Weekly Blog

This week in year 6, we have been looking at the picture book Tuesday. We wrote a playscript about an interview with a witness. We then turned it into a piece of reported speech.
In RE, we read the prologue of St. John’s gospel. We also looked at the painting called Incarnation, which means ‘word made flesh’. We painted a picture to show verse 5 in the prologue, which is ‘the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it’.
In history, we launched a new topic – the Ancient Greeks. We found out that Nike is a goddess and designed our own trainers naming them after a Greek god.
In maths, we have been learning about fractions and percentages. We learnt how to convert improper fractions and mixed numbers. We also did a mental maths test.
On Friday 9th January, we ahd a Childline asssembly. It was really interesting. They taught us about what we could contact Childline about. They also taught us a fun way to remember the number.
It has been a really good first week of the year. I hope it continues throughout the rest of the year.
Written by Jess, Cameron S, Olivia P, Joel, Freya.

2 Responses

  1. yes we did lots we had lots of fun and i like your perswaseve blog 😀

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