Friday 1st February

Dear all,

In English this week, we have continued with our Goodies vs Baddies unit. This week we have been evaluating texts to find features that create atmosphere and tension. We then used these features to help us plan and begin our final drafts.

In Maths we have been continuing our Statistics unit with analysing data and transferring it into bar charts, choosing an appropriate scale. We continue this next week by introducing line graphs. Please continue to support the children’s times tables learning, with secure times table knowledge this really supports learning across other units including fractions and multiplication and division.

In RE this week, we continue our Revelations unit, the children explored whether you are able to go to Heaven if you have sinned. They came up with some very convincing cases which were supported by their use of scripture.

Tuesday afternoon we were investigating artifacts excavated from the site where the new building will stand. After our investigation we found that they were Anglo-Saxon, we hope to learn more about this in the future. We had a lovely time Thursday afternoon, when we all took part in dance activities at Oaklands. Thank you to the year 9 children who taught us new dance routines.

Please continue to encourage your children to take part in the reading challenge; the prize for completing the reading challenge and being drawn from the hat is a trip to Rock Up in Whiteley which the children are very excited about.

With less than two weeks left, continue to support your children with their off by heart poetry. We are all looking forward to hearing their performances.


Golden Key

4s: Joshua Hill: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to share his learning and focus more on his work task.’

4B: Charlie Wright: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to have a positive learning attitude and enthusiasm for maths.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Ruby Browne: ‘For producing a thoughtful response to her viewpoint in RE.’

4B: Daniella Pacheco: ‘For creating a well-argued response to her question in RE.’


Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be updated each day in the home learning diary and this is checked on a Thursday.

We hope you have a lovely week.

The Year 4 Team

Friday 25th January 2019

Dear all,

In English this week, we have continued with our Goodies vs Baddies unit. We have been exploring different vocabulary to describe the actions of Peter Pan and Captain Hook. The children became reporters and created their first draft of the action to submit to their ‘Editor’. They were motivated through their drama activities to meet this deadline today.

In Maths, we have completed our Fractions unit. Over the unit, the children have been finding unit fractions (1/4, 1/3/, 1/8 etc) of shapes and amounts, non-unit fractions (3/4, 2/5 etc) of shapes and amount, finding equivalent fractions ( e.g ½ = 2/4, 2/6 = 4/12) and applying this fluency to problem solving and reasoning. Your child may need to consolidate some of these objectives further so they can continue to practise fractions as part of their home learning.

We began our Statistics unit with analysing data and transferring it into bar charts, choosing an appropriate scale. We continue this next week.

In RE this week, we continue our Revelations unit, using what we learnt about the transfiguration last week to create their own prayers to praise God for revealing himself through Jesus and how this is revealed in their lives.

Please continue to encourage your children to take part in the reading challenge; the prize for completing the reading challenge and being drawn from the hat is a trip to Rock Up in Whiteley which the children are very excited about.

Also continue with learning their chosen poem for the performance poetry final in March; we can’t wait to see their performances during the last week of this half term for the children to vote who represents Year 4 in the final.


Golden Key

4s: Arabella Willis: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to show resilience in her learning and challenge herself.’

4B: Hollie King: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to show resilience in her learning and challenge herself.

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Francisco Joshy: ‘For producing descriptive sentences for effect using precise vocabulary.’

4B: Daniel Tan: ‘For using precise vocabulary in his sentences.’


Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be updated each day in the home learning diary and this is checked on a Thursday.

Thank you for the Marwell trip responses, please return permissions slips by Friday 1st February for final arrangements to be made. Many thanks.

We hope you have a lovely week.

The Year 4 Team

Friday 18th January 2018

Dear all,

In English this week, we have continued with our Goodies vs Baddies unit. We have been exploring different vocabulary to describe the actions of Peter Pan and Captain Hook and developing our thesaurus skills.

In Maths, we have started our Fractions unit. This week we have been exploring a new fractions problem. To develop our skills we have been learning how to add and subtraction fractions and finding fractions of amounts.

In RE this week, to begin our Revelations unit, we have learnt about the transfiguration. We have explored the links between the scripture and art work.

We had a visit from, Indie, a guide dog and their trainer on Tuesday. The children found it funny to watch Miss Burch and Miss Stapley order numbers blindfolded, but this showed how difficult simple tasks can be without sight. We had the opportunity to learn about the positive impact a guide dog can have, ask questions and stroke Indie.

Please continue to encourage your children to take part in the reading challenge; it has been lovely to see so many already ticking off the books. The children are already enthusiastic about the performance poetry; we can’t wait to see their performances later in the term.


Golden Key

4s: Matthew Alexander: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to engage in his learning by contributing in class and sharing his understanding’

4B: Joshua Green: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to develop his behaviours both in the class and playground.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Chritabel Osawe: ‘For producing a creative play script and using it to create a piece of drama.’

4B: Lily Gozukucuk: ‘For editing her play script to include different features, like stage directions.’


4S: Leo Veal: ‘For staying focused and challenging himself with his learning.’

4B: Caitlin Meechan: ‘For challenging herself and justifying her mathematical choices.’


Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be written in the home learning diary each day.

Thank you for the Marwell trip responses, please ask for a spare letter if you need one.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

Happy New Term

Dear all,
In English this week, we have started our Goodies Vs Baddies unit and have been exploring what makes a good and bad character. We have used drama activities to explore the minds and actions of such characters. The children wrote playscripts with a partner to perform in the roles of Goodies Vs Baddies.
We have given out the Spring Reading passport for the children to start to complete and the children also were given a poetry performance booklet to begin to learn a chosen poem off-by-heart.
In Maths, we have started our Fractions unit. This week we investigated different problems associated with unit fractions and equivalent fractions. Next week we will be continue to investigate further problem solving activities.
In RE this week, following Epiphany, we have looked at the symbols of angels and how angelic behaviour can be seen in people in our own world.
Golden Key
4s: Chloe Brown: ‘For a great start to the new term with a ‘can-do’ learning attitude.’
4B: Harvey Cope: ‘For showing a more focused start to 2019.’
Showstopper Writer:
4S: Roberta Ouatu/Promise Mndzebele: ‘For working collaboratively on understanding characters actions/motives.’
4B: Phoebe Churcher/Hollie King: ‘For describing Captain Hook through his facial expressions.’
Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be written in the home learning diary each day.
A letter about our Marwell trip was sent home on Friday.
We hope you have a lovely week.
The Year 4 Team

Final Week

What a busy week! We have been finishing our learning for this half term this week. On Wednesday morning the children enjoyed watching and participating in a pantomime. Thursday afternoon we enjoyed a candle lit carol service as a whole school, a lovely way to end the term.

Showstopper writing

4s – Joshua Hill – for writing an extended piece of writing showing great commitment.

4B – Mikayla Black  – for developing her writing in response to feedback

Golden Key

4S – Nicole Chen – For using the gifts God has given her to improve her attitude an commitment to her learning.

4B – Emily Long – For using the gifts god has given her to be a respectful and helpful member of the class.

We hope you have a relaxing Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you all in 2019!

Year 4 Team

Penultimate week!

Dear all,

The week ends with a fabulous Christmas Jumper Day. A big thank you for all your contributions to go towards Save the Children.


In English this week, we have nearly completed writing the text for our explanatory leaflets. We will complete next week and then publish our explanation leaflets for how to care for a magical snowman. Look out for them in the school office!

Just another reminder of links for suggested book reads for Year 4. Please find attached a suggested link for some challenging suggestions of new reading.

In Maths, we have started our Geometry unit. This week we investigated different problems associated with angles, properties of shape and different types of lines (parallel, perpendicular, diagonal). Next week we will continue with shape and look at symmetry with a Christmas theme. We will be continuing to focus on developing the children’s times table skills and related division facts as these will help the children in our upcoming fractions unit.

We have had many queries about greater depth questions on Sumdog. With every 100 questions completed there is a new and greater challenge.

In RE, we continue with our Advent unit looking at the ancestry of Christ through scripture relating to the Jessie Tree.


Golden Key

4s: Albie Brough: ‘For being a helpful and thoughtful member of the class.’

4B: Joseph Lyon: ‘For showing commitment to his learning.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Nicole Chen: ‘For writing an introduction to hook the reader.’

4B: Alfie Wingrove-Cross: ‘For his effective opening to his explanation text.’


Monday 17th December 2.15pm Year 4 Music concert in the school hall. It would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible.

Wednesday 19th December – Christmas Lunch

Friday 21st December – Inset Day

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

7th December

Dear all,

In English this week, we have designed layouts for our leaflets. We also consolidated our learning on causal conjunctions. We have had requests from parents for suggested grammar websites for Year 4. Please find attached a suggested links:

Also, we have had requests from parents for suggested book reads for Year 4. Please find attached a suggested link for some challenging suggestions of new reading.

In Maths, we have bought our measures unit to a close. This week we investigated different perimeter lengths. The children enjoyed the challenge of finding different perimeter lengths, for a set of ‘paving stones’.  We are continuing to focus on developing the children’s times table skills and related division facts as these will help the children in our upcoming fractions unit.

In RE, we continue with our Advent unit looking at prophesies for the birth of Christ.


Golden Key

4s: Jacob Chapman: ‘For contributing more in groups and class to help his learning.’

4B: Tilly Horton: ‘For being a resilient and enthusiastic learner.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Benji Ford: ‘For thinking critically in RE.’

4B: Eva Hirmiz: ‘For her critical thinking and reflection during RE.’


There is a Carol service at Sacred Heart on Wednesday 12th December 6 -7 pm. It would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible.

We have had many queries about greater depth questions on Sumdog. With every 100 questions completed there is a new and greater challenge.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

Friday 30th November 2018

Dear all,

In English this week, we have been publishing our story opening for The Snowman and begun to look at examples of explanation texts to produce our ‘How to look after a magical snowman’ guide.

In Maths, we have continued with our measures unit. We have been learning different skills to solve problems related to litres and millilitres. We are continuing to focus on developing the children’s times table skills and related division facts as these will help the children in our upcoming fractions unit in the new year.  Next week, we will be completing our measures unit with perimeter and area.

In RE, we continue with began our Advent unit looking at our own family trees to prepare us to look at the Jesse tree relating to the birth line of Christ.


Golden Key

4s: Fern Layton: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to commit to her learning, always with a smile.’

4B: Hanna Halas: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be a helpful member of the class.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Oliver Cook: ‘For writing an effective story opening to interest the reader.’

4B: Daniel Ostrowski: ‘For editing and thinking critically about his writing.’


Advent Service 10.10am Tuesday 4th December – If you could help with walking to the church, it would be greatly appreciated. Please send in the reply slips with your child on Monday/Tuesday.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

Friday 23rd November

Dear all,

In English this week, we have been writing and editing our story opening for The Snowman. We have been using a variety of different sentence types to make our writing more appealing to the reader.

In Maths, we have continued with our measures unit. We have been learning different skills to solve problems related to time.  We are continuing to focus on developing the children’s times table skills, these are vital in upcoming math’s units.

In RE, we continue with Prayer, Saints and Feasts unit this week we have written a ‘Guide to prayer’.

The second week of Anti-Bullying fortnight we looked at being tolerant of other cultures and faiths, and celebrated our differences.


Golden Key

4s: Amelie Booth: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to be a kind and caring member of the class.’

4B: Aston Lewendon: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be a kind, hard-working member of the class.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Stanley Perriman: ‘For editing his story sentences effectively for the reader.’

4B:Poppy Taylor-Sayers: ‘For using her critical thinking skills in her RE Guide.’


Please send in a coat (hat, scarf and gloves) and water bottle with your child– changeable weather will ensure that the children are warm and dry and with our school’s reduce plastic cups initiative, the children need to take a water bottle in to lunch each day.

As the weather gets colder, we will still be undertaking PE outside so could you please send in a pair of plain black leggings or tracksuit bottoms if your child doesn’t already have a pair in their kit.

We have had a lot of children misplace jumpers, PE kit and cardigans over the last week. Please ensure that each item of clothing is named. We encourage children to place items they have removed in a recognisible/memorable place (chair, bag, coat peg, or PE bag) to avoid them being lost.

Parents evening – 27/11/18 and 28/11/18

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

Friday 16th November 2018

Dear all,

In English this week, we have continued looking at the Snowman and have begun to plan our story opening. We have been using our sentences skills and story techniques to write sentences and paragraphs to apply these skills and form the structure in our planning.

In Maths, we have continued with have begun our measures unit and have focused on children learning more efficient methods to calculate money in order to solve a focus problem. We have also been focusing on developing the children’s times table knowledge. Please encourage your children to practise at home using games and activities. Sumdog is a good resource for this type of consolidation. For those children, who are confident with tables then we have been looking at their related division facts.

In RE, we continue with Prayer, Saints and Feasts unit and have looked at the Hindu festival of Diwali and at a prayer said during the celebrations. We used this as a stimulus to create our own prayers for our class prayer book and hall display.

This week saw the beginning of our Anti-bullying fortnight with wearing odd socks. The children explored each others differences and how we can value diversity. Next week, we will look at we can be tolerant of other cultures and faiths.

A big thank you for all family members that walked with the children and attended the Remembrance mass at Sacred Heart church on Tuesday. The children were amazing and enjoyed such a special occasion. We look forward to hopefully seeing you at the whole school Advent Mass in a few weeks time.


Golden Key

4s: Liberty Ricketts: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to be a kind, thoughtful, helpful and funny member of the class.’

4B: Phoebe Churcher: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to commit to her learning.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Amelie Booth: ‘For creating effective short sentences to show character’s actions.’

4B: Aston Lewendon: ‘For being a reflective learning when editing his writing.’


Please send in a coat (hat, scarf and gloves) and water bottle with your child– changeable weather will ensure that the children are warm and dry and with our school’s reduce plastic cups initiative, the children need to take a water bottle in to lunch each day.

As the weather gets colder, we will still be undertaking PE outside so could you please send in a pair of plain black leggings or tracksuit bottoms if your child doesn’t already have a pair in their kit.

We have had a lot of children misplace jumpers, PE kit and cardigans over the last week. Please ensure that each item of clothing is named. We encourage children to place items they have removed in a recognisible/memorable place (chair, bag, coat peg, or PE bag) to avoid them being lost.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team