Monthly Archives: May, 2015

Year 5 Swimming

This week, year 5 started their swimming lessons at Waterlooville leisure centre.

Children arrived at the pool and after changing, were quickly assessed by the instructors, put into groups and then put through their paces.

5W have their swimming lessons on a Wednesday afternoon, and 5C’s are on a Friday afternoon.

Returning to school is always a bit of a rush because it is necessary to make two minibus runs. If there are any other parents who would be able to help to transport children to and from school, it would be much appreciated.

Please speak to either myself or Miss Whitehead if this is something you would like to volunteer for.

Mr C

Home Learning

Thank you to all the children who brought in their home learning for our Ancient Egypt topic last half term. We have seen some amazing models, power points and fact files showing excellent commitment to learning at home.

This half term year 5 will be investigating coasts in the UK and around the world. The children will be using mapping skills, learning about erosion and deposition and how they can sustain our coasts and much more!

They have received home learning pyramids (attached below) in line with this topic and RE focussing on our current unit of Easter. They should choose at least one of the activities to complete by the 22nd of May (the last day of term).

We look forward to seeing what home learning year 5 bring in!

The Year 5 Team

Easter2 Investigating coasts 2