Madness and Mayhem in the Mary Garden!



This week we have been writing up our newspaper reports about the mysterious vandalism that occured in the Mary garden last Thursday. The children have been great detectives and have found lots of evidence to help find the culprits. They found: Footprints, grafitti, a sign, turned over tables and trays and pots hung over the trees. The place was a mess!


In maths we have been learning about the different types of angles: right angle, acute and obtuse angles and also the different types of lines: parallel and perpendicular.


In spellings we have been learning about homophones and words with ou in such as courage, flourish and round.

The children could practise any of these areas for their home learning this week.


Just a reminder that next week is our Carol Concert at Sacred Heart Church. The Concert starts at 10:15am on Tuesday 16th of December. All are welcome! We hope to see you there!

Thank you for your support,

The year 4 team!

p.s. If you can help to walk with us to the church you are always welcome!


2 Responses

  1. This was really bad. we were all shoked. we need to write things down

    emily Polley 4A

  2. I was so shoked when i saw it i thought who would do such a thing to a catholic school

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