School Carnival and Y4 Mass

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. The children are very excited to attend their ‘Big Summer Blowout’ on the school field tomorrow evening. Please ensure your child arrives in school uniform tomorrow morning and that they bring a bag of their clothing, a jumper, suncream, hat, etc in a carrier bag with them.

It has been a busy week in Year 4! On Tuesday 29th July 2021, the children celebrated the feast day of St. Peter and we studied the apostleship of St. Peter and St. Paul and learnt how they had served Church and fulfilled God’s Mission on Earth. On Monday, we spent some time in class researching St. Paul and the impact he made, through Bible scriptures and online fact files. After, the children then made a ‘pile of rocks’ for St. Peter to represent and illustrate key facts about his life and works. Father Jeremy was very impressed by this offetory we had made for our Mass in the unity building!

We also had lots of fun clebrating our school carnival, joining in a whol school parade where we presented information we have been learning about Australia. The children made creatures from each of the biomes and regions, before presenting a range of interesting facts for the ‘famous faces of Australia’ they had researched in class. Year Four had so much fun and they enjoyed all of the preparation for this special event. Thank you to all families and friends who supported the children with their costumes and pool floaties!

In English, the children have continued their hard work on planning their letter to Greta Thunberg to promote her key message and encourage her to continue fighting against climate change, deforestation, plastics in the sea and Global Warming. We look forward to sending them in the post to see if we get a response! In Maths, we have been learning about fractions and how to calculate non-unit fractions of an amount (e.g. 3/5 or 6/9). The children have used lots of multiplication and division facts in order to solve these tricky problems. Next week, we shall explore ‘top heavy’ and mixed fractions.

We hope you all have a pleasant weekend,

With best wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns

Sports Day 2021

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all well and keeping safe.

This week, the children took part in a KS2 sports day on Tuesday 22nd June. The children had an excellent time, despite the rain! We are very proud of the good spirit and team work demonstrated by each child in Year Four. They really enjoyed all of the activities on offer – basketball, hockey, football skills and more! Tomorrow, we look forward to our whole school carnival, where Year 4 will be representing Australia! Please ensure that your child arrives to school tomorrow wearing their summer outfit, or their costume if they are going to be an Australian celebrity! We look forward to celebrating at the carnival together.

In English, we have continued our learning on Greta Thunberg and Climate Change – in particular, we have been studying the key skills of how to use relative clauses and conjunctions in order to join ideas within and across our sentences. The children have really impressed us with their use of Global Warming key words, facts and statistics in their written work. In Maths, we have been using our metagcognitive and heuristic strategies whilst we interpret and solve money problems. We have recapped on how to use bar models, number lines, expanded column and maths tools as part of using the inverse to answer challenging maths questions. Keep up the great work, everyone!

Please see some photos below of sports day, carnival photos to follow next week!

With best wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.

Multiplication Tests!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well and that you enjoyed the sun whilst it lasted!

This week in English, we have started our new unit that focuses on climate change. We started the week by investigating and exploring increased human activity and how such things like global warming, deforestation, greenhouse gases etc are increasing at an alarming rate. Once we study these topics, the children created their own alphabetical glossary. Next week, we will begin our debates arguing whether a nitrous oxide fuel car is better than an electric car whereby the children will need to evidence to back up their case.

It has been a busy maths week! Firstly we would like to congratulate and thank all the children for  completing their official times table test that took place this week. They were so calm and sensible throughout. We would also like to express our thanks to parents who have worked so hard with children at home with their times tables. We are hoping to get the results later on this term, however these will not be shared with the children as they are only used for a Year 4 teachers data purposes. Back to maths, for the rest of the week the children have been problem solving with money using their inverse and estimation skills. Next week, we will begin our final fractions unit of Year 4!

In Science this week, we continued to explore how sound travels to our ear. The children were posed the question ‘Which would help you hear more, big cone ears or small cone ears?’. Once they made their prediction, the children studied different animal’s ears shape and position, thinking about the size of animals ears. They then went onto sign using sign language alphabet so they were able to appreciate being able to hear sound. We finished the lesson by creating ‘Cone ears’ and making a hypothesis on which allowed more sound to travel to your ear.

A few polite reminders –

  1. Please ensure you send your child into school in their correct PE kits on Tuesday 22nd June 2021 for KS2 Sports day. (unfortunately no parents to this event) If weather permits, this will take place on the field. Hay fever is a real problem at the moment, so if your child suffers please send them in with appropriate hay fever medication or take it before coming to school.
  2. Please encourage your children to continue with their spelling, vocabulary, reading journals and Times Table Rock Star (Sound Check) home learning.
  3. St Peter’s Carnival will take place on Friday 25th June 2021. Year 4’s country theme is Australia. So please send your child into school with summer clothes, flipflops, hats etc, or even better ‘Australian themed’ clothing. We are also asking  if anyone at home has any Australian themed stuffed animals, pool floaters (crocodiles or fish), artefacts to please bring them in for the afternoon. We will ensure all items bought in are looked after and cleaned on return. Thank you in advance.
  4. Reading passports are due 1st July 2021.


We hope that you have a good weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Best wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.

Multiplication Check for Year Four

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. We would just ike to send out a couple of important reminders:

  1. Please ensure your child wears PE kit if they are participating in the Euros football league tournaments on Friday 11th June 2021.
  2. Please encourage your children to continue with their spelling, vocabulary and Times Table Rock Star (Sound Check) home learning.
  3. We have our official Year 4 Multiplication Check next week. These will take place on Tuesday 15th June (4JN) and Wednesday 16th June (4H). Please ensure that your child continues to practise their times tables at home and over the weekend.

It has been a busy week in Year Four, so far! On Monday, the children had lots of fun performing their news reports on Earthquakes and Volcanoes to the BBC. We were very impressed by the children’s use of intonation, pitch and volume in order to engage their audience and capture their attention. Please see the photos below:


In Maths, we have been looking at Measurements and Conversions. The children have thought very carefully about the key vocabulary in their challenge tasks, using the clues in order to help them solve with images, drawings and bar models. We have started to make links to fractions e.g. half of 1 Litre, 2/4 of 1800ml, etc. Can you have a practise of these measures at home? Take a look at the scales on your measuring jugs and cups – what is their maximum capacity? Can you measure different volumes of liquid?

We hope that you have a good weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Best wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.

What a term!

Hello everyone,


We hope you are well and having a lovely week. We cannot believe how quick Summer 1 has gone! The children have been fantastic as always and have been working so hard!

In English, the children have been busy drafting and editing their own news reports. Here the children needed to research a recent natural disaster and using their writing skills create their own news report. They also needed to think carefully about paragraphing and how to weave in accurate facts and statistics.  When we return back from half term, we will be performing them to each other.

In Maths, the children have been exploring the 24hr clock and studied time interval questions where by the needed to convert seconds into minutes, minutes into hours etc. We are going to end out time unit on Friday by looking at a time graph, linking to statistics.

Most children have completed their money carriers in DT! We have been amazed with the effort and thought that has gone into their designs. Each children carefully considered measurements, materials, fastenings and joints. So as promised last week, here are just some of the amazing purses the children created!

A few polite reminders –

  • Please ensure that your child is completing times table practise on Times Table Rockstars (sound check – this is the same format as the test! ) The date of the testing beginnings from 15.6.21 therefore it is vital that children practise at home. 
  • Please send your child into school with their reading journals, vocabulary work and spellings on Thursday 10th May 2021.
  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit on Monday 7th June 2021.

Lastly, we wanted to say the biggest thank you to the wonderful Miss Hawley who has been in year 4 since Spring 1. Throughout the term, Miss Hawley has had such a wonderful impact on the children sharing many laughs and tears. Although Miss Hawley will be completing her placement just in Year 2 lower in the school, we will truly miss your smile face and positive attitude. We all wish Miss Hawley the best of luck and congratulations on such an amazing term!


We hope you all have a lovely half term and look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 7th June for our last term in year 4!

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Cairns and Miss Hawley.

News reports!

Hello everyone,


We hope you are well and having a lovely week despite the rain!

In English, the children have been busy practising their writing skills in preparation to write their own news report. In particular, Koalas and Kangaroos have been studying embedded relative clauses, understanding the job and the importance of one. With this, they then created their own about Earthquakes and Volcanoes.

Here are some of the pupils’ examples

Jack –  ‘Kilauea, which is located on one of  Hawaii’s train of islands, is the most perilous volcano in the world and can produce a lava temperature of 200o degrees Celsius’

Brayden – ‘Kilauea’s volcanic attach, which sent toxic plumes of smoke spitting out and causing distress and panic, left thousands homeless’

Ellen – ‘The vents of Kilauea, which are filled to the brim with scorching, sweltering magma, descends all the way down the 1247m gargantuan volcano’

Next week, we will begin to plan and write our own news paper report using relative embedded clauses and subordinating clauses.

In Maths, we have began our time unit where we have explored half pasts, quarter past and to, and minutes past and to. We will be continuing next week, looking closely at time interval problems, time tables and time graphs.

A few polite reminders –

  • Please ensure that your child is completing times table practise on Times Table Rockstars (sound check – this is the same format as the test! )
  • Please send your child into school with their reading journals, vocabulary work and spellings on Thursday 27th May 2021.
  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit on Thursday 27th May 2021 for their CM sports PE session.
  • Next week is our last week of the summer 1, but also our last week with Miss Hawley. She has made such a positive impact on all pupils and she will be sorely missed!

Well done for another fantastic week of learning Year 4, we look forward to seeing you on Monday. We hope you all have a lovely restful weekend.


Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns

Busy Week!

Hello everybody,

We hope you are keeping well and are having  a lovely week.

In English, the children have continued exploring different news articles and reports on natural disasters. We started the week by  identifying informative devices and vocabulary. We have also had a large focus on paragraphing, in which the children were tasked to find the purpose  identify the topics of each paragraph of given texts  Next week, we will begin to draft our own auto cues for a ‘Live News Report’.

In Maths, we began our new Geometry unit. Here the children classified different shapes, identified properties of the shapes such as lines and angles. We also looked closely at finding the perimeter and area of irregular polygons. Next week we will continue with measurements, but having a close study of time.

We have continued our unit on sound and this week the children  explored how sound travelled. They carried out the ‘elastic band’ experiment which helped them visualise sound waves and vibrations.

In DT, children have been very busy creating their money carriers. They have measured and cut out templates, made their decorations by referring back to their design briefs. Today the children will being sewing it all together using either running or blanket stitch, and they will attach a fastening! We are really looking forward to seeing the final product and will share these with you next week!

A few reminders –

  • Please ensure that your child is completing times table practise on Times Table Rockstars (sound check – this is the same format as the test! )
  • Please send your child into school with their reading journals, vocabulary work and spellings on Thursday 20th May 2021.
  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit on Monday 17th May 2021 for their CM sports PE session.

Well done for another fantastic week of learning Year 4’s, we look forward to seeing you on Monday. We hope you all have a lovely restful weekend.


Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns

Busy Busy!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well and enjoyed a long weekend! Hopefully the sun will come back out for us to enjoy!

Koalas and Kangaroos have been extremely busy in English this week by starting a new unit on natural disasters. They have explored lots of news articles and news reports on volcanoes and earthquakes. From these, they collected lots of new vocabulary which they then made into their own glossary. We will continue to study news reports as the children’s final outcome will be to create their own which will be filmed and performed to the rest of the year 4s.

In Maths, we have looked closely at our problem solving skills which included our heuristics. We began the week by looking at the problem, ‘David, Brett, Julie and Carmel were lining up at the cinema. How many different ways could they line up?’. In groups, the children acted as each person, found different combinations and then recorded this systematically into an organised list. We also looked at pattern spotting problems.

Next week we will be starting our new Geometry unit, closely looking at area, classifying shapes and identifying angles.

Reminders for next week –

  • Please ensure your children are completing all set homework including SumDog and times table practise on Times Table Rockstars (sound check)
  • Please send your child into school with their reading journals, vocabulary work and spellings on Thursday 13th May 2021.
  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit on Thursday 13th May 2021 for their CM sports PE session.
  • Next week, we will be making our money carriers. Please bring in any materials your child would like to use, should you wish to, though we do have plenty of materials at school.

Well done for another fantastic week of learning Year 4’s, we look forward to seeing you on Monday. We hope you all have a lovely restful weekend.


Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns


Music to my Ear!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are well and keeping safe. Again, it was pleasure to see parents during the the virtual parents evenings. It was so lovely to share with you all the amazing progress and work the children have done.

In English, children have been drafting and editing their final written pieces. Here they wrote a first person narrative about ‘their’ journey from the jungle to the city and included a wide range of Alan Peate sentences, metaphors, similes and show not tell. Next week we will begin our new non-fiction unit on natural disasters, where the final outcome is a news report.

In Maths, the children were presented with multistep problems. Here they had to put all their addition and subtraction knowledge to the test, identify what operation they needed, what strategies to use and how to check using inverse. Next week, we will be looking at more word problems and focusing on heuristics.

The children had lots of fun during science this week when beginning our sound unit. We looked closely at volume and how loud and quiet sounds travel.

A couple of reminders –

  • As mentioned in Parents evening, Year 4 pupils will still be put forward for the multiplication test that will take place during June. This will be a practise and not the official test however it is important children experience what would of taken place and it will allow teachers to see their progress. Therefore we ask that children practise their times tables at home frequently. The test consists of 25 questions (up to 12×12) and children are expected to answer each within 6 seconds. Times Table Rockstars (soundcheck) is a very similar format to the test, so it would be beneficial that children practise on this a few times a week (or daily).
  • Spelling, Vocabulary and Maths homework will be due on Thursday 6th May 2021.
  • In the next couple of weeks children will make their own money carrier. If children would like to bring in their own materials then please feel free, however we do have plenty resources at school.
  • No school on Monday 3rd June 2021 due to a bank holiday.
  • We are looking for the next Cyber Ambassadors. The Year 4 team will be choosing two children from each class who are dedicated, passionate about e-safety and are willing to make a change. If your child is interested, please can you discuss at home why E-Safety is important and what can they do for the school to promote this. We will announce the cyber ambassadors within the next few weeks. Unfortunately, if your child is part of the school council or peer mediators then they will not be able to apply.

We hope you have a lovely long weekend and lets hope the sun stays out!

From Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns

First Week Back!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are well, keeping safe and enjoyed a well deserved Easter break. What a busy first week it has been back. It was a pleasure to see some parents during the virtual parent’s evening. It was so lovely to share with you all the amazing work and efforts the children have been putting in. The year 4 team are incredibly proud of how adaptable and resilient the children have been.

The children have jumped straight back into their learning. In English this week, the children have been continuing Jemmy Button. We gave explored different sentence structures, metaphors and similes and finished the week by completing our story plans. Next week, we will be completing our final writes and editing.

In Maths, we started our new subtraction and addition module. Here the children were given three 4 digit numbers in relation to money. Using their metacognition strategies, they needed to chose what suitable strategy to use, try it out and then evaluate. Next week we will continue with subtraction with links to statistics.

A few polite reminders –

  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit next Thursday.
  • Spelling, vocabulary homework and reading journals are due in on Thursday 29th April 2021.
  • Please ensure your child completes their maths learning for the week (SumDog and TT Rockstars)
  • Remote parent’s evenings will take place on Monday 26th April and Wednesday 28th April.
  • Now it is Summer term we are using the school field at lunch times, please ensure your child brings in water bottles and sun protection.

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend and that the sun lasts!

From Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns