Advent Service

Hi everyone,

We hope that you are all well and having a nice week!

On Tuesday 29th November 2022, the children from St. Peter’s walked to Sacred Heart Church, Waterlooville, in order to gather together and celebrate our Whole School Advent Liturgy. We would like to say a big well done to all of the children in Year Four, who took part in the choir, readings and drama performances throughout the services – we were very proud of you all! Thank you to all of our parents and carers who gave up their time to volunteer and help the children walk to and from church safely, we really appreciate your support.

A few brief reminders for next week:

  • Deadline for Reading Passports on Thursday 1st December 2022.
  • Please could all pupils bring their red home learning books (spelling, vocabulary and maths) to school, for Friday 2nd December 2022.
  • Friday 2nd December 2022 – World Cup Football Tournament (Y3 vs Y4) and after school KS2 school disco.


We hope you all have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Year Four Team


Teamwork makes the dream work!

Hi everyone,


We hope that you are all well and enjoying the Winter sunshine this week.


So far, the children in Year Four have been enjoying taking part in gymnastics – we are currently learning how to balance, roll and create a group pose by sharing our weight to balance, and even counterbalance! As part of our World Cup learning, we have also been studing heuristic strategies in Maths, such as generating a table and using number codes in order to solve combination problems about different types of football kits.


In English, we have completed our Spider Information pages and we look forward to starting our learning on Anthony Browne’s The Tunnel. The children have already started to make links between their Guided Reading tasks on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, with the portal that is also present in The Tunnel story. We have looked closely at the following vocabulary words: journey, transformation, portal, transportation. Could you practise building these words on a morpheme grid at home? e.g. transform – transformed – transforming – transformation. Please see below for a fantastic example of a Spider information page, complete with editing flaps to self-correct and improve, from Year Four.



In Maths, we have completed our learning on adding and subtracting tenths, and we have started to use our place value grids to support our division of numbers by 10 and 100. The children have enjoyed learning about wholes, equal parts, tenths and hundredths and they have a secure knowledge of how to represent these values. Next week, we look forward to applying our learning across various contexts.


A few quick reminders for next week:

  • Please continue to complete the reading passport challenge – the deadline to complete this task is Thursday 1st December 2022.
  • Please ensure that your child continues to practise and log in to Times Table Rockstars, to best prepare them for the Y4 Multiplication Check in June.
  • Children to complete their spelling, vocabulary and Maths tasks (red book) and reading journal activities (yellow book) by Friday 2nd November 2022.
  • Year 1-6 Advent Service at Sacred Heart Church, Waterlooville.


We wish you all a lovely weekend,

Take care,

Year Four Team

Year Four Learning

Hi everyone,


We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. This week, the children have had a very busy week! In English, we have been drafting and editing our Spider Information pages – the children have worked so hard on generating a spooky, terrifying creature! We are very impressed by their use of nouns, pronouns, conjunctions and statistical information. Well done everyone!

In Maths, we have been studying tenths and hundredths – we began with the context of money, discussing how there are 100 pennies in a pound and 1 pence is a hundredth of the pound coin, with 10p being worth a tenth of 100 pence. As the week progressed, we looked closely at using various models and representations to prove our workings to add and subtract decimal fractions, e.g. bar models, number lines, part whole models, column method.


Here’s a few updates for next week:

  • Please continue to complete the reading passport challenge – the deadline to complete this task is Thursday 1st December 2022.
  • Please ensure that your child continues to practise and log in to Times Table Rockstars, to best prepare them for the Y4 Multiplication Check in June.
  • Parents Evening sessions will take place on Tuesday 22nd November and Wednesday 23rd November 2022. We look forward to seeing you all there!


We hope that you all enjoy the rest of the week – wishing you a pleasant weekend!

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

Spooky spider learning!

Hi everyone,

We hope that you are all doing well and having a great week, despite the weather recently!

This week, we have been creating our own sentences for our new unit of learning, Spider Diaries. We have focused on the following skills:

  • Verbs and adverbs
  • Main and subordinate clauses
  • Spider nouns
  • Subordinating conjunctions

As the week progressed, we used whiteboard work in order to practise generating our own sentences using technical vocabulary. We were very impressed by the children’s examples that they generated in teams! Please see the photo below…



In Maths, we have been using the bus stop method to help us divide 2 and 3 digit numbers. We have discussed remainders and what to do when there are ones left over at the end of our calculations. We have enjoyed using multiplication facts to help us decide how many ‘groups’ fit into each number.

A few reminders for next week:

  • Odd Socks day on Monday 14th November – this will form part of our Anti Bullying Week. No donations are required, please just come to school wearing your odd socks!
  • Whole School Flu vaccination – this will be in the form of a nasal spray and will take place on Wednesday 16th November.
  • Please bring your red and yellow home learning books to school by Friday 18th November 2022.
  • Continue to practise your Times Table Rockstars and daily reading.

Best wishes,

Year 4 Team




More STEM day pictures

Electricity STEM day

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all well and having a great week so far.

We had a great STEM day! The children made their own circuit games as part of their Science learning on electricity. We had a lot of fun! After studying and researching games, the children decided which components and electrical conductors and insulators they wished to use. We had lots of different themes for each game and Year Four had a lot of fun designing and evaluating them! Please see the photos below…

Have a wonderful half term break – please remind the children to complete their daily reading, Times Table Rockstar practice and their RE home learning on Catholic Social Teaching!

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

Visit to Sacred Heart

Hello everyone,


We hope that you are all having a pleasant week and that you have been enjoying the brief moments of Autumn sunshine we have had so far!


This week, the children in Year Three and Four celebrated Mass together at Sacred Heart Church with Father James. The theme of the service was fresh beginnings and blessings for special occasions in our lives. During the Homily, the children shared their ‘first time’ experiences, and we discussed how God is always with us when we begin new ventures and activities in our lives. Each pupil then received a special rosary to take home with them at the end of the day. Thank you to all parents and carers who volunteered and walked with the children to and from Church, and a big well done to the children for their readings and to Alonso for being a fantastic altar server! Please see images below…


In English, the children have continued their learning on ‘Leon and the Place Between’, studying new vocabulary words including ‘illusion, transformation and metamorphosis’. Using word webs, we broke down the words into morphemes, then looked up definitions and synonyms before applying each word into a sentence about the circus. In Maths, we have been using the inverse to ‘count up’ the difference to calculate the change from a £10 note when we buy two items in a shop. The children have used a range of strategies to interpret and solve these multi steps problems, including bar models, expanded column and number lines.


A few quick reminders for next week:

  • Children to arrive to school on Monday 17th October in their PE kit.
  • Last day of half term will be Friday 21st October.
  • Please ensure that your child completes their home learning tasks in their red home learning book (spelling, vocabulary and maths) and hands in to their class teacher by Friday 21st October.
  • Please continue to practise on Times Table Rockstars using the ‘sound check’ option, and complete daily reading at home (this could be using a book from your child’s reading passport).


We hope you all enjoy the rest of your week,

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

Cross Curricular Learning

Hello everyone,

We hope that you have all been enjoying the week so far.


We have been enjoying lots of cross curricular learning in Year Four! We have been playing the xylophone in music and compsoing our own beats and rhythms to ABBA music. In Computing, we have been discussing internet safety and exploring case studies, sharing our views on what respect means and how we can demonstrate this towards others on the internet and keep ourselves safe online. Please take a look at the children’s responses, below:



In English, we have started our new unit of learning on ‘Leon and the Place Between’. The children have had lots of fun when taking part in paired reads from the story, using highlighters to complete their detective work and find clues from the extracts in order to infer how each character feels. In Maths, we have used a variety of strategies in order to add and subtract numbers, including place value grids, counters, diennes and mental maths techniques such as, ‘if I know 7 + 2, I know 70 + 20 and 700 + 200’. Next week, we look forward to learning about money and completing multi-step problems to calculate the amount of change left over at the end of a purchase.


Here’s a few quick reminders for next week:

  • Tuesday 11th October 2022: Year 3 and 4 Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Waterlooville. We would really appreciate if any parents or carers would like to join us and volunteer to walk to and from the Church with the children on this date.
  • Please ensure your child brings completed tasks their yellow home reading journal (i.e. a book review on a text they are currently reading) and their red homework books (spelling, vocabulary and maths) by Friday 14th October.
  • Glow Disco will be taking place at St. Peter’s on Friday 14th October – please do contact the office and check the school website for further details.


We hope you have a pleasant weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday,

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

Pupil Participation

Hi everyone,

We hope that you are all well and having a great week so far.

We would just like to say a huge well done to all of the children this week for their excellent behaviour and hard work – you have all made Year Four so proud! It has been really interesting to hear the children’s stories about going to London last Friday to see the Queen’s coffin and pay their respects. We have been so impressed by the children’s respectful attitude when discussing recent events – it has been a very difficult time for everyone, however the children have joined together in their prayers collectively this week to have moments of prayer and reflection. Please see the photos below…

At the end of the week, we look forward to completing and publishing our Howler letters to our chosen Harry Potter character. In Maths, we shall be working on rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

Here’s a few quick reminders for next week:

  • Children to hand in their red home learning books (spelling, vocabulary and maths) tasks by Friday 30th September 2022.
  • Children to arrive to school in their PE kits for PPA day on Wednesday 28th September 2022.
  • Please ensure that your child continues to practise Times Table Rockstars each day.
  • INSET day on Friday 30th September 2022.

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Best wishes,

Year Four Team.

Practical Learning in Year Four

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all having a great week so far!

Year Four have been very busy taking part in lots of group work and practical tasks this week. In Science, the children were very engaged when working in groups in order to create circuits and test materials that were electrical insulators or conductors – please see the images below.


In English, the children have continued their learning on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – we have orally rehearsed sentences with a partner to include the following skills: Expanded Noun Phrases, Nouns/Pronouns, Perfect Present Tense and Subordinating Conjunctions. Next week, we look forward to drafting and publishing our very own school Howlers, for Harry, Ron and Hermione.


In Maths, we have been using a range of resources to support our learning on Place Value. For instance, we have been using diennes and place value counters in order to compare and order 3 and 4 digit numbers. We were very impressed by the children’s use of the following vocaulary words, in order to explain their ideas: thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, greater, smaller. We have also been using ‘crocodile arms’ (< and > symbols) in order to describe sequences of numbers and compare their values.


Quick reminders for next week:

  • Monday 19th September: Bank Holiday.
  • Wednesday 21st September: Y4 Parent Welcome Meeting at 3.25pm, in the Y4 classroom.
  • Friday 23rd September: CAFOD ‘wear it bright’ non-school uniform day (£1.00 donation please).
  • Friday 23rd September: Children to hand in their red home learning books (spelling, vocabulary, Maths).


We hope you have a peaceful and relaxing weekend,

Best Wishes,

Year 4 Team