World Book Day

Wow! What an exciting day world book day was!


There was lots going on around the school with each teacher running a different workshop for children to go to. The children were all mixed up so our Year 4’s got to mix with lots of other year groups. It also meant that we tried a variety of activities.

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Can you guess who this is?



We hope that the children shared the excitement that they had on world book day and became enthusiastic about the enjoyment to be found in books.

If your child wishes to use some of the ideas from World Book Day as part of their home learning we encourage them to do so!

Also don’t forget the usual home learning on my maths and abacus that we expect to be done each week and are updated regularly.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

One Response

  1. I guess they are Mr Austin and Mrs Hudson it was a amazing day I agree

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