Welcome to ‘The Gallery’. A collection of the work that Year 6 pupils have emailed in.

We thought it would be nice to share some examples of the excellent home learning that has been taking place. Maybe your work could make it onto this page next week?

The class email addresses  are:

PENGUINS CLASS: penguinclass@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk

SEALS CLASS: sealclass@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk


From our telephone chats we know many of you have enjoyed making your own smoothies.

Here is Joseph’s own recipe: Seed Extravaganza. Beautifully presented Joseph!

Love the jar mug Joseph!

Here is Islwyn’s equally impressive creation, named Pratley’s Passion in honour of his teacher!


There has been a good range of English work submitted, all of which has been well planned and thought through. Keep up the good work!

Josh shows a solid understanding of Sophie’s thoughts and feelings in this diary entry.

A letter from Sophie by Siyon.

Josh sent in this explanation of how to ‘free solo’ a rock face. Sorry we cannot make it any larger.

Joseph sent in his Rooftoppers book review; he then had to answer more questions posed by his parents!

Well done Joseph for answering these questions.GEOGRAPHY

Many of you have been enjoying the topic work. Here are a few examples:

We love the way that Hayden has incorporated the different flags into his map of South America.

A very detailed map from Kian,

Seren persevered to paint this Brazilian flag!

Josh Smith made this fact file for Brazil

He also drew this map.


We have also had some lovely science work on adaptation.

Beautiful artwork from Tilly.

Did you know there is a tree kangaroo? Ben does!


One Response

  1. Hi year 6,

    well done to all those people who have worked hard.
    Keep on working hard so when you go back to class you’ll be the top of the class.

    From josh.

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