Week Ending 4.1.16

Year 5 have had a great first week back after Christmas; it has been lovely to hear that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing break.


New RE homework sheets have been handed out-remember that at least 1 activity should be completed this half term.

Topic homework is continuing with the same sheet as last half term, though the children have been set the challenge of creating a 3D WW2 structure to go on our display unit in our Year 5 area. They can create anything WW2 related so get creative!


Abacus: 2 activities have been set for children to practise their mental addition and their times table knowledge.
Timestable sheet: At least one sheet to be completed for next Friday.

Children to complete the practise sheet sent home on Friday.

2 new books have been added to the children’s reading list for Bug Club.

Have a great week!
Year 5 team.