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Tuesday Fairthorne fun day!!!

A full menu of the school’s learning values were on display in Botley today where the children dived into their first full day of ‘Challenge-by-Choice’ activities that saw them conquer some personal goals!

Cooperation and Curiosity came to the fore in the shape of ‘Raft Building’ and ‘The Climbing Tower’ for the groups. Children were encouraged to visualise on the tower where they aimed to reach and then after a go on both sides of the wall they were able to see by how much they had surpassed their goal! Every child attempted the wall twice and communication became key as children looked to secure their footing and hand holds from their peers below. They were really able to get across the idea of “Place your right foot UP on to the yellow triangle,” for example, to help the climber.

The most fun was debatably on the water where the children built a raft and got to then see if it floated!!! In most cases it was functional although some children ‘accidentally’ fell overboard!

More fun and games await tomorrow – they are currently playing ‘Uno Flip’ in the corridor and enjoying each other’s company!!!

Night Night!

The Year 6 Team.



Day 1 done!!!

Good evening all!

It has been a fantastic first day here at Fairthorne Manor where the children have been blessed with two of their opening activities, a ‘Wide Games’ evening and a showering of sun throughout the day. The children’s torches were in full force tonight when each class played-off against each other in a set of fun games in the relative darkness of the Botley night sky!

Having settled in well to the evening routines already, the children have brushed their teeth and are presently in their rooms trying to rest-up before their first full day tomorrow. All quiet in Ben’s House as we type!!!

Come back tomorrow for further updates!!! A few photos for you below…

Until tomorrow…!

The Year 6 Team

Learning from the experiences of others.

You may be aware that the month of October is also ‘Black History Month’.

In recognition of this, our Year 6 pupils have begun reading ‘Journey to Jo’berg’, a modern classic written by Beverley Naidoo which tells the story of two young siblings who walk the long journey to Johannesburg in order to find their mother. It isn’t until they finally reach Jo’burg that they see up close what life is like for black citizens across South Africa—and begin to really question the unfair and dangerous laws of apartheid.

With apartheid having ended in 1994, we wanted the children to understand more about what life was like in South Africa before this date. Thankfully Miss Wibberley grew up in South Africa and was able to spend a valuable thirty minutes  explaining the laws of apartheid and answering the many questions the children raised.

They will now have a much greater awareness as they respond to their guided reading questions.

Singing in the rain!

Singing is an important part of life at St Peter’s, so it is a pleasure for Year 6 to welcome Mrs Richardson, Head of Performing Arts at Oaklands, to lead our song practice sessions. Each week we will be focusing on some fun songs that involve singing in parts, while also learning about notation. The children are already showing much greater confidence in their own voices and enjoying the challenges Mrs Richardson is setting.

Have a great weekend!

The Year 6 Team

A warm welcome to Year 6!

Many thanks to those parents who attended our welcome meeting on Monday – it was great to meet you all and we hope it was informative. Please see below for a copy of the slides we referred to. You may find the dates slide helpful for upcoming events.


We have also sent home this week two important Fairthorne Manor documents -menu choices and water confidence – that need to be returned by Wednesday 21st September please. We will then pass this on to Fairthorne.

The children have settled into their new environment well this week and we look forward to sharing examples of their learning next week.

We will see the children next Tuesday.

The Year 6 Team


The results are in and…

The Year 6 have had a fabulous week, the highlight of which has to be their brilliant performance of Oliver!

Having put some polish onto their individual parts in morning and afternoon shows for KS1 and KS2, the best was saved ’til last. At 6pm, in front of a full-house of over 300 people, our young thespians started as they meant to go on with a rousing rendition of ‘Food, Glorious Food!’ followed by other well known numbers such as ‘Consider Yourself’ and ‘Oom Pa Pa!’ We are sure that memories of this night will live long in the minds of all the Year 6 Pupils.

The same could be said for outstanding SATs results achieved by the pupils as a result of their skill sharpening and polishing throughout the year. From the table below, you can clearly see that the attainment of St Peter’s Year 6 pupils is exceptionally high, outperforming their peers both in Hampshire and nationally. They should really take heart, satisfaction and motivation from this as they progress on to Secondary School.

Stay cool this weekend ready for Funday Monday!

The Year 6 Team

Sponsored walk challenge – completed!

On Thursday 7th July, fifty eight Year 6 pupils and 7 staff helpers undertook a NINE MILE walk to raise much needed funds for the Two Saints Homeless Charity. Starting from school, quiet roads were followed before they moved onto the Berewood Trail at Purbrook. This was where the main distance was laid down, walking past Berewood Primary before stopping at the picnic tables near the entrance to the Berewood Estate for lunch. We were met at this point by Rachel Mason from the charity who thanked the children and provided support in the form of sweets! The route then took the children to its furthest point, the park off Darnel Road. Despite having covered six miles at this point, they spent a very energetic ten minutes ridding themselves of all excess energy they may have had.

Needless to say, the walk home was a lot quieter!

At the moment, the total that has been raised through donations from friends and family is a staggering £1,554 (including gift aid). This will make a huge difference to the homeless community in our local area – a great cause for the Year Six Stewardship Project.

Some pictures of the day below:

Through the wilderness!

In good spirits!

Thank you for the use of your toilets, Actemium.

Up the hill…

The reward at the top!

A tired but satisfied bunch!

Have a restful weekend.

The Year 6 Team


They now have ‘Bikeability’!

Congratulations to all of our Year 6 children who have honed their cycling skills on the roads around St Peter’s this week.

Thanks to the time spent with dedicated instructors, they are all much more confident and safer cyclists!

Carnival Time – Brazilian Style!

We are so proud of the work the children have put into their Brazilian Carnival performance this afternoon. It was so good to see them all moving to the Samba beat in unison and showing such great independence and organisation.

Many thanks to all parents and family members who attended too.

Don’t forget Bikeability next week – PE kit, BIKE, HELMET and lock!


Have a restful weekend.


The Year 6 Team

Two and a bit weeks ’til the BIG walk!

We thought we would use this week’s blog to say a HUGE ‘THANK YOU” to the kind people who have donated to our sponsored walk on behalf of the Two Saints Charity. The totaliser already stands at an amazing £190!!

If  you have not managed to donate yet, you can find further details on the good work they have been doing to help prevent homelessness in the local community here:

Mr Land and Mr Pratley look forward to seeing you at St Peter’s Fest tonight!

Have a great weekend!


The Year 6 Team