Monthly Archives: November, 2016

Week 11 – 25th November 2016

This week has been incredibly busy – a trip to Fort Nelson on Monday, which the children seemed to thoroughly enjoy despite the weather; Mass on Tuesday which was a lovely a reflection of prayer and time at Oaklands Chapel with the Chaplain on Thursday afternoon. This helped to reinforce some of the RE learning we have covered for the Prayers, saints and Feasts theme.

The children have also been developing their understanding of units of measure, area and perimeter in maths. They have been completing their audio commentary write ups for English before experiencing the trenches of WWI through drama.


For homework the children have another 6 spellings from the Year 5/6 list, Mymaths and need to complete another section from the homework pyramid. This homework is due by next Friday (2nd December). Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.


This week luke Wheatley (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to support another member of the class during Mass’ and Onjoro Sumba (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Oliver Groves (5F) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to develop his confidence and persevering with tasks’. Cerys Colley (5F) has her work on the showstoppers wall too.


Just to remind children that the weather is now frequently cold so they should be bringing a coat with them every day.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year 5 team

Week 10 – 18th November 2016

This week the children have been developing their understanding of rationing during WWII. In maths, we have been studying area and perimeter of rectangular and squared shapes. We have been continuing English work based on the Piano and plan to make our own audio commentaries to go with the video. During PE the children had their first Fencing lesson which they thoroughly enjoyed.


For homework the children have another 6 spellings from the Year 5/6 list, two Mymaths tasks and need to complete another section from the homework pyramid. This homework is due by next Friday (25th November). Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.


This week Harriet Withers (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave her to persevere in maths and improve her skills’ and Imogen Rivers (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Callum Vowles (5F) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to a fantastic member of the class’. Isaac Ash (5F) has his work on the showstoppers wall too.


Just a reminder about the busy week next week: Fort Nelson Monday, Mass at Sacred Heart on Tuesday and Oaklands Chapel Thursday afternoon.

Please remember to bring warm clothing and suitable footwear for the trip to Fort Nelson.


Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 5 team

Week 9 – 11th November 2016

This week the children have been developing their understanding of the links between the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, as well as looking at Portsmouth before and after the Blitz. We have begun our new topic in English based on a video clip called ‘The Piano’ about war and plan to produce an audio commentary to run alongside the video clip. In Maths we have been learning to convert between mixed numbers and improper fraction, in addition to adding and subtracting proper fractions, mixed numbers and improper fractions.


For homework the children have another 6 spellings from the Year 5/6 list, MyMaths, timetables and need to complete another section from the homework pyramid. This homework is due by next Friday (18th November). Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.


This week Lauren Forssman (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave her to be more independent and trying her best with her work’ and Olivia Perdu (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Liam Benn (5F) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to work hard and persevere’. Camille Nase (5F) has her work on the showstoppers wall too.


Thank you everyone for a respectful and reflective Remembrance Service today.


Have a fantastic weekend,

The Year 5 team

Week 8 – 4th November 2016

This week the children have been developing their understanding of key events from the Battle of Britain. In maths, we have spent the week focusing on developing the children’s understanding of comparing and ordering fractions using < and > symbols (equivalence has played a huge part in supporting this learning). Also, they have been writing a monologue for the Remembrance Service next week.

We are so impressed with the children’s monologues because they all include superb descriptive and emotive language!


For homework the children have another six spellings from the Year 5 work list, MyMaths and a section from the new homework pyramid to complete before Friday 11th. Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.


This week instead of Golden Leaf assembly we had an Attendance assembly where the children who have been in school every day last half term were celebrated. We were pleased to see that Year 5 had the biggest percentage of children who attend school regularly.


If you have not done so already please could we direct you to Mr Cunningham’s blog from today regarding road safety.


Have a fantastic weekend,

The Year 5 team