Our Second Super Week

During our second week we have settled in to life back at school. Everyone has responded well to new challenges and have really used their 5C’s to do their best dring the week. During Literacy we were able to enter the jungle to help our setting descriptions (it was really the nature trail shhh!) We have been really impressed by everyone’s enthusiasm for maths and this has let them try lots of new challenges.

Very excitingly we have also had our first music lesson in which we are learning about African instruments, especially the Djembe:


There will be a year 4 performance at the end of the term that all family and friends are welcome to attend. A letter will be sent out nearer the time containing the dates for this.

New tasks have been set for both My maths and Abacus so go and give them a try! Well done to all of you that have already tried these, it is good to hear that people are really enjoying themselves!

One Response

  1. Please let us know how you are finding the websites to use. Also let us know if this has inspired any learning!

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