Weekly Home Learning
This week we have been focussing on using spelling rules to spell words with the suffix ‘cial’ and ‘tial’, such as official.
Children can practise the words that they didn’t get right at home this week in our test. The spelling sheet is given out each Friday afternoon and is stuck in home learning books.
However, If you scored 15/15 on the recent spelling test, use the dictionary to find trickier words with this suffix or try and write a sentence using your spellings.
This will be checked the following Friday.
Times Tables:
Times tables are a massive focus during this current year. Children will bring home a multiplication sheet with a particular times table they have struggled with. Children can practise these ready for next weeks multiplication challenge which take place every Friday afternoon.
We are looking forward to seeing the progression the children are making in their current spellings and multiplication.
Thank you so much for your support at home.
The Year 5 Team
Welcome back year 5!
Welcome back year 5!
We have had a great start to the school year and the children have already settled well into the routines of year 5 and their new classes. It has been lovely to see everything the children have been up to over the holidays in their summer learning books and we’ve been really impressed with the amount of effort they have put into their books. They are now in our class libraries for everyone to see!
We have started our new topic ‘Ancient Egypt’ and the children are really excited to find out more about Egyptian Gods and Goddesses and to create their own cartouche’s. We have created a home learning pyramid to give the children ideas about what they could do at home. We have given these to the children but we have also attached it below to make sure everyone has a copy.
The children are still expected to read regularly at home/BugClub and complete Abacus activities regularly. We have updated BugClub and Abacus so the children can get started!
We will also be sending spellings home for the children to learn every Friday, starting next week Friday 18th September.
Thank you to those of you who were able to come to the welcome evening last week. For those of you who were unable to make it, we have attached a copy of the powerpoint we used.
There is a Runways End meeting next week – Monday 14th at 6:00pm.
We are looking forward to the year ahead and will keep you updated with the learning we are doing every week on this blog!
Thank you,
Year 5 Team