Week 14 – 16th December 2016
This week the children have been continuing to develop their understanding of the meaning behind Advent in Religious Education lessons. They have also been continuing to produce persuasive pieces of writing linked to our chosen text: Private Peaceful. We have been so pleased with the children’s engagement throughout the World War topic and they have completed fantastic pieces of writing as a result. In maths we have been investigating 3D shapes and the different types of angles.
In the Spring term we will be starting our science-based topic: Space. In regards to maths, the children will be encouraged to go deeper with their learning and applying skills to a range of contexts.
As it’s been such a busy term and we feel the children have worked so well, we’ve only set two pieces of homework for them to complete by the first day back (3rd January 2017). We would like the children to research Guru Gobind Singh and chose their own way to present this information. The second piece of homework involves completing the Christmas homework that is set in their Home Learning Diary. If the children would like to do some of their own learning over the holidays they are, of course, free to do so (for example spellings and times tables)!
Due to the attendance assembly this week there are no Golden leaves or Showstoppper writing to announce. Year 5 had the highest amount of children with one hundred percent attendance, we are so proud! In addition, congratulations to 5F who achieved the overall highest amount of children with one hundred percent attendance in the whole school!
Children have been sent home with their P.E kit, water bottle and any pieces of homework. Just a reminder that the P.E kits and water bottles need to come back on the first day. To remind 5E they will have their exciting swimming lessons beginning the first week back.
Have fun-filled holiday,
The Year 5 team
Week 13 – 9th December 2016
This week the children have been developing their understanding of shapes and types of angles. They have also been looking at persuasive writing and the propaganda used in posters.
For homework the children have Mymaths and need to complete another section from the homework pyramid. This homework is due by next Friday (16th December). Due to 6C day the children will be given their spellings on Monday. Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.
This week Mia Wilson (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave her for supporting younger members of the school on the way to church’ and Harriet Withers (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Omoniyi Akintunde (5F) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to be kind and considerate towards others’. George Crocker (5F) has his work on the showstoppers wall too.
Well done to all the children for helping the younger members of the school to get to and from the Advent service safely. The service was lovely, the children were well behaved and all the people who had a special part to play did extremely well. Thanks to the children who attended the carol service – it was a beautiful start to Christmas. Thanks also for any donations made to CAFOD.
The children have enjoyed their 6C day today, completing a variety of activities and did an amazing job of completing their ‘Mile for Maisie’ with large smiles on their faces! Thank you for the donations made towards the Air Ambulance.
Have a peaceful weekend,
The Year 5 team
Week 12 – 2nd December, 2016
This week the children have been developing their understanding of the meaning behind Advent. They have also been practicing their expanded noun phrases and subject-verb agreement in English as well as writing a diary entry. The children are really enjoying the book Private Peaceful too. In maths we have been investigating time and recapping knowledge.
For homework the children have another 6 spellings from the Year 5/6 list, Mymaths and need to complete another section from the homework pyramid. This homework is due by next Friday (9th December). Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.
This week Kieran Chapman (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him for always working hard and being a wonderful member of the class’ and Onjoro Sumba (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Saoirse Lehane (5F) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave her to be an amazing member of the class’. Bella-Rose Binney (5F) has her work on the showstoppers wall too.
Just a small reminder that we are collecting small amounts of change for CAFOD – every little bit helps. For 6C day (9th December) the children will need their PE kits as they will all be walking a mile for Maisie. There will be a collection for this activity in order to raise money for the Air Ambulance.
Have a brilliant weekend,
The Year 5 team