Monthly Archives: March, 2015

Beowulf by the fire!


This week we have continued to enjoy learning about Beowulf and the Saxons. We decided to have our own storytime around a campfire as they did in Saxon times. The children were given the choice of what they wanted to write about Beowulf and decided on stories, diary entries, letters and information leaflets about the Saxons. We were very impressed with the descriptive language the children used and how much they entertained us around the camp fire! Some children even overcome their fear of public speaking and gave it a go anyway.

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The clarinet concert will be held next Monday at 2:30pm in the hall and we hope to see you there!


Home learning:

Abacus and Mymaths have been updated as usual with some fractions and place value work as we are working on fractions at the moment in class. The children have been learning to find equivalent fractions and how to add fractions with the same denominator.

Bugclub has now become part of active learn and all of the children’s books have now been assigned to them. So please enjoy the books and activities on there as usual.          


En Mass!


Today we went to Sacred Heart Church to think about Lent through a Mass led by Father Kevin. Before leaving for the Mass we were all excited but we were ready for the long walk!WIN_20150317_092856

Once we were there Father Kevin gave us a very informative tour of the church describing the function of the different items that we see used. During the Mass everyone joined in enthusiastically and those reading communicated the message really clearly. We would like to thank all of the children for the effort that they put in during the mass to make it a success.


In other news we are excited to announce that our Clarinet Concert will be taking place on Monday 30th March at 2:30pm. As ever, everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy hearing what the children have beenn learning this term!

Abacus and Mymaths has been updated and we look forward to seeing every child engaging with these activities.

Thank you,

Year 4

World Book Day

Wow! What an exciting day world book day was!


There was lots going on around the school with each teacher running a different workshop for children to go to. The children were all mixed up so our Year 4’s got to mix with lots of other year groups. It also meant that we tried a variety of activities.

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Can you guess who this is?



We hope that the children shared the excitement that they had on world book day and became enthusiastic about the enjoyment to be found in books.

If your child wishes to use some of the ideas from World Book Day as part of their home learning we encourage them to do so!

Also don’t forget the usual home learning on my maths and abacus that we expect to be done each week and are updated regularly.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Osred the Saxon!


We had a very exciting Monday when we were all summ0ned into 4A by the blowing of a horn by Osred the Saxon.

Through the day we were shown lots of things about who the Saxons were, their language, their way of life and their way of fighting!

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As you can see the children were able to see many different artefacts giving them a really clear idea about what Anglo Saxon life was like!

Remember that you can use the home learning pyramid to come up with ideas to support the learning that has happened in class. In addition to this we have started to teach our lent unit of work in RE, so look in the home learning diaries for some ideas of what home learning you can do to support this!

Thank you,


Year 4 Team