Homework List
Homework list for Half Term – Autumn 21.10.16
- To practise spellings.
- MyMaths.
- To choose a topic from the R.E page in our Home Learning Book (from the R.E Creation page) and it’s your choice what type of activity to do around this. For example, this could be writing-based or art-based.
- To complete another piece of the Home Learning Pyramid or equivalent.
Week 7 – 21st October
This week the children finished writing their leaflets about Runways End and took them to Year 4 to share. All the children loved it, and we had the Year 4s telling us how much they look forward to going! In Maths we have focused on identifying key words associated with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and using this knowledge to solve word problems involving the four operations. Our new topic in Maths after half term will be fractions.
To consolidate learning of their Year 5 spellings, the children have been given a document with the spellings they have had sent home over the past few weeks to practice. If they show confidence with these words please can you encourage them to use these spellings in sentences to show they understand their meaning. They have also been set MyMaths, R.E homework, one piece of the Homework Pyramid and to continue BugClub to complete by 4th November. Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.
Unfortunately, due to photos taking place in the Hall yesterday, Golden Leaf Assembly was not on. So, this week there are no Golden Leaves or Showstopper writing.
We want to say a big thank you to 5E and 5F for how well behaved, engaged and supportive they were during the 6C Day today. We think all the children enjoyed themselves and exhibited the 6C’s!
Have a wonderful half term,
The Year 5 team
Week 6 – 14th October
This week the children have been developing their understanding of the key events during World War II. They have also been writing about Runways End so that they can produce a leaflet. They will then share the finished product with Year 4. In maths we have focused on multiplication and division. Within these areas we have been consolidating understanding of multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 with whole numbers and decimal numbers.
For homework the children have another 6 spellings from the Year 5/6 list, Mymaths and need to complete another section from the homework pyramid. This homework is due by next Friday (21st October). Children are more than welcome to bring their homework in early if they have completed it.
This week Aidan Kelly (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to support others within the class without being asked’ and Sandy Hardy (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Thomas Gozukucuk (5F) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to persevere and have a mature attitude towards being in Year 5’. Samuel Clarke (5F) has his work on the showstoppers wall too.
Mr Cunningham wanted to say a big thank you to the children who have acted as guides this week and last, showing new parents around the school. They did a marvelous job explaining the school routines while demonstrating how polite and kind they are.
Please remember to send your child with a coat as the weather is becoming colder and more unpredictable.
Enjoy the weekend,
The Year 5 team
Week 5 – 7th October
It’s been the first full week back after our residential and the children have settled back into the school routine extremely well! Thank you so much to those of you who generously donated cakes and biscuits to our cake sale, raising money for CAFOD. We’ll let you know how much we raised as soon as possible.
For homework the children have another 6 spellings from the Year 5/6 list, Mymaths and need to complete another section from the homework pyramid. We have set up the book bands for Bug club so your child should be able to access reading materials now. This homework is due next Friday (14th October).
This week Joshua Tony (5E) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him for his curiosity – going above and beyond with his homework’ and Matthew Evans (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Jacob Kift (5F) received the golden leaf award for ‘using the gifts God gave him to rise to a challenge and succeed at Runways End’. Wendy Wheatley (5F) has her work on the showstoppers wall too.
It was lovely to see the children dressed in bright colours for American day/ to raise money for CAFOD. They enjoyed their special meal too.
Miss Fleming would like to say how wonderful a week 5F had at Runways End – the children completed many challenges, were a credit to the school and had a fantastic time learning new skills.
Just to remind children that the weather is now on the turn so they should be bringing a coat with them every day.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 5 team