Friday 5th October

Dear all,

In English this week we finished our character descriptions, inspired by Stitch Head. The children spent time editing and redrafting their descriptions before evaluating their own writing on Friday. Next week we will begin a new writing journey by evaluating different diary extracts; at the end of the unit the children will write their own diary entry based on our class text.

In Maths, we have continued our addition and subtraction unit. This week we have focused on increasing our confidence when using different strategies to solve addition problems. Next week we will be looking at using similar strategies to solve subtraction calculations and problems.

4B’s belated Mathmagician: Charlie Wright: ‘For his resilience when faced with a challenge’.

In RE, we continued to learn about renewable energy sources, linking to both stewardship and our science topic. As part of CAFOD’s Power to Be campaign, the children wrote their promises to save energy and prayers to create a sun which is displayed in class.


Golden Key

4s: Roberta Ouatu: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to be a fantastic role model in learning and behavior.’

4B: Eva Hirmiz: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to consistently work hard through all her lessons and is a pleasure to have in class.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Promise Mndzebele: ‘For writing an effective character description from an alternative view point.’

4B: Phoebe Church: ‘For her use of expanded noun phrases to describe her character.’


Please remember to send a coat/rainmac in every day due to the ever changing weather.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 4 Team

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