Friday 23rd November

Dear all,

In English this week, we have been writing and editing our story opening for The Snowman. We have been using a variety of different sentence types to make our writing more appealing to the reader.

In Maths, we have continued with our measures unit. We have been learning different skills to solve problems related to time.  We are continuing to focus on developing the children’s times table skills, these are vital in upcoming math’s units.

In RE, we continue with Prayer, Saints and Feasts unit this week we have written a ‘Guide to prayer’.

The second week of Anti-Bullying fortnight we looked at being tolerant of other cultures and faiths, and celebrated our differences.


Golden Key

4s: Amelie Booth: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to be a kind and caring member of the class.’

4B: Aston Lewendon: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be a kind, hard-working member of the class.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Stanley Perriman: ‘For editing his story sentences effectively for the reader.’

4B:Poppy Taylor-Sayers: ‘For using her critical thinking skills in her RE Guide.’


Please send in a coat (hat, scarf and gloves) and water bottle with your child– changeable weather will ensure that the children are warm and dry and with our school’s reduce plastic cups initiative, the children need to take a water bottle in to lunch each day.

As the weather gets colder, we will still be undertaking PE outside so could you please send in a pair of plain black leggings or tracksuit bottoms if your child doesn’t already have a pair in their kit.

We have had a lot of children misplace jumpers, PE kit and cardigans over the last week. Please ensure that each item of clothing is named. We encourage children to place items they have removed in a recognisible/memorable place (chair, bag, coat peg, or PE bag) to avoid them being lost.

Parents evening – 27/11/18 and 28/11/18

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

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