Easter Home Learning Activities

Hello Year 6 Pupils and Parents!
We all hope that you and your families are keeping well. It has been lovely to talk to many of you over the phone to hear about how you have been keeping yourselves occupied during this time. Over Easter, please feel free to choose from the tasks below which all focus on Holy Week. Stay safe and have a fantastic Easter break.
The Year 6 Team
Friday 3rd April – Religious education
As part of your RE learning and preparation for Easter, we would like you to focus upon Holy Week – this is when Christians reflect on the final week of Jesus’s life.​Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this special time in the Liturgical Year?
  • Create a PowerPoint that includes information about each station of the cross.
  • Write prayer booklet, to thank Jesus for His sacrifice and offer prayers of strength and support to those who are suffering. 
  • Record the thoughts and feelings of Mary in a journal – how would she have felt at this time? Why?
  • Make a stained glass window about ONE of the stations of the cross that means the most to you.
  • Host a worship session with members of your household. Can you choose a special image or bible passage to use as part of your reflection on the events of Holy Week?
  • Write the words ‘Holy Week’ in large bubble writing and include any relevant religious symbols, signs and Holy colours to decorate it with. 
  • Look up the stations of the cross online and read the Bible story. Can you use drama or role play to re-enact each scene and remember what happened?
Friday 10th April – Religious education
This week, as part of your RE learning, we would like you to focus upon (CHOOSE THE FAITH ACCORDING TO YEAR GROUP STUDY)  Hinduism/Sikhism/Judaism/Islam. ​Can you complete ONE of the following activities, to develop your knowledge of this faith further?
  • A painting of all of the religious symbols found within this faith? Label what each one is called/used for.
  • An information poster including 10 key facts about the religion.
  • Write a diary entry for a follower of this faith – what would their day look like and how would they pray?
  • Build a place of worship for your chosen faith ​(e.g. temple, Gurdwara, Mosque)
  • Create a piece of music that could be used for prayer by the followers of this religion.
  • If you could make a set of rules or commandments for this faith, what would they be?
  • Create a set of top trump, ‘snap’ or ‘pairs’ cards about this faith, to play with your family members.

2 Responses

  1. Hi,
    I hope you got my piece of work [the homework-I made a powerpoint]. It took me around 2 hours to create.If you did get it I hope you like it.

    1. We did thank you Josh, and your impressive English too. Keep up the good work!

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