Friday 30th November 2018

Dear all,

In English this week, we have been publishing our story opening for The Snowman and begun to look at examples of explanation texts to produce our ‘How to look after a magical snowman’ guide.

In Maths, we have continued with our measures unit. We have been learning different skills to solve problems related to litres and millilitres. We are continuing to focus on developing the children’s times table skills and related division facts as these will help the children in our upcoming fractions unit in the new year.  Next week, we will be completing our measures unit with perimeter and area.

In RE, we continue with began our Advent unit looking at our own family trees to prepare us to look at the Jesse tree relating to the birth line of Christ.


Golden Key

4s: Fern Layton: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to commit to her learning, always with a smile.’

4B: Hanna Halas: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be a helpful member of the class.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Oliver Cook: ‘For writing an effective story opening to interest the reader.’

4B: Daniel Ostrowski: ‘For editing and thinking critically about his writing.’


Advent Service 10.10am Tuesday 4th December – If you could help with walking to the church, it would be greatly appreciated. Please send in the reply slips with your child on Monday/Tuesday.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

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