Year 6 Home Learning 20/3/20 – 26/3/20

Year 6 Home Learning

Week beginning:  Friday 20th March 2020

Guided Reading (Allocated time = 30 mins per day)

Monday – White Fang text. Read the text that is slipped inside your book. Respond to the White Fang questions that are slipped inside your book. Give yourself 30 minutes to respond to the questions.

Tuesday – Rooftoppers – read page 4-6. Respond to the questions in your book.


Read page 8-11. Respond to the questions in your book.

Wednesday – Read pages 18-19. Respond to the questions in your book.

Thursday – Read pages 18-21. Respond to the questions in your book.

Friday – Read pages 24-27. Respond to the questions in your book.



Monday – Turn to your writing work. Respond to the Grammar fluency sheet and answer the task about where the paragraphs end and begin. All you need to do is use a pen to mark where the paragraphs end, and thus, begin.

Challenge – Look at the Busy Place sheet. Use the sheet to label thinking and develop thoughts about what is happening in your Busy Place. Follow the guidance on the sheet and create a set of mini-thoughts to write about. Refer to the LO in your thinking.

Tuesday – Write a detailed description about your Busy Place that follows the LO and write no more than two pages.

Consider the targets you have been working on in class and think about balancing action, description, dialogue and character thoughts and feelings. Use coordinating conjunctions to link independent clauses together and subordinating conjunctions (that create subordinate clauses) to start sentences in different ways.

If you are thinking of greater depth writing, consider the impact your writing has on the audience and the feeling you want the reader to have, as a result. Apply a range of punctuation, including parenthesis, in order to be precise and to clarify meaning.

Wednesday – Continue writing your Busy Place piece.

Thursday – Check and edit your piece.

Friday – On your small sheet, plan and think about your, ‘Most valuable and important job in the world is…’ piece of writing.

Use the one-and-a-half pages to start writing the persuasive piece. Follow the guidelines written on the sheet.

Grammar (once a week – one hour total)

Please visit

Choose ‘revise/literacy boot camp/Day 12 –clauses and phrases.’ Play some games and take the tests.


Spelling –  continuous – 15 minutes every day

Please learn the following words, using your favourite strategies (e.g. Look, say, cover, write, check). Ask your parent to test you at the end of the week:











Challenge! For each word, find two others that follow the same pattern. For these new words, look, cover, write and check them.




Please visit

Go to Maths Bootcamp – Day 3 Multiplication. Watch the video on column multiplication.

Solve these with the column method:

  • 874 x 33 2) 986 x 47              3) 573 x 87


Please complete Arithmetic test 1 (even if you have previously completed this).


Log into MyMaths website (you have your login details). Complete the line graph questions that have been set.


Please complete Practice SATS tests/Reasoning 1/ Test 1.

Allow yourself 40 minutes. You will need your book for workings.


Spend 30 minutes on Sumdog.

Log in to My Maths online. Complete the two volume tasks that have been set.

Use your yellow maths book to record workings and show thinking.


Please complete Practice SATS tests/Reasoning 2/ Test 1

Allow yourself 40 minutes. You will need your book for workings.




4 Responses

  1. There doesn’t seem to be copies of the Rooftoppers text pages 18-27 for tomorrow, Thursday or Friday?

    1. Hi – it will be uploaded in time for tomorrow! Thank you. Mr Pratley

  2. hi this is Seren and I haven’t received the rooftopers text do I need it or were do I find it ?

    1. Hi Seren – the rest of the rooftoppers texts will be uploaded today so it will be there for tomorrow. Well done for keeping up with the work! Mr Pratley.

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