Happy Holidays!!

We hope you have enjoyed your last year at school and are now looking forward to moving up to your new class.


Here are some activities to keep you busy until then!

In the diary there are 30 challenges with a diary sheet for each. This diary will help you to stay positive over the holidays in a mindful and fun way.  You can get a certificate on completion!

Click on the link..


Certificate link Certificates 2022


I can be smart online. 

Here are lots of tips to help you be safe online this summer!



Memorable moments

Here’s a fun way to remember your last year at school!

Write a list of memorable moments and then draw or write your favourite one in their jar.



Please look through previous blogs for lots of fun activities to help you look after your wellbeing this summer.

Have fun!

Mrs Byrne and Mrs Chapman


Easter fun!

Easter is here so enjoy the break!

Here are 30 challenges with a diary sheet for each. This diary will hopefully help you to stay positive over the Easter holidays in a mindful and fun way.  


Click the link below…



Children’s Mental Health Week 2022

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the aim is raise awareness of mental health issues for children, and to also highlight support that is available.

There are so many things you can do to promote positive mental health and wellbeing, and at St Peters we work hard to make sure that all the children have access to support if needed.


Hampshire County Council Travel Planning Team are supporting Children’s Mental Health Week this year with their Spring into Action toolkit. It is an excellent wellbeing resource for parents to use with their children on the journey to and from school. Just click on the links below for more details:

CMHW Spring into Action parent information



We hope you have a wonderful week, and enjoy working through the activities on the site and talking about mental health and wellbeing together.

Mrs Byrne and Mrs Chapman

‘A child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health’ – Kate Middleton


Welcome Back To School

Welcome back everyone

It is so nice to see you all and we hope you had lots of fun during the summer break!

Here is a 30 day challenge to help you to ‘Express Yourself.’ You can select a new challenge everyday for 30 days or just pick the ones you think you will enjoy. The most important thing is to do them well and be proud of your effort!


Remember Mrs Byrne and Mrs Chapman are always available to listen if you want to talk about anything that you are worried, anxious, scared or concerned about. All feelings are O.K. and we know it helps to talk about them!

The Together Project

Connecting with other people

Now that we can connect again with all our friends and family, we would like to share with you, The Together Project, produced by CAHMS.  Good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. They help you to build a sense of belonging and feel good about yourself.

There are different ideas to help young people like you to have positive relationships.

Click on the images to enlarge, select and print. Printed copies are also available from the Pumpkin room.


We hope you find these activities helpful and begin to enjoy being together again with people you know.

Take care

Mrs Byrne and Mrs Chapman

Back to School!

Welcome back!
The past few months have been very different from any other time we’ve known.
For everyone, there has been a lot of change and now we are having to think about getting back to school. This might feel exciting, or maybe even a little scary. However you feel about going back to school, these activities will give you hints, tips!

We can’t wait to see you!

Mrs Chapman and Mrs Byrne

Children’s Mental Health Week 1st -7th February 2021

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week 1st -7th February… so it’s the perfect time to be thinking about your mental health and your wellbeing.

In school we talk about wellbeing a lot and it’s such an important thing to take care of… just as important as your physical health. This last year has been really difficult for everyone and there have been so many changes for you all. You’ve all accepted and embraced them and done your absolute best and we are so proud of you all for that.

This year’s theme for Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Express Yourself’ so we want you to get creative and celebrate all the amazing things about yourselves. We are going to create a fabulous display outside the Pumpkin Room called ‘Reach for the Stars!’ but we need your help.

We would like you to do the following:

  • Draw around your hand and then cut it out.
  • On your cut out hand, write down some amazing things about yourself – your skills, strengths or talents, or amazing things you’ve done (e.g. some brilliant school work, helping your family,  learning a new skill, sending a gift to someone to cheer them up etc). Anything amazing that you’re proud of!
  • Decorate your hand and make it look beautiful!
  • Take a photo of it and send it to us at: L.byrne@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk

We look forward to seeing all of your amazing creations!

Best Wishes

Mrs Byrne and Mrs Chapman

For more information about Children’s Mental Health Week, please visit: Parents and Carers – Children’s Mental Health Week 2021

What’s going on?

Here is a short story to help you understand why you are staying at home and what a brilliant job you are all doing!

Stay safe everyone!

Mrs Byrne and Mrs Chapman

(click the link below)



Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!
We hope you are all well and enjoying the home learning that your teachers planned for you to do. We understand that sometimes being at home can be challenging for lots of different reasons. When this happens it can make you feel sad, annoyed, angry, or something else! You might just start to feel a bit negative about what is bothering you, this is called a Thought Mix-up! Have a look at the Thought mix-up guide below to help you when this happens, it can really help! Remember you can also talk to your parents, a trusted adult or your teachers if you are unhappy, they will listen and try to help.

You can also email any worries to Mrs Byrne or Mrs Chapman through this email address: adminoffice@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk or call the school number on 02392 262599.

You can print by opening here Thought Mix-ups  or look at the pictures below.




Things to keep you busy!

We have now been back at school for just over a week, and we hope you all had a lovely half term and are settling back into school routine. Things are still a little strange right now and we know that coronavirus is a worry for a lot of people. But we hope you feel happy and safe in school and we are here to help you with any worries you might have.

We know it will be difficult for any of you if you have to be off school to isolate because of coronavirus. So we have included some activities here for you to do if you do have to stay at home. Hopefully they’ll keep you busy and also help you to manage all the different emotions you might have.

In the meantime, if you’re struggling then remember what Winnie the Pooh once said…

‘Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think’.

From Mrs Byrne and Mrs Chapman

(Worksheets are taken from the ELSA Support website and are Copyright protected)


Please right click on the images below and then save them individually to a folder on your PC. You can then go to that folder and open them to print.