Home learning 11.1.21-15.1.21

Hello everyone, we hope that you are all well and keeping safe. Please take a look at  the below copies of your English, Maths, History, Science, DT  and RE activities which are already on your Microsoft Teams. You shouldn’t need to print anything (you can always write it  out if you need to)  to complete this work, though it would be useful for you to record your ideas down and keep them all together in a notebook or work book at home. You should be able to complete these activities on your own as we understand your grown ups may be working from home. During the live check in sessions, your teacher will suggest the activities you should complete for that day and give you the appropriate briefing. These live check in sessions will be three times a day, except Friday afternoons. We will set you new work for next week and this will be posted on Microsoft Teams every Monday so that you have a whole week to work through it from home. Thank you for your patience last week and well done for giving remote learning a go. The work that has been handed in is excellent.

A couple of polite reminders

  • Children are to choose a small selection of pictures of their work to upload onto Teams. This will then allow the teachers to view the work and give brief feedback.
  • Please remind your children to only use the chat bar for learning purposes only. If they have any question once the live session has ended, they are to message the teacher directly on Microsoft Teams.

Take care everyone, Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.



L.O: To analyse and interpret a setting description from an extract.



L.O: To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes -ary/-ery




L.O: To plan the opening




L.O: To write the opening




L.O: To practise speech with punctuation



Support tasks:

Continue to use the PowerPoint PDF to support your writing of the story opening. Make sure you email us some examples of your sentences.


Challenge Activity:

Can you draw a set of speech bubbles to show a conversation that may have happened between two of the borrowers? Now try to add speech punctuation.



As part of the online lessons, there are weekly spellings set.


Which Prayer
Were Special
You’re Through
Until Though
Believe Threw

WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT: Please send a photo or upload a document of your work on The Borrowers so far. You will need to complete all 5 lessons we have set in order to do this.


Daily Arithmetic: 

Use the following links throughout the week (10 minutes a day) and choose different activity from the one websites a day.

Daily ten – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10

TTR – https://ttrockstars.com/

Sumdog – https://www.sumdog.com/en/

Bitesize – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z826n39

Top mark – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

Maths Frame – https://mathsframe.co.uk/

Maths lessons for this week –

Lesson 1: To be able to read, interpret and comparing pictograms.


Lesson 2: To be able to construct pictograms.


Lesson 3: To be able to read, interpret and compare bar charts.


Lesson 4: To be able to construct bar graphs.


Lesson 5: To be able to construct bar graphs.




If you are finding these too tricky give these lessons ago –

Lesson 1: To be able to read and understand pictograms.  https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-and-understanding-pictograms-6xj62c

Lesson 2: To be able to construct pictograms


Lesson 3: To be able to read and interpret bar charts.


Lesson 4: To be able to collect and present data using tallies, tables and graphs


Lesson 5: To be able to interpret and present data in pictograms and bar charts.




Have a go at answering this question.


LO: To be able to describe how different interpretations about Vikings have been reached by evaluating different historical sources.

Why did the Vikings have such a bad reputation?

Task 1: Look at the picture… Can you predict what is happening?

The above picture is an illustration from the raiding at Lindisfarne. From an Anglo-Saxon Chronicle they gave a recount of what happened there. 

AD 793.

“This year came dreadful warnings over the land of the Northumbrians, terrifying the people most woefully: these were immense sheets of light rushing through the air, and whirlwinds, and fiery dragons flying across the sky. These tremendous signs were soon followed by a great famine: and not long after,  the same year, the harrowing inroads of heathen men made lamentable havoc in the church of God in Holy-island, by slaughter.”


Later in 1965, Vikings were written about again.

“Rampaging Vikings, or Norsemen, from northern lands now known to us as Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, in their determination to (become) traders, merchants, and seamen, overran .. southern Europe, like a plague upon the inhabitants.

They shamelessly robbed the islands we now refer to as Great Britain and Ireland.  So fierce were these Norsemen that many of the priests were said to close their sermons with a prayer: “God, deliver us from the fury of the Northmen.”

So what were the Vikings really like? What sort of people does it say they were?

Your first task is to summarise what people felt the Vikings were like. Challenge yourself and only use 140 characters.

Task 2: Though not all people felt the same way about Vikings. The Vikings, similar to the Anglo-Saxons wanted a better place to live where they could farm and trade. They eventually settled around 870 AD. So looking at the two different extracts, can you use your visualise strategy and draw how you feel the Vikings are being portrayed.

Extract 1:

The Viking raiders came from the sea like hungry wolves, burning the treasures of the Church, putting captives to the sword and carrying off woman and children as unhappy slaves.

Extract 2:

Gunnar and his men had a good summer at sea. The trading was good and there was much adventures. Every man on the ship bent his back to the oar and all were brave when they had to pick up the sword. Each man had truly earned his reward.


Challenge: With your drawings, can you justify using vocabulary from the texts why you have drawn them in that way (for example… ‘like hungry wolves Vikings may be bearing their teeth)

Support: Can you annotate your drawings with suitable nouns, adjectives and verbs that match the description (for example ferocious, rampaging for the first recount, warriors, brave for the second)

Religious Education – Christmas



Take a look at the selection of Christmas cards below. How many of them are religious? What do you notice? Do they present the Nativity accurately?

Task 1:

Watch the following two Bible stories, then try the questions below:





What messages did the angels deliver? What did they say?


Task 2:

Who was the most important messenger – the angels, or shepherds?


Use the card and red key words listed below, to help you write a response to this question.



Suddenly a great army of Heaven’s angels appeared, singing praises to God: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on Earth to those with whom He is pleased!”


Can you draw a suitable Christmas scene to go with this Good News announcement?



Draw a picture of an angel. Now add speech bubbles and include the key messages they delivered during the Christmas story.



Science- Living Things and Their Habitat

L.O. To be able to identify living things.

As part of our living things and their habitat unit, please can you go on a hunt around your house and local area. Record the living creatures that you see.


Can you some sentences about what makes something living. Thinking about:

  • Does it grow?
  • Does it need food to turn into energy?
  • Can it sense the world around it?
  • Does it make more of itself or have babies?


Design and Technology  – 

Your task for this week is to research different money carriers such as purses and wallets. Think about the purpose, the materials, the features, the designs, what you like and what you dislike. You can use this format and write your ideas in the bubbles, or record your own notes and draw the money carriers.


Your Task:

Starter activity – Research the artist Alberto Giacometti.

You are going to create your own tin foil person doing an action pose:

Here are some ideas:


  • Play around with a piece of tin foil before starting of your figure. This will give you a feel of the material and how much you can manipulate it.
  • You may need to watch the video through once and then watch it again pausing it while you complete each stage.
  • Please don’t worry if you need more than one attempt! It took me four goes before I was happy with my figure!


Use a piece of blue tac and stick your person onto a piece of paper.  Now draw the shadow of your person.

A message from Mrs Pearson:  Please send me you artwork by Friday 15th January. I look forward to seeing your fantastic tin foil action figures…and choosing an artist of the week!


Home learning wc 5.1.21

Hello everyone, we hope that you are all well and keeping safe. Please take a look at  the below copies of your English, Maths, History and RE activities which are already on your Microsoft Teams. You do not need to print anything to complete this work, though it would be useful for you to record your ideas down and keep them all together in a notebook or work book at home. You should be able to complete these activities on your own as we understand your grown ups may be working from home. As we are beginning mid-week this time, please make sure you have had a go at each of the activities we have set today by Friday 8th January 2021 – we understand this is all very new to everyone so please don’t panic if you can’t do it all, just try to complete what you can. We will set you new work for next week and this will be posted on Microsoft Teams every Monday so that you have a whole week to work through it from home. If you cannot load the attachments or see any pictures properly, please take a look at the Year 4 school blog as we shall put everything on there too just in case you need it. Take care everyone, Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.





L.O: To develop an understanding of key characters from ‘The Borrowers’



L.O: To investigate suffixes -ary/-ery



L.O: To revise our knowledge of word class



L.O: To generate vocabulary for character description



L.O: To develop a rich understanding of words associated with large objects


Support tasks:

Continue to use the PowerPoint PDF to support your writing of simple sentences. Make sure you email us some examples of your sentences.

Challenge Activity:

Can you generate a Word Web using synonym words for ‘small’. Use your Word Web to write a short descriptive paragraph about one of the Borrowers.



As part of the online lessons, there are weekly spellings set.

Library bakery
February mystery
Primary bravery
Necessary scenery
ordinary nursery


WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT: Please send a photo or upload a document of your descriptive sentence work on The Borrowers so far. You will need to complete all 5 lessons we have set in order to do this.



Lesson 1: L.O: Recognising the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number.




Lesson 2 : L.O: Ordering and comparing numbers beyond 1000.




Lesson 3 : L.O: Ordering and comparing a set of numbers beyond 1000.




Lesson 4: L.O: Finding 10, 100 or 1000 more than a given number.



Lesson 5: L.O: Finding 10, 100 or 1000 less than a given number.


Support tasks:

Task 1 : https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-and-writing-3-digit-numbers-ccrk4r

Task 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/partitioning-numbers-in-different-ways-cgw34d

Task 3: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/ordering-and-comparing-3-digit-numbers-68w68d


History Topic – The Vikings


As part of our learning on Vikings, please could you research the following areas to make your own fact file:


  • Food and drink
  • Celebrations / feasts
  • Houses and homes
  • Beliefs and Gods
  • Kings and Queens

Challenge: Can you choose one of the Viking settlers in the picture and make a diary entry for them.


Support: Can you label the picture above with the items and clothing that you can see?

Religious Education – Christmas


Christingle Epiphany Prayers of hope Advent Wreath Nativity


Priest’s vestments White/Gold Altar Blessing of crib Midnight Mass Church


Starter Task:

Can you research what the following key words mean? Make your own mini glossary.


Task 1:

Now can you record your vocabulary labels for the pictures below?




Can you rank the following Christmas symbols from most to least important (1st – 5th)? Use ‘because’ to explain each choice you made…

  • Advent Wreath
  • White candles
  • The Altar
  • White / Gold vestments
  • Nativity scene


Can you design your own Christmas card for a family member? How many of the religious symbols can you include?



Count down to Christmas!

Hello everyone,


We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. At St. Peter’s, we have been feeling very excited as we have continued the count down to Christmas. This morning, the children participated in a drama workshop called the Elves and the Shoemaker – they had a wonderful time joining in with the music and dancing! Last week, the Year Four took part in a Christmas jumper day to support the Save the Children charity – a big thank you to all families who generously provided a tin can for the food banks. Please see the picture below:

In English, we have completed our transformation stories on Anthony Browne’s The Tunnel. Year Four had a very creative selection of ideas for portals and methods of travel, with a strong selection of fronted adverbials, prepositional language and speech punctuation. Well done Year Four! After Christmas, we look forward to working on a range of other texts including Winter poetry, Jemmy Button and Stitch Head… Are you able to pre-read any of these stories over Christmas? Are there any Winter poems you have read over the holidays that you would like to share with us in January?


In Maths, Year Four have been learning about geometry. For example, the children have completed a shape investigation by looking at the angles and types of lines across objects across the classroom and within sets of flags. As a challenge, they then had a go at creating their very own flag with a set criteria of shape properties. After the Christmas holidays, we look forward to learning about how to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes and 1 minute. Can you have a practise of this at home? Perhaps you could try to make a timetable of your own, to show the order of each of the exciting events you got up to over the course of your Christmas day?


Just a few quick reminders for the children for when they return to school in January:

  • First day back to school will be Monday 4th January 2021.
  • PE will take place on Monday 4th January for the afternoon session, so please ensure your child arrives to school in their full PE kit.
  • Spelling, vocabulary and reading journals to be handed in on Thursday 7th January 2021 please.


We hope that you all have a peaceful and safe half term, and look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year.


Take care and best wishes to you all,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.

Hard work pays off!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are all having a lovely week so far.

We would like to start by thanking you all for the fantastic reading and the time that went into children’s reading passports for this Autumn term. What a turn out it was for year four, especially Koalas who brought in 30/32 passports! Record breaking! Well done to Kangaroos who also recieved a fantastic turnout. Keep your eyes peeled for the Spring reading passport challenge. I wonder whether we can get a full house!

Miss Jackson-Nash managed to snap a pictures of the children’s reactions.

…And the winners are Koalas!

In English, the children have been continuing to explore Anthony Browne’s book ‘The Tunnel’. They are now putting together a plan so that they can start to write their own ‘transportation’ story. The skills we will be using include expanded noun phrases, adverbs, show not tell words (such as hands tremebling to show the character was scared) and speech with accurate puncuation.

In Maths, the children have been working hard on their fraction work. We have explored different equivalent fractions, the effect of dividing numbers by 1/2 , 1/4 , 1/3, and noticing patterns when dividing by 10, 100, 1000. Next week we will be starting our geometry unit which wll include christmas symmetry and to find Father Christmas by using coordinates and translations.

Some quick reminders –

  • Friday 11th December 2020- Christmas Jumper Day. Please send children in with a christmas jumper and we ask that you kindly donate a can of food to go towards our christmas foodbank.
  • Monday 14th December 2020 – As Koalas (4JN Miss Jackson-Nash’s class) won the reading passport challenge, they have been rewarded an afternoon session with CM sports. So please ensure that children in 4JN come into school with their warm PE kits.
  • Tuesday 15th December 2020 – Year 4 Christmas dinner.
  • Thursday 17th December 2020-  Last day of term for the children.
  • Friday 18th December 2020 – Inset day.
  •  Spellings, vocabulary homework, online maths homework and reading journals to be in by Thursday 17th December.

We hope that you have a lovely and restful weekend. We look forward to seeing the children for one last busy week of the Autumn term.

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns

Pupil progress

Hello everyone,

We hope that you have all been having a good week so far.

This week, we have begun to learn about Anthony Browne’s “The Tunnel”. The children have really enjoyed working with their learning partners to create their own role play between the two key characters in the story. As the week progressed, the children learnt how to use inverted commas to accurately punctuate the speech for their characters. Year Four had a lot of fun using actions and gestures to learn a ‘speech rhyme’ that has supported their learning. Well done everyone! Next week, we look forward to using time and place adverbials to add detail to each of our transformation stories. Do you know of any books or films where a character travels to a magical place?

In Maths, we have been working very hard on our learning of decimals and fractional amounts of a whole. We have made links to the context of money to help the children to understand tenths and hundredths, e.g. £1.79 is made of 1 whole, 7 tenths and 9 hundredths. Both classes have used number lines, bar models and partitioning in order to represent the tricky problems they have been given, particularly when adding and subtracting decimals. Towards the end of the week, Year Four learnt about conversion and how we can use fractions to record our answers e.g. 0.6 + o.2 = 0.8, or 6/10 + 2/10 = 8/10.

On Friday, we are very excited to take part in a STEM day on building structures. We shall be taking a look at and researching famous bridges to find out how to make a strong structure of our own. Have you visited any famous bridges? Can you remember what they are called? What shapes did you see?

A few quick reminders for next week:

  • Reading Passport deadline is on Wednesday 9th December 2020. Well done to all of the children who have already handed in their completed passport challenges.
  • Christmas jumper day will be on Friday 11th December 2020. Please bring a tin can of food, as a donation for this charity day.
  • Weather permitting, PE will be on the afternoon of Monday 7th December so please ensure your child attends school wearing their PE kit on this date.

We hope that you all have a safe and pleasant weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.

Feeling Proud!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well and safe.

We would like to thank all the parents who joined us on Monday and Wednesday for attending St Peter’s first  Virtual Parent’s evening. It was lovely to meet and chat with all of you about  the fantastic work the year 4 children have been doing. We are extremely proud of how far the children have come and we look forward to continuing their learning journeys into Spring term.

In English this week, the children have been working hard drafting and editing their final writes on ‘How to take care of your snowman’. Here the children have used a great range of skills such as causal conjunctions, time adverbials and snowman nouns. We will now continue to publish our snowman leaflets, so keep your eyes peeled as we will be putting some on the blog next week!

In Maths, we have been using our multiplication and division skills to answer multistep word problems. In order to reach a correct answer, the children needed to read the question very carefully, highlight any key information, decide what operation they needed to use and then use a suitable strategy such as grid method or short division. Next week, we will be starting our fraction unit and exploring equivalent fractions and their decimals, adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, and looking at the different fraction representations.

Some quick reminders:

  • The final Virtual Parent’s evening is on Monday. Please check your times. If you have any issues please contact the school office.
  • Please send your child in their PE kits on Thursday for CM sports.
  • Please remind your children to bring in their home spellings, reading passports and vocabulary homework.
  • We have noticed a remarkable difference in the children’s timetables since using TTrockstars, so please encourage children to log on at home and complete the sound check. This is very similar to the times table test they will be sitting in May-June 2021.

We hope you all have a great weekend and looking forward to another brilliant week ahead!


Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns

Guide Dogs for the Blind Association

Hello everyone,

We hope that you have all been having a good week so far and keeping safe.

On Tuesday 17th November 2020, Year 4 took part in a charity fundraiser day for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. The children wore a creative selection of colourful, bright head wear in order to raise awareness for those who suffer from visual impairment. The children had a wonderful day of workshops, group work and videos and are now able to describe how a guide dog is trained at puppy school. Thank you for all of your generous donations, we have now raised over £40 which shall be donated to sponsor a guide dog! Please see the pictures below from our charity fundraiser day…

In English, the children have been learning how to create explanatory sentences using causal and subordinating conjunctions. We have been very impressed by the children’s use of scientific key words from our States of Matter learning, in order to help them explain how to care for a snowman as part of their Health and Safety leaflet. Well done Year Four! Next week, we look forward to planning, creating and drafting our leaflets and putting them on display in the school office.

In Maths, we have been working hard on our learning for multiplication and division. The children have been taught a variety of strategies for solving a complex multi step problem, e.g. number lines, part whole models, bar models, arrays and grid methods.Next week, we look forward to continuing our learning on division strategies before we move towards learning about fractions, numerators and denominators. Please do log on to your My Maths and Sumdog accounts, for plenty of practise learning on this.

Just a few reminders for next week:

  • Parents Evening on Monday 23rd November and Wednesday 25th November (both from 4 – 6.20pm). Your child will bring home their Parents evening target sheets on Friday 20th November 2020. These forms shall form part of our discussions during the 10 minute appointments.
  • Children to wear their PE kits to school on Monday please
  • Spelling home learning and Reading journals due for collection on Thursday 26th November
  • Please remind your child to complete their Reading Passports as soon as possible

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.

Winter Time!

Hello everyone!

We hope that you’ve all had a good week so far and are keeping well.

This week in English the children finished publishing their fact files on their created spiders. We were blown away with the quality of their writing. Within their fact files the children wrote about their spider’s anatomy, attack and defence, weaving their webs and even made their own top trump fact box! This week was the start of a new unit looking at Raymond Brigg’s Snowman. We started off the week with making our own snowmen!

We will be continuing to explore The Snowman text and focus on using inference skill. We will also be developing our rich vocabulary to use in our final outcome that is a leaflet in how to care for your snowman.


In Maths this week we started a new unit on multiplications. Here the children explored and deconstructed a multistep problem and identified strategies that would help them solve the question. Next week, we will continue to explore multiplication strategies to help us unpick problems and multiply larger digits (35 x 6).


Just a few quick reminders:

  • Please send your children in their PE kits on Thursday for CM sports.
  • On Tuesday 17th November 2020 Year 4 will be taking part in Heads Up for Guide Dogs charity fundraiser. Please send your children in wearing something bright on their head or shoulders.  £1 donations  are recommended and you can donate on Scopay. Please ensure your child comes to school in their school uniform with something colour. This is not a non-school uniform day.
  • Thank you for those who have completed their My maths and Sumdog homework. Just less than half the year did access the homework. Please continue using these platforms as we carefully select tasks that link with their maths learning at school. If you have any issues accessing these sites, do not hesitate to ask us and we will be happy to help you.
  • Virtual Parent’s evening will be taking place from Monday  23rd November, if you have not booked into a slot then please contact the office.
  • Thank you for bringing and donating materials for our DT project. We are still collecting bits in so if you have any loo rolls or materials to make torches, we would most appreciate them.


Keep up the brilliant work Koalas and Kangaroos. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns

Home Learning

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all well and that you are having a good week so far.


In English, Year Four have created an excellent set of Spider Non Chronological Reports. We look forward to collating them and creating a spooky book as a gift for each of the Year Four classes. In Maths, we have been learning about perimeter and how to calculate the total distance around the outside of shapes. We have also been converting measurements between mm, cm and m, using a place value grid. Can  you have a go at taking some measurements at home? Which equipment could you use to help you? What would the measurement be in… mm, cm, m, km?


Please see the list below for a few quick reminders for next week:

  • Please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit to school on Monday. They shall be taking part in a PE session with their class teacher on the school field.
  • Thank you to everyone who has brought in their resources for making our D&T torches. Please continue to bring in any toilet rolls, decorations, tin foil, etc.
  • Spelling / Vocabulary home learning books to be handed in on Thursday 12th November 2020. We will not be collecting in Reading Home Learning Journals as these shall be marked on a two weekly basis.
  • Quick reminder: Individual School Photos shall take place on Thursday 12th November 2020. Please ensure your child remembers to bring their jumpers and cardigans.
  • Just a brief note to say that we were disappointed to see only a very small number of children logging in to use their Sumdog accounts last week. The tasks set on here and on our other online learning platforms (My Maths, Times Table Rockstars) have been carefully selected to support the children across their curriculum learning. Please do not hesitate to contact us if your child has misplaced any of their logins, we are very happy to help.


We hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns

Half term is here!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are well and safe. What a first half term it has been. We are incredibly proud of how the children have settled so well into their learning and we would like to thank you for all of your help and patience along the way.

In English, the children have continued to research lots of facts and statistics about hairy eight-legged beasts and have made a bank ready to write their own fact file on a spider they have designed. This week we have also been exploring different sentence structures when using subordinating conjuctions and looking at how we can move our main and subordinate clauses. On returning back to school the children will be well equipped to plan, draft and edit their own non-chronological report inspired by the class text ‘Spider Diaries’.

In Maths this week we started to look at money problems. The children explored the different values of money and their equivalnce (100p = £1). With this knowledge, they were able to answer multistep problems that included addition (how much altogether), subtractoin (change) or even both. To help them answer these problems children were using a range of strategies and representations such as bar models and numberlines in order to help them. Our next Maths topic, we will be focusing on length studying conversion, perimeter and area.

In Science this half term, we have been exploring simple electrical circuits. Children now understand what a closed and open circuit is,  what components a circuit needs and how to modify one. Children are now prepared to make their own circuits for our next DT project ‘Making torches’ whereby the children will be making safety torches for children to use on Bonfire Night. We have asked the children to keep hold of materials like toliet tissue rolls, so if you have any lying about we would really appericiate the donation.

Some quick reminders,

  • Please continue 10 minute daily reading with your child over the half term.
  • Spelling and vocabulary homework has been sent out and will be due back the first Thursday of Autumn 2.
  • Reading journals will be due back on the first Thursday.
  • MyMaths and Timestable rockstars have been set. A really good timestable resource on Times Table rockstars is the soundcheck tool!
  • Please send your child in their PE kits on first Thursday.

We really hope you have a fantastic half term and look forward to seeing you in November!

Stay safe and keep on smiling,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns.