Home Learning Week Beginning June 1st 2020

Welcome back to week one of the final summer term. Below you will find the home-learning activities that will also be used by pupils who are coming back to school.

PE Days

Year 6 children will have PE in the afternoon on Mondays and Thursdays. Please come to school in your PE kit on those days.

If you are learning from home, your teacher will be in touch with you during the week; you are still encouraged to email in one example of your work that you are proud of.


Monday /Task One

Click on the link below and work through Monday Lesson 1, Maths – To recognise 3D shapes.


There are extension tasks here:

Faces vertices edges extension tasks


Tuesday /Task Two

How did task one go? If you are ready to try task two – To recognise nets of 3d shapes  – click below:


If you feel you can imagine the nets in your head quite easily, try these extension tasks:

Nets of shapes extension tasks


Wednesday / Task Three

Today’s lesson builds on yesterday’s learning– To solve problems involving 3d shapes. Click below to get started.


Get your reasoning head on by finding all the possibilities in this Nrich maths problem : https://nrich.maths.org/761


Thursday / Task Four

Task four requires you to  – Illustrate and name parts of a circle. You will need a pair of compasses to complete question 5.


Feeling confident? Why not convince Thinking Tom if he is correct in this statement:

Thinking Tom circle extension task


Friday / Task Five

It is Friday! Log in to MyMaths and complete the assessment quizzes that have been set. There is one for 3d shape nets and one for properties of circles. Play Sumdog to practise these skills more too.



Guided Reading (Grammar and Vocabulary too) (30 minutes per day)


  • Task – Watch the video ‘The Great Realisation’ by Tom Roberts (Google ‘The Great Realisation YouTube’ and click on the first link). It is about Coronavirus.
  • Read the opening extract below from the video-poem and then answer the questions that follow.

The Great Realisation, by Tom Roberts

“Tell me the one about the virus again, then I’ll go to bed”.

“But, my boy, you’re growing weary, sleepy thoughts about your head”.

“That one’s my favourite. Please, I promise, just once more”.

“Okay, snuggle down, my boy, but I know you all too well.

This story starts before then in a world I once would dwell”.

“It was a world of waste and wonder, of poverty and plenty,

Back before we understood why hindsight’s 2020.

Looking at the opening lines of the video-poem

  • Looking at the words above, how can you tell that this opening part of the video-poem is between two people? Explain your reasoning and thinking.
  • What does the man mean when he says, ‘…but I know you all too well.’

What is he getting at?

  • Look at the extract. What does the word dwell’ mean in this extract?
  • What does the line ‘It was a world of waste and wonder, of poverty and plenty’ mean?

THINK – break this line down. What does ‘It was a world of waste and wonder’ mean?

THINK – what does ‘…of poverty and plenty’ mean?

  • Having watched the video, what would you say was, ‘The Great Realisation?’ What did he realise?


Re-read the extract above and then answer the questions below.

  • How can you tell that the boy is tired? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
  • What words and phrases show that the boy is trying to persuade the father that he wants to stay up and listen to the poem again? Give three different words or phrases.
  • What one word shows that the father ‘gives in’ and allows the boy to listen one more time? Write the word only.
  • What does the father think will happen to the boy during the reading of the poem? What makes you think this? Use evidence from the text to support your view.
  • What words show that the story started in the past, years before now?
  • Read the second-to-last line of the extract above.

Which words on this line could show that humans have acted poorly in the past towards themselves, the world and other people?

Which one word on this line could show that humans are fascinated by the world and everything in it? Why did you choose this one word?


Task – Read the next part of the poem below and then respond to the questions that follow.

You see, the people came up with companies to trade across all lands

But they swelled and got much bigger than we ever could have planned

We always had our wants, but now, it got so quick

You could have anything you dreamed of, in a day and with a click

We noticed families had stopped talking, that’s not to say they never spoke

But the meaning must have melted and the work life balance broke

And the children’s eyes grew squarer and every toddler had a phone

They filtered out the imperfections, but amidst the noise, they felt alone.


  • What is a synonym (a word that has the same meaning as another word) in the extract for the word ‘bigger?’
  • What made you decide your choice for (Q1)? What clues did you use from the extract to help you?
  • ‘You could have anything you dreamed of, in a day and with a click…’

What is this line above getting at? Explain.

  • Give a real-life example of this line in action – ‘You could have anything you dreamed of, in a day and with a click…’
  • ‘We noticed families had stopped talking, that’s not to say they never spoke…’

What is this line getting at, as the poet says on the one hand families had stopped talking but actually they still DID speak? THINK – what is the deeper meaning here from the poet? Explain your thoughts on what the line is getting at.

  • ‘…but amidst the noise, they felt alone.’

What was the ‘noise’ in the line above? What could the ‘noise’ have been?

  • Why would the child feel alone when on the mobile phone? What is the word ‘alone’ getting at?
  • This contrast between all the noises the phone brings and the child still feeling alone when on it is really effective in its message. How is it effective?
  • Is the idea of the child or person feeling ‘alone’ when playing with the phone an accurate image of how it can sometimes feel when having a phone-to-hand? Why?
  • From the line in Q6, is it a fair statement by the poet? Why? Why not?

Writing (40 minutes per day)


Look back in your writing book through all of your writing pieces from last half-term.

Choose one writing piece and proofread, edit and improve it. This should take the whole session if done properly. You should be checking for sense, for punctuation, silly-error spellings and for any sentence improvements you think are possible.

If you have not written a piece yet, you need to look on the year 6 Blog from the last half term and carry out a piece of writing of your choice.

Tuesday & Wednesday

Choose the piece of writing you are most proud of over the last half term from your writing book.

Publish this piece – either type it up on a computer or write it, using your best handwriting.

Thursday & Friday

-Plan points for a diary entry. Make your notes and points about how you have been staying positive in your own life during your time at home.

-Now, write a diary entry using more informal language and using a more informal tone.

-Write about how you have been trying to stay positive during these testing times.

-Write about the things you have carried out to remain positive and how these things have made you feel inside.

-You could close the diary with what you hope for the future and what the future will bring. You could use some ideas from the poem we have studied this week, The Great Realisation, to look ahead to the future and consider the world we live in.

– Use paragraphs to section your thinking and writing.


GEOGRAPHY (for the week)

This week we continue our study of Brazil, focusing on its climate. When the Football World Cup tournament was held in Brazil in 2014, the England squad did not want to have to play any matches in Manaus – can you think why not? Explain to someone your thinking using PEE (Point,Evidence, Explanation).

Now watch the following video where England manager Roy Hodgson discusses his reasons.


Can you now extend your initial response supported with evidence from the video?


What is meant by CLIMATE? Look up the dictionary definition for climate. How is this different from ‘WEATHER’?

Write your own definitions for both CLIMATE and WEATHER that will help you remember them.

Within this lesson you will be comparing the climate of different locations in Brazil in order to find a more suitable location for the England football team to play.

  • Why do you think geographers compare the climate of different locations?
  • What will this information teach them?
  • What climate do you think the footballers would prefer? Why?

You  will be focusing on: Brasilia, Manaus, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, and Curitiba. Can you locate these cities on a map?

Now that you have seen the different locations on the map, how do you think their climates will differ? Why?


How do you think geographers present climate data? How would you present it? Why? Climate graphs are used to represent the rainfall and temperature of a certain location over time. You will be studying the average data from each of the locations. Some climate graphs show the highest and lowest temperatures and rainfall as a line graph (because temperature is continuous), although you will be focusing on the average. Precipitation is always shown as a bar graph. Look through the following powerpoint.

Brazil Lesson 2 The Brazilian Climate ppoint


Using the climate data sheet (below), your task is to choose one location and produce a two different climate graphs for it. If you are very confident, you can try and present two types of climate data on one graph.

Brazil Lesson 2 Climate Data

Success criteria:

  • Title
  • Bar chart for rainfall and line graph for temperature
  • Label the x axis- months
  • Label the y axis – rainfall in millimeters (mm)  – temperature in Degrees Celsius
  • Include a key

Analysing the data.

Your final task is to write a  concluding paragraph about your climate graphs. This paragraph should describe and explain what the data shows you about the climate of Brazil. The following key questions will help guide your thinking and ideas:

  • When is the rainfall highest/lowest in your location?
  • When is the temperature highest/lowest in your location?
  • Does this differ to the other location you have studied?
  • Do you think that this would be a better location for the England football team to play? Why?




Johannes Brahms

Go to the website below and watch Radzi Chinyanganya’s video about Johannes Brahms.


Why was Brahms considered to be a musical trailblazer?

Now listen to the whole piece in the second video.

  • Can you spot the changes in tempo? When is it fast? When is it slow? Try moving to the music.
  • Find 2 objects that you could use like drums- 1 should have a high sound (pitch), 1 should have a low pitch.
  • Practise playing them- left, right, left, right – create a steady pulse in time with the music. Does the pulse change?




For this week’s Art Challenge I would like you produce some art that is linked to ANIMALS! Your animal can live on the land, in the sea or the sky. If you prefer, you can make your own mythical animal from your own imagination… or even a fusion of two animals. It can be a drawing, a painting, it can be made from a kitchen roll tube, a painted stone, made from things you find in the woods or at the beach or anything else that you can think of. I’m sure you will create something ‘magical’, as always!

Ideas to inspire you:

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson


2 Responses

  1. Islwyn Mainwaring | Reply

    Thanks for a great first week back Mr P.

    1. You’re welcome Islwyn! It is good to be back to some sort of normal isn’t it!

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