Welcome to another week of home learning for Year 6 pupils. The Year 6 Team are very proud of the commitment and effort you are putting in to this work whilst at home, where there are many other distractions to deal with. All of the tasks you are being provided with help maintain your achievements and progress over the year to date – so keep going!

Once again, focus on the maths, reading and writing first and then pick from some of the wider curriculum tasks 🙂 If you still have a task you would like to complete from last week – that is fine. Keep sending in one example of a piece of work you are proud of to the addresses below:



This week we will be revising and deepening our understanding of: co-ordinates in all four quadrants, reflections and transaltions of shapes. Work through each task using the link. If you want to do a little more, there is an additional, ‘optional‘, task each day to test your understanding.

Following the close-fought  TTRockstars Battle of the Bands tournament, you will be pleased that another has been set for this week. Will it be 2 in-a-row for 6P (in the lead at time of writing this), or will 6L make a comeback?!?

Monday /Task One

Click on the link below and work through Monday Lesson 1, Maths – To describe co-ordinate positions on a grid.

There are two extra questions here Task one explain co ordinates


Tuesday /Task Two

How did task one go? If you are ready to try task two – To translate simple shapes – click below:

If you would like to, work out what has gone wrong with this Task two explain translation mistakes


Wednesday / Task Three

Today’s lesson is – To reflect simple shapes in the x and y axis. Click below to enjoy.

You can work backwards to find the starting point for a reflection with this task Task 3 reflection reasoning


Thursday / Task Four

Task four requires you to  – Solve practical coordinate problems. You will be able to use what you have revised/learnt this week to help. Click on the link below:

If you found that a breeze, there is more of a challenge here Task 4 co-ordinates reasoning


Friday / Task Five

It is Friday! Log in to MyMaths and complete the assessment quizzes that have been set. There is one for arithmetic and one for reasoning 🙂


Guided Reading (Grammar and Vocabulary too) (40 minutes per day)


1) Read the extract below and then answer the questions that follow.

An extract from Chapter One – Moodial, by Helen Cresswell

Even before she came to Belton, Minty Cane had known that she was a witch, or something very like it. She had known since she was tiny, for instance, about the pocket of cold air on the landing of the back stairs. She knew that other ‘happenings’ had taken place within the house she lived in. She did not talk about these things for the simple reason that they did not strike her as remarkable. Their appearance was as commonplace to her as that of the milkman. The only difference was that the milkman did not cause her spine to prickle.

Now, she and her mother were living in a different, smaller house, and her mother was working full time at the hospital. Minty would now come home from school and find the house empty. The weekends, once oases, were now deserts.

“And when it comes to the summer holidays, we shall have to do something about you,” her mother said.

“What?” demanded Minty. “Post me off somewhere like a parcel?”

“That’s an idea,” said Kate. “Registered, of course.”

In the end it was decided that Minty should spend the holidays in the village of Belton, and stay with Kate’s godmother, Mrs Bowyer.

Looking at the prologue of ‘Moondial’ and the start of Chapter One of ‘Moondial’

2) Skim and scan the ‘prologue’ again from last week’s learning (it can be found in last week’s blog).

Is the ‘tension’ and ‘mystery’ that is shown in the prologue kept up within chapter one above? How? Explain your thinking and use evidence from the TWO TEXTS to show HOW the two texts might or might not ‘sound’ and ‘feel’ similar when read.

3) Skim and scan chapter one above.

Where in the text does the atmosphere and setting of the story change?

Mark with a line where it changes.

4) Why did you mark this part of the text to show where the atmosphere and setting change?

THINK – what clues helped you think, “Ah, I can see that the atmosphere and mood of the writing changes at this point here in the text…”

Explain your choices and thinking.

Tuesday & Wednesday

Re-read chapter one above. Answer the questions below.

1) Did Minty think that the ‘happenings’ that had taken place in the house were ‘normal’ to her? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

2) Did Minty think that the things she saw were scary? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

3) Look at the paragraph beginning, “Now, she and her…”

What is meant by the phrase, “The weekends, once oases, were now deserts.” Explain.

4) So, what do you think the word, ‘oases’ means?

5) Minty was not impressed when her mother said what she would do with her in the summer holidays. Find the words in the text that show Minty was not impressed and quote the words only.

6) How do these words you chose show that she was not impressed?


Reflecting on the use of dialogue within a chapter and its purpose

1) Look at the extract above from chapter one again.

Why might the writer have used dialogue after the opening paragraphs of the chapter? Give three possible reasons. (Think about what the job of the dialogue can do…)

2) How does the opening speech of the mother set the ‘tone’ of the dialogue that follows? Explain your thinking.

3) From the dialogue in the extract, do you think the mother and daughter have a good relationship? Why or why not? Use evidence from the dialogue in the text to support your answer. Use more than one piece of evidence to show your view.

4) The atmosphere, tension and mystery within the text changes once the dialogue starts. How does this dialogue change the atmosphere, tension and mystery? Explain.

5) Would Minty have wanted to go somewhere other than her house for the summer? How do you know? Use evidence from the text to support your view.

6) Did Minty like coming home from school to find the house empty? How do you know?


Read the continuation of the chapter below.

“You’ll like that,” Kate told her, and Minty agreed that she probably would.

Mrs Bowyer lived in an old stone cottage right opposite Belton House, which was golden and beautiful and had once belonged to Lord Brownlow. Now it was owned by the National Trust, and was open to visitors from April to October.

“I’ll get in free, I expect,” said Minty, “whenever I want to, with Aunt Mary working at the House, and that. What I’m dying to see is that secret tunnel.”



1) “How does the house Mrs Bowyer lives in differ from the two houses Minty lived in before the summer holidays (at the start of chapter one)? How are they different from each other? Use the text as evidence to support your thinking in how they are different.”

2) Look at Friday’s extract above.

What impressions do you get of the experience Minty was going to have when she stayed with Mrs Bowyer? Give three impressions, using evidence from the text to support each impression.

(THINK about the opportunities Minty was going to have and her surroundings she was going to be living in and be around…)

Writing (50 minutes per day and only one task this week as Guided Reading is quite ‘meaty’)


Finish your sensory setting description from last Friday. If this only takes 10 mins then move on to Tuesday’s writing learning straight after.

Tuesday and Wednesday (Research and plan a Persuasive leaflet for Belton House)

Research Belton House, the setting for the opening of our Guided Reading book, Moondial.

Type into Google – ‘Belton House National Trust.’ Click on the first link available (

Research information about Belton House and what is has to offer the public. As you research, choose three or so areas that your persuasive leaflet will focus on. (Writing about the directions and ‘How to get there’ WILL NOT hook me in and make me want to come really!!!)

THINK about what are the KEY things to be researching and looking for information about…(for example, what is there…Our cause…etc…etc)

On their website, they even have information about their Medieval Gardens and what these were used for during this period in British history! SO, if the Audience you are writing for like their history of Britain, then this could be very persuasive and capture their interest straight away!

Really THINK about who will be reading this and who your audience would and could be…families? People who like their history? People who like their nature and wildlife?

Really think about whether the notes you are making will really add VALUE to what you will write about next and whether the notes you make will tickle the interest of the reader.

Task for Thursday and Friday

WRITE your persuasive leaflet for Belton House!

Think about what sub-headings you will use and what persuasive language and techniques you will use to hook the reader. Think about the direct address to the reader and the use



Art Challenge: UNDER THE SEA

The title for your art this week is ‘Under the Sea’.  This can take the form of a drawing, a painting, a sculpture,  a collage or anything else that you would like to create. As always, I’m sure you will impress me with your creativity!

Click the link for further details and inspiration – Under the Sea Art Challenge


Family Science Activity – Friday 15th May 2020

Balancing Structures

The activity – Make a balancing toy.

Experiment with the design of your toy to find out what affects whether or not it balances.

Learn about the centre of mass of an object and how it relates to whether or not something balances. – activity worksheet in full

What you need:

· A carrot or similar vegetable

• Kebab skewers

• Marshmallows and/or other jelly type sweets, or small pieces of carrot or similar hard vegetables.

• Plasticine or blu-tac

• 500ml soft drink bottle or washing up liquid bottle

Stage 1: Cut a piece of carrot about 3 cm long. Stick a kebab skewer into one end of the piece of carrot and break the skewer so that you have only 2 or 3 cm of it sticking out. Try to stand the carrot piece up on the end of the kebab skewer – you should find this very difficult, if not impossible to do.

Stage 2: Stick a kebab skewer into each side of the carrot so that they point downwards at about 45 degrees. Then stick a marshmallow or other jelly sweet onto the ends of the skewers, as shown in the picture below. Place this on top of a bottle and you should find that it balances.

Get children to investigate what happens when you slide the marshmallows up and down the ‘arms’ of the sculpture and if you add more marshmallows. Stick an additional two or more kebab skewers into the carrot and challenge children to add at least one item to each skewer and still keep the sculpture balanced.

Questions to ask children: With just central part of the sculpture: why doesn’t this stay balanced? Before showing them stage 2: do you think we can use more kebab skewers and anything else to help it balance? Why do you think it balances like this? What can we change? (position of skewers, items pushed onto the skewers, position of things on skewers) What do you think will happen if we change these things? What do you think we need to do to make sure our sculpture balances?

Going further:

Try making some animal-shaped balancing toys:

Make a balancing butterfly:



Ravi Shankar

Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Ravi Shankar.

Why is Shankar considered to be a musical trailblazer?

Now listen to the whole piece in the second video. Make a list of the different instruments you can see. Choose 1 and find out 3 facts about it.


RE – Pentecost

Although this was posted last week, we are still celebrating Pentecost so, if you have yet to try one of the suggested activities, why not have a go this week?!

As part of your RE learning, we would like you to focus upon the upcoming celebration of Pentecost – this day is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday, to remember how the Holy Spirit appeared to the Apostles of Jesus and gave them hope while they were in Jerusalem.

Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Liturgical Year?

– Create a religious crossword that includes the following key words and symbols: wind, flame, tongue, Holy Spirit, disciples, Jerusalem. Can you add more of your own? Don’t forget to record your clues!

– Design a celebration card to spread the Good News at Pentecost – could you post it to a friend to spread joy and hope at this difficult time?

– Write a drama script to ‘act out’ the scene of the disciples as Pentecost with your family at home – what happened to the followers of Jesus?

– Make 10 quiz questions about the Pentecost story. Could you ask a friend or family member about them when you next chat on the webcam/internet, or over the phone?

– Imagine you are a news reporter who has been sent to Jerusalem to find out more about the events that took place at Pentecost. Which 5W questions (who, what, where, when, why) would you ask the disciples?

– Build a model of one of the following Pentecost symbols (flame, wind, speaking in tongues, Holy Spirit) to put on display and remind you that Jesus is near. Which resources could you use from home? Plasticine, recycled plastic, painted cardboard?

– Research the story of Pentecost on the internet, from a Biblical website. Can you draw a thought bubble and record how the feelings of the disciples changed throughout the story?

3 Responses

  1. Me: Looks at schoolwork* ‘I can do this’
    Also me 3 hours later still on my guided reading: ‘I can’t do this…’

  2. Islwyn Mainwaring | Reply

    Mr p wednesday and thursday are the same on the maths

  3. Islwyn Mainwaring | Reply

    Mr p wednesday and thursday are the same on the maths

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