A day of amphibious activity….

With a good mix of water and land-based activities planned in, thankfully the weather looked kindly upon us for Day 2 of the Fairthorne Adventure.

Groups have enjoyed taking part in archery, orienteering, abseiling, climbing, blind trail and SUP – Stand Up Paddleboarding- and are quickly mastering the fine art of selecting the appropriate clothing and footwear for the challenge ahead!

After a filling dinner, it was all outside for ‘Operation Jungle’ – a nocturnal wide-game. After this, all the children have settled down to enjoy a well-earned ‘al-fresco’ hot chocolate and biscuit.

As we speak, the children are currently sleeping, re-charging those batteries ready to go again tomorrow!!! The children have really responded to the ‘Challenge by Choice’ tasks presented to them on the first full day here – they have also realised too, that they can push themselves that little bit more within the tasks which sets a good mindset for the rest of the week!!!

Sorry there are no photos – a genuine malfunction with cropping them to size!

Year 6 adults.


One Response

  1. Thanks for the update – sounds amazing, hope the weather plays along for the next few days. Hope you adults are keeping up!
    More updates when you can.

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