Staunton Country Park

We had a great day out at Staunton Country Park! Here are some of the pictures from the day. 🙂

school web 3

school web school web2

D-Day Anniversary Celebrations!

We are all very excited in year 6 to be taking part in the D-Day anniversary celebrations in Emsworth on Friday 6th June 2014.  The children will be travelling to Emsworth on a coach which will be paid for by the organisers.

The children have been creating a short dramatic performance for the event in which they are showing the various aspects of the Second World War. There will be children from other schools who have also been busy preparing performances for the event.

The children will be leaving school at 10:30 and will arrive back to school before the end of the school day.  The performance will begin at 1pm.

The children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink with them.  Please note that if your child is entitled to a free school dinner, the school will provide a packed lunch for them that day if you complete the relevant part of the permission slip that was sent home.  The children will need to wear their school uniform.  If it is a hot day, please ensure that the children are wearing sun screen and have water to drink throughout the day. If it is wet, please make sure the children have appriate coats/jackets.

We fully appreciate that many parents have full time commitments, however, we rely on volunteers to ensure the safety of the children on trips and so offers of help are always gratefully received.  If you can help on the day, please advise the school office or class teacher.

Thank you,

Mr Peplow and Miss Turner

Staunton Trip!

We are looking forward to our trip on Friday. The weather is looking good.  🙂

Children can wear comfortable trousers suitable for the outdoors and an old pair of trainers or wellies. They will need to wear their school jumper please.

The day will consist of team building activitities.

With a trip like this, we rely on assistance from parent helpers to make the trip as safe for the children as possible. Unfortunately, we currently still require more adult helpers. If you think you can help, please advise the class teacher.

Mr Peplow and Miss Turner.

Year 6 Spring learning update!

Spring Learning Update!

Revision for the Easter holidays!

We have had a very successful week with our final SATs practise. We have been impressed by the children’s attitudes towards their tests and the commitment they have shown throughout the term.

We would like to provide children with the opportunity to continue with their revision over the holiday. We are going to send home some revision booklets for the children. These will consist of previous maths test questions for the children to work through during the week; 10 – 20 minutes daily is sufficient. We will also be sending home some spellings for the children to practise over the two weeks.

Here are a couple of recommended websites for further support and revision:

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Turner and Mr Peplow.

Old wellies please!

We are raising money for CAFOD.
Please send in a pair of old wellies and a small donation on Tuesday 22nd April. We will be decorating the wellies and planting seeds in them. The children will be able to take their wellies home and watch the flowers grow.

Hello from Year 6

We have been enjoying our learning about the changes in Britain since the 1930’s. We started by looking at the Second World War and how people’s lives were affected throughout this time.  We experienced the best of the 1970’s and the 1980’s by looking at various sources and artefacts from those periods. We are looking forward to finding out more about the 1990’s after learning a popular dance from that decade. If you have any artefacts from the 1990’s, please bring them into school on Friday 24th March 2014 to share with the class.

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