Winchester Science Museum Visit for Year 3 and 4

Winchester Science Museum Visit for Year 3 and 4

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Friday 21st November, the children will be lucky enough to have a visit from a specialist Science teacher from Winchester Science Museum.  She will be spending the morning with the Year 4 children who will be taking part in the ‘Sounds interesting’ workshop.  In the afternoon, she will be working with the Year 3 children on the ‘lights and shadows’ workshop.

In both workshops, the children will be able to have a hands on experience using the resources provided by Winchester Science Museum. The workshops are designed to be investigative and will support the curriculum covered this term in both Year groups.

We would be grateful for a contribution of £2.00 for your child’s workshop.  If you are able to pay online this would be greatly appreciated as this is a more secure way of paying.  If not, please send your contribution into your child’s class teacher in a named envelope.

Year 4 team

2 Responses

  1. I loved it was the most exciting thing ever at school

    1. Yes you heard great

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