Butser Ancient Farm


As you are aware year 4 have been on a visit to Butser Ancent Farm. We have really learnt how cosy it could be in a roundhouse with the fire to warm you; 4A certainly learnt what it was like hundeds of years ago when it got wet and muddy! The children were given a real hands on experience of the kinds of methods that people had to use hundreds of years ago to make everything they need. We really appreciated how much work it must have been in those times to provide all the things that they needed! You’ll see lots of things that we got up to by looking at the photos below!

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You can also find our new home learning pyramid here:  Saxons Settlers or Meddlers

We hope that this gives you lots of inspiration for your home learning!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

One Response

  1. I really enjoyed this trip if I have another spare time soon I will probably go thanks for the trip

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