of ‘Football and Faith’.


Well done to all the children in 5E who have been swimming this half term. All children made huge progress with their water confidence, swimming techniques and breathing skills. The staff at Horizon Leisure Centre were impressed with the speed of progress made by the children and many members of the public complemented them on their behaviour.

5F look forward to starting their swimming lessons after half term – please remember they will need their swimming kit on Thursdays.


Thank you to all the children who have bought in their amazing homework over this Spring half term, we have enjoyed seeing the diverse range of representations!


Have a lovely half term break!

The Year 5 team

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