Author Archive: Miss Plummer

World Book Day

Wow! What an exciting day world book day was!


There was lots going on around the school with each teacher running a different workshop for children to go to. The children were all mixed up so our Year 4’s got to mix with lots of other year groups. It also meant that we tried a variety of activities.

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Can you guess who this is?



We hope that the children shared the excitement that they had on world book day and became enthusiastic about the enjoyment to be found in books.

If your child wishes to use some of the ideas from World Book Day as part of their home learning we encourage them to do so!

Also don’t forget the usual home learning on my maths and abacus that we expect to be done each week and are updated regularly.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Butser Ancient Farm trip!



Next half term we will be starting our new topic based on the Saxon settlement into Britain. To kick off this topic in an inspiring way we have organised two exciting events for the children.

In the first week of the new half term we will be visting Butser Ancient Farm where the children will be able to explore Saxon buildings and gain an insight into the Saxon way of life. In the second week we will be having a special Saxon visitor who will introduce children to Saxon story telling and other aspects of Saxon culture.

You can find our letter here: Butser Hill.Saxon visitor


Thank you,

Year 4 team

Marvellous Maths!


Thank you to all of you who were able to attend our marvellous maths evening yesterday! We hope you found it informative and feel more confident in supporting your child. For those of you who were unable to attend, we have attached a copy of the booklet we gave out which includes the calculation methods the children use at school.

Calculation methods

Again, we are so impressed with the home learning that the children are doing and pictures of this will be on the blog soon.

Keep up the good work year 4!

The year 4 Team

Year 3 and 4 Mass – Tuesday 27th January 2015

Next Tuesday, 27th January 2015, the Year 3 and 4 children will be celebrating Mass at School.  Our theme for the Mass will be ‘light’. We would like to invite you to join us for the Mass which will begin at 10:15am.

We hope to see you there.

Year 4 Team

A New Year and a New Exciting Topic!


Welcome back to a brand new year! We hope that everyone is settling well into the routine of being back at school. We have hit the ground running and already have been working hard on our new topic…



Our new topic is a Geography focused topic looking at the state of Florida as well as things to do with the Magic Kindom itself. We will also be comparing North America to England. As with each new topic your child is going to be given a new home learning pyramid; on this pyramid there will be ideas of the kinds of things that your child can explore as part of their home learning each week. This pyramid is not designed to be a tick list of things that have to be done but rather a source of ideas and inspiration that the children can take where they like. You’ll see these pyramids in your child’s home learning book today!

As ever MyMaths and Abacus have been updated, we know how much you enjoy these so please don’t forget to go on the websites!

In English a the moment we are exploring fantasy stories so if you can get down to your local library to find some fantasy books or introduce them to some of your favourite fantasy stories, this will help to support their understanding of the genre.

In maths at the moment we are emphasisng the importance of place value and how it can support the speed of mental addition and subtaction.

In RE we are about to look at our unit Revelation. In your child’s home learning diary there will be some informatonn of things that you can do at home to support their understanding of this area.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Madness and Mayhem in the Mary Garden!



This week we have been writing up our newspaper reports about the mysterious vandalism that occured in the Mary garden last Thursday. The children have been great detectives and have found lots of evidence to help find the culprits. They found: Footprints, grafitti, a sign, turned over tables and trays and pots hung over the trees. The place was a mess!


In maths we have been learning about the different types of angles: right angle, acute and obtuse angles and also the different types of lines: parallel and perpendicular.


In spellings we have been learning about homophones and words with ou in such as courage, flourish and round.

The children could practise any of these areas for their home learning this week.


Just a reminder that next week is our Carol Concert at Sacred Heart Church. The Concert starts at 10:15am on Tuesday 16th of December. All are welcome! We hope to see you there!

Thank you for your support,

The year 4 team!

p.s. If you can help to walk with us to the church you are always welcome!


Year 4 Concert!

Dear Parents/Carers,

Yr 4 Music Concert on Monday 15th December 2014 at 2.30pm

As we approach the end of the Autumn Term we will be holding a music concert for you to come into school and enjoy your child’s performance.

This term the children have been learning to play African instruments in the form of Djembes and other percussion. They have been working hard with Mr Stourton, our music teacher from the Hampshire Music Service, to learn and develop new skills.

The music concert will be held in the school hall on Monday the 15th December at 2.30pm and will last approximately 25 minutes. We really hope you will be able to join us for this concert and celebrate with us the children’s successes in music this term.

We look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Plummer & Mr Austin

Anti-Bullying Week in Year 4!

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week and we have been lucky enough to explore this issue through many different ways:

On Monday we had a debate around a key character in the book we are studying in Literacy and learnt to see things from more than one side.

On Wednesday we had a speaker who came in to talk to use all about hearing dogs for the deaf and this gave us many things to think about.

Finally today, we had a speaker from dogs for the blind. They came in and talked to us all about the challenges of living as a blind person and the woderful work guide dogs do.

This has been a great experience for teaching us all about the differences between people in the world around us and why we should all be treated with the same level of respect.


We are really looking forward to Winchester Science Museum coming in tomorrow and supporting all the learning we have already been doing about sound! Lots of photos to follow!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Winchester Science Museum Visit for Year 3 and 4

Winchester Science Museum Visit for Year 3 and 4

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Friday 21st November, the children will be lucky enough to have a visit from a specialist Science teacher from Winchester Science Museum.  She will be spending the morning with the Year 4 children who will be taking part in the ‘Sounds interesting’ workshop.  In the afternoon, she will be working with the Year 3 children on the ‘lights and shadows’ workshop.

In both workshops, the children will be able to have a hands on experience using the resources provided by Winchester Science Museum. The workshops are designed to be investigative and will support the curriculum covered this term in both Year groups.

We would be grateful for a contribution of £2.00 for your child’s workshop.  If you are able to pay online this would be greatly appreciated as this is a more secure way of paying.  If not, please send your contribution into your child’s class teacher in a named envelope.

Year 4 team

Our new topic – Pitch Perfect!


It has been a great first week back where we have enjoyed hearing about what the children have been doing over half term. We have also been really impressed with all of the exciting home learning that has been going on. So far we have shared powerpoints, drawings, stories and models.

This term we are starting our exciting new topic – Pitch Perfect!

We have created a new pyramid of home learning ideas that is linked to the topic and they are now stuck in the children’s home learning books.

Pitch Perfect for blog

We hope that you have lots of fun exploring these things at home. We have many things planned that will let us explore sound in lots of ways! We are really looking forward to the rest of this half term and all the learning that we are going to do!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team