Welcome back!

Welcome back to some more enjoyable home learning activities for Year 6. All the staff team hope that you and your families are well and enjoyed the wonderful weather over the Easter break. Scroll down to find out what we would like you to achieve this week. Of course, if you would like to take photos of your work, or complete your work on a computer and email it in to the school for us to see please do so.


Visit www.sumdog.com  and practise finding percentages and your 7,8,9 and 12 times tables.

Brush up on your skills with fractions by completing 3 tasks that have been set for you on MyMaths. Remember – you can complete the lesson first if you are feeling a little rusty.

Extra Maths Challenge.

If you are missing your maths learning, why not have a go at the maths challenge below? The slides talk you through the problem. You will be able to create your own smoothie recipe in task 3. Maybe you could design your own packaging and list the quantities of each ingredient? We would enjoy seeing your work if you want to email it in to school.

Update – some of the slides may appear a little blurry. If so, here are links to tasks 1,2 and 3 (you will need to enable flash)

Task one: https://teach.conceptuamath.com/client/PremiumMats.html#activity=Gra5020102w

Task two: https://teach.conceptuamath.com/client/PremiumMats.html#activity=Gra5020103w

Task three: https://teach.conceptuamath.com/client/PremiumMats.html#activity=Gra5020104w

Sharon’s Smoothies – Task One

Maybe you could make this table in a book or on a computer?

Sarah’s Smoothies Task 2

Sharon’s Smoothies Task 3


Guided Reading (Allocated time for task = 30 mins per day; Reading for enjoyment = 30 mins per day)

Monday – (Planning the 6mark answer.) Look at the ‘Alex on the wall’ planning sheet that you have in the writing section of your book. (This sheet has the picture of Alex and Cedar in the middle of it.) At the bottom it is entitled, Guided Reading: Extension’. On Tuesday, you will answer this 6mark question, using evidence and impressions from the film that you watched before Easter. But today you will do the following:

Re-watch the film at least twice to really be able to sense the relationship between the two friends, and make notes around the sheet of this. Really, really try to get into the mind of Alex and how he must view Cedar, and likewise for Cedar’s view of his relationship towards Alex. We know they are friends. We know they must have a ‘special’ relationship, but find other ways to explain and show this. What other synonym words and phrases can you think of that really SHOW the EXTENT of their friendship. THINK – what is the worst case scenario that they could encounter? How would that make each of them feel?

Tuesday – Now, answer the 6mark question from Monday. Use two or three paragraphs to section your thinking. Remember to use evidence from the film to support your impression.

Wednesday – Rooftoppers – read pages 64 – 65. Respond to the questions in your book.

Thursday – Read pages 59 – 63. Respond to the questions in your book.

Friday – Write a set of instructions or an explanation text:

‘How to stay safe at a train station when with your family.’

Include an introduction explaining why this would be of importance and give a summary of the main points you consider to be most important. DO NOT go into these points in detail though – remember to tease the reader and make them want to read on!

Paragraph 2 and 3 should be explaining how to stay safe when you are at a train station.

The final paragraph should close your points, recap the main points AND write about the impact this will have for people in the future. Do you also have any top tips?

Writing (1 hour a day)

Monday – Finish writing your Alex Honnold suspense story. Remember to be editing as you write and re-reading for sense AND checking that you have been using commas to separate your subordinate clauses and your main clauses. If you have opened a sentence using a subordinate clause (a clause that doesn’t make sense on its own) then you will need a comma to separate that clause with your main clause (a clause that does make sense on its own) that follows.

Tuesday – Read this statement below:

‘Alex is careless and reckless with his life when he climbs mountain faces without ropes. He does not think about his family, friends and the consequences involved.’

Only plan your response today.

Plan a developed response to this statement above, making notes about your views of the statement and justify your views using your own opinions. Make multiple points and support them with any evidence from the film OR any of your own opinions, obviously. Write half a page when planning this.

Wednesday – Now, write your developed response to the statement from yesterday. Include paragraphs to section your thinking. This should be about a page in length. Refer to your plan that you made yesterday.

Thursday – What was the role of Cedar in the preparation of Alex’s climb up El Sendero Luminoso? Re-watch the film and make notes about what Cedar had to do. Also, what was Cedar’s role when they were resting the night before? Did they just talk about nothing, or might there have been specific discussions taking place? Explain these ideas in note-form only, for today. Explain and justify why you think Cedar would have had to do the things he did in the days and moments before Alex’s big climb. What kind of person would Alex have wanted there with him? An anxious and intense person?

Friday – You have today and next Monday to respond to the statement and subsequent question below, so do not rush:

‘The role of Cedar was vital and important in order for Alex to climb El Sendero Luminoso successfully. What things did Cedar do that showed his role was important and vital?’ THINK – How did Cedar show this? What things did he do that ‘directly’ and ‘indirectly’ helped Alex succeed? I would watch the film again and jot any thoughts and observations down.

Start writing! You have Monday to finish this too, so do not rush.

Grammar (3 times a week – 1 ½ hours total) Please visit www.Satsbootcamp.co.uk

(30 mins) Click on Literacy bootcamp and select a grammar or punctuation skill that you know you need to work on. Practise makes permanence!

Explore the Learn, Games and Tests and Quizzes options. Play around with these links and test yourself for your chosen skill!

(30 mins) Then, go to Practise SATS tests link in the top right corner. Click on the SPAG Short Answers link. Please carry out the SPAG short answers Test 8. It says to give yourself 45 minutes, but you should be fine with 30 mins for the test!

(30 mins) Go to the Practise SATS tests link in the top right corner. Click on the SPAG Short Answers link. Please carry out the SPAG short answers Test 7. It says to give yourself 45 minutes, but you should be fine with 30 mins for the test!

Spellings (15 minutes every day)

Look, cover, write and check the following words (do this for three days):











(One day) Challenge! What are synonym words or phrases (similar meaning to a word) of: ‘potentially, route, vegetation, sub-optimal, intimidated, slight, feat.’

List them in your book!

(One day) Apply these words into sentences related to Alex’s climb of El Sendero Luminoso.

Friday 17th April 2020 – Religious education

As part of your RE learning and reflection upon Easter, we would like you to complete ONE of the following activities, in order to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Church calendar…

· Design your own Easter Egg and include as many symbols for new life as you can!

· Create a comic strip cartoon of the key events that took place in the Easter story.

· Write a journal that includes the thoughts and feelings of Mary and the disciples, when they had discovered the empty tomb.

· Draw your own Good Friday crucifix and fill it with prayers for Jesus, as well as those around the world who have been working hard and making sacrifices for the good of others.

· Make a prayer station at home, for moments of peaceful reflection. Choose an Easter prayer as part of your worship, from https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Prayer-resources/Easter-prayers

· Build your own Easter word search and include as many religious key words as you can, e.g. Resurrection, Sacrifice, Miracle, New Life, Tomb.

· Decorate your own Easter postcard with a Biblical image. Record your own Happy Easter message and spread the Good News to one of your friends!

SCIENCE – Adaptations

Research in books or online about a rainforest animal. Draw your chosen creature, label its features and write a short explanation of how it has adapted to the conditions it lives in.

You may also like to try the family science activity below:

Family Science Activity – Friday 17th April 2020

Fizzy Bottle Rockets – click on the links below to view a video and download the information sheet.



Questions to ask children:

When tablet is put in glass of water: What do you think is in the bubbles?

Where do you think the bubbles are coming from?

What do you think would happen if we used more than one tablet? Why?

What do you think would happen if we used warm water? Why?

Before making rocket:

What do you think will happen if we put some tablets and water in this bottle and close the lid? Why?

What things could we change to make the rocket go higher?

Going further:

Experiment with different sizes of bottle and different combinations of water and tablets to find out what combination gives you the highest flying rocket.

Does it matter how many tablets you use?

What about if you break the tablets into smaller pieces?

How does the temperature of the water affect things?

Watch a flame powered bottle rocket: http://bit.ly/FlamingBottleRockets

Learn more about propulsion by building a balloon powered car: http://bit.ly/ BalloonCars



Where is Brazil? Use an atlas or online world map to draw the outline of the large country of Brazil.You will have done a similar task in Yr 5.

Mark on the following:

  • All neighbouring countries.
  • The Amazon river.
  • Mountain ranges
  • Major cities
  • Lines of latitude and longitude.
  • Any other points that interest you

Art Home Learning

The title for your art this week is ‘NEW LIFE’.  You can be as creative as you like.  It could be a drawing of yourself as a baby,  a baby animal made out of kitchen roll tubes, a photograph of a tree with buds, an Andy Goldsworthy inspired piece of art made out of natural things in your garden or when you have been on a walk.  Impress me with your creativity!

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you!

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson

KS2 Music Home Learning – Musical Trailblazers

Friday 17th April

Delia Derbyshire and Doctor Who

Go to the website below and watch Segun Akinola’s video about Delia Derbyshire. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ten-pieces/classical-music-delia-derbyshire-doctor-who-theme/zfh792p

Why was she a musical trailblazer?

Can you use everyday objects to recreate the Doctor Who theme tune?

Challenge-can you play around with your sounds and find a way to record them?

2 Responses

  1. Islwyn Mainwaring | Reply

    Mr P,
    Is there a link for the Sarah’s Smoothies work? As I can’t read the blog it is very blurry.

    1. Put the link on now – thank you!

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