Friday 7th June 2019

Dear all,

In Maths this week, we have completed our measures unit with time. We were applying different strategies to aid with our problem solving. We will be revisiting our fractions and decimals and recalling ‘what we know’ to apply that to new learning on tenths and hundredths.

In English, we have been publishing and evaluating our non-chronological reports about our chosen mythical creature. The children have worked so hard on producing high quality texts that will hook, engage and inform their audience. The children will choose a selection to be sent to J.K Rowling.

In RE we began our Pentecost, unit by role playing The coming of the Holy Spirit and considering our reactions and actions as modern- day apostles.


Golden Key:

4S: Sabrina McGannan: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to show thoughtful and kind actions to others.’

4B: Louis Read: ‘for consistently working hard all year.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Faith Martin: ‘For writing an effective non-chronological report for a mythical creature to an excellent standard.’

4B: Mikayla Black: ‘For effective editing of her report.’

May 2019 – Mathemagician of the Month:

4S: Isabel Thomas: ‘For challenging herself with her problem solving and reasoning in Maths.’

4B: Ethan Tinsley-Jones: ‘For his impressive learning on time.’


Fathers Day Sale – Wednesday 12th June for Year 4. Bring between £1-£5 in a purse or sealed envelope.

Friday 14th June – Sports Day – children to come into school wearing their PE kit. They will remain in their kit all day. If the weather is due to be wet, further details will follow as to alternative arrangements.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

Friday 17th May 2019

Dear all,
In maths this week, we have continued our measures unit. We have been solving problems which have included £ and p. We were applying different strategies to aid with our problem solving. We will be continuing with our measures units next week with telling the time and solving problems involving the passing of time.
In English, we have been planning our non-chronological reports about our chosen mythical creature. We have been able to draw upon our learning in geography and science and use this technical language in our plans.
In RE we discussed the question ‘How do you get to Heaven?’. there were some very thoughtful responses and the children showed respect when listening to others opinions.
Golden Key:
4S: Isabel Thomas: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to show focus and motivation in her learning.’
4B: Charlie Wright: ‘for using the gifts God has given him to respond to class discussions in a thoughtful manner.’
Showstopper Writer:
4S: James Watson: ‘For writing an effective character description for a mythical creature.’
4B: Daniella Pacheco: ‘For making progress in her spellings and analysing the features in a text.’
As you are aware Tuesday 21st May is the Year 3/4 mass at Sacred Heart. We are still looking for parents to accompany us on our walk to church that morning, if you are available we would love for you to join us.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Year 4 Team

Friday 10th May 2019

Dear all,

In maths this week, we have been continuing our measure’s unit and be apply our converting skill to solving real life problems involving money. We have solved problems whilst having to convert between £ and p and using decimal (tenth and hundredths). We will be continuing with our measures units next week with telling the time and solving problems involving the passing of time.

In English, we have been creating precise description about mythical creatures. The children have also critically evaluated a piece of descriptive writing for its effectiveness and effect of the reader. Next week we will continue to look at examples of non-chronological reports for text and language features.

In RE we looked at Jesus’ ascension to heaven. We used scripture and visualisations to imagine we were one of the disciples watching this amazing event and begin to write a diary entry from the disciples’ point of view.


Golden Key:

4S: Iannis Milia: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to share his knowledge and learning enthusiastically with others.’

4B: Louis Read: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be a thoughtful, hardworking and supportive member of the class.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Reuben Jose: ‘For producing a well thought out critically analysis of a piece of writing for effectiveness and effect on the reader.’

4B: Joshua Green: ‘For using effective descriptive language to describe his mythical creature.’


A letter has gone out about our upcoming Y3/4 Mass at Sacred Heart on Tuesday 21st May. If you are able to walk with us from school to the church or will be attending the mass, could you please return the slip at the bottom of the letter as soon as possible.  Thank you.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

Friday 3rd May 2019

Dear all,
In maths this week, we have been learning how to convert units of measure. We have solved problems whilst having to convert between, cm and m and m and km. We will be continuing with our measures units next week.
In English, we have been creating similes about mythical creatures. The children have created some lovely sentences which have included a simile which they can use when they write a character description next week.
In RE we created art work with our representations of heaven. We used scripture and thought about how we could use this to help us with our depictions.
In assembly today Mr Cunningham presented us with a cheque to send to the Guide Dogs Association. With a little help from Miss Stapley’s last minute donation, we raised £200!
Golden Key:
4S: Stanley Perriman: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be a thoughtful, loving and kind member of the class.
4B: Henry Burridge: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to develop a positive attitude towards his learning this half term’
Showstopper Writer:
4S: Liberty Roberts: ‘For producing thoughtful and precise descriptive vocabulary.’
4B: Taylor Bryden: ‘For thoughtfully creating a vocabulary relating to his mythical creature.’
Mathemagician – April 2019:
4S: Matthew Alexander: ‘for challenging himself with his problem solving and reasoning in Maths.’
4B: Alfie Wingrove-Cross – ‘For persevering when faced with a challenge.’
We hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend.
The Year 4 Team

History time travel…

Our first week back saw the year 4’s time travel back to the Anglo-saxon times with a trip to Winchester, ancient capital of Wessex. Events of the day included:

Handling artefacts as an archeologist:

Examining and digging for artefacts:

Exploring Winchester Cathedral for Saxon evidence and finding mortuary chests that contain the bones of Anglo-Saxon Royalty:

and listening to the legend of the St Swithun:

The children enjoyed many more activities linked to the Anglo-Saxons and before returning to 2019 discovered an familiar face that had enjoyed some time travel too.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 team.

Happy Easter

Dear all,
We started the week in wild and wacky colours to raise money for CAFOD and end it having taken part in the Stations of the Cross at Oaklands chapel to shepherd in the Easter holidays. We wish you a happy Easter celebration with your family and friends.
Golden Key:
4S: Maddie Gissing: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to be a thoughtful, bubbly and enthusiastic member of the class’.
4B: Taylor Bryden: ‘for using the gifts God has given him to be a hardworking and resilient member of the class.’
Showstopper Writer:
4S: Robert Dimitru: ‘For producing a letter independently and editing to improve his writing.’
4B: Charlie Wright: ‘For persevering and overcoming challenges in his writing.’
Mathemagician – March 2019:
4S: James Watson for challenging himself with his problem solving and reasoning in Maths.
4B: Emily Long for gaining confidence with problem solving.
First week back after Easter holidays – whole school Penny Drive – bring in spare pennies for CAFOD.
Friday 26h April – Trip to Winchester
We have given the children a list of creative tasks for the Anglo Saxons/Vikings that they can do over the holidays. If they have another history project in mind then they are welcome to bring in for the first week back after the holidays.
We hope you have a lovely break.
The Year 4 Team

Geography day!

Dear all,

In English this week, we have written and edited letters to Jemmy Button. The children have been using different techniques to give reason why Jemmy should stay in London and why he should return to his island. They wrote letters with a balanced argument, leaving the final decision up to Jemmy.

In Maths we have begun our multiplication and division topic. We have used the grid method and formal written method to solve multiplication questions. We will be continuing this next week. Please continue to encourage your child to take part in Sumdog challenges. This is a fun way for the children to practice their skills.

We had our Geography day today. Year 4 were developing their map skills. We used geographical language to help us find countries on a map. We then focused on Australia, where the children created a ‘jigsaw’ map which show the different landscapes within the country.


Golden Key:

4S: Bradley Polley: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be more independent and resilient on his work task.’

4B: Emily Long: ‘for using the gifts God has given her to be a hard working member of the class.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Leo Veal: ‘For producing a letter with supporting viewpoints and editing to improve his writing.’

4B: Jake Street: ‘For producing a carefully planned letter.’


Monday 1st April – Wear it wacky for CAFOD.

Friday 5th April – INSET day, the school will be closed to the children.  

Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be updated each day in the home learning diary and this is checked on a Thursday.

We hope you have a lovely week.

The Year 4 Team

Heads Up for Guide Dogs

Dear all,
We end the week with our Heads up for Guide Dogs day, which was well supported by the whole of St Peter’s. Year 4 led a whole school assembly to inform the children about the benefits of a blind person have a guide dog, training from pup to dog and what the fundraising money can be spent on. A big thank you for your support in this cause and we will update you with our fundraising total in due course.

In English this week, we have continued our topic exploring the book ‘Jemmy Button’. The children wrote persuasive sentences to Jemmy, which have included a variety of different connectives/conjunctions – our grammar learning this week. They then had a chance to role play their persuasive piece from either a bias or balanced viewpoint. This verbal rehearsal will lead into writing to Jemmy next week.
Please continue to encourage your children to take part in the reading challenge; the prize for completing the reading challenge and being drawn from the hat on Friday 22nd March is a trip to Rock Up in Whiteley.
In Maths we continue our addition and subtraction topic. This week have been focusing on subtraction using a variety of practical resources to support the written methods, which include exchanging. Please support your child with securing their times table knowledge. Challenges are set on Sumdog as homework and all children are expected to take part. If your child has lost their log-in, we are more than happy to provide another copy.
Golden Key:
4S: Anna Manuel: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to share her learning and focus more on work tasks.’
4B: Jake Street: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to become a more resilient learner.’
Showstopper Writer:
4S: Logan Pipe-Edwards: ‘For producing descriptive sentences to show character’s emotions.’
4B: Taylor Bryden and Lily Gozukucuk: ‘For creating well thought out sentences and working well as a team.’
Wednesday 20th March – Deadline for the Spring Reading Challenge. Children to hand in the booklet to their class teacher.
Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be updated each day in the home learning diary and this is checked on a Thursday.
We hope you have a lovely week.
The Year 4 Team

Friday 8th March

Dear all,

In English this week, we have continued our topic exploring the book Jemmy Button. The children wrote diary entries as Jemmy which have included complex sentences – our grammar learning this week. We will continue this into next week.

In Maths we have begun our addition and subtraction topic. This week have been focusing on addition using a variety of practical resources to support the written methods. We are moving on to subtraction next week. Please support your child with securing their times table knowledge. Challenges are set on Sumdog as homework and all children are expected to take part. If your child has lost their log-in, we are more than happy to provide another copy.

It was lovely to see so many different book characters on Thursday. Please continue to encourage your children to take part in the reading challenge; the prize for completing the reading challenge and being drawn from the hat is a trip to Rock Up in Whiteley which the children are very excited about.


Golden Key:

4S: Travis Tricker: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to show improved commitment to his learning.’

4B: Caitlin Meechan: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to maintain her focus and commitment to her learning.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Isabel Thomas: ‘For critically thinking about a character.’

4B: Emily Long: ‘For showing a strong understanding of subordinate clauses in complex sentences.’


4S: Iannis Milia: ‘For challenging himself with his problem solving.’

4B: Daniella Pacheco: ‘For challenging her own learning to help her progress.’


Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be updated each day in the home learning diary and this is checked on a Thursday.

We hope you have a lovely week.

The Year 4 Team

A soggy trip to end to our week…

Dear all,
Our soggy end to the week brought a trip to Marwell. The children enjoyed a workshop about the different types of animals at Marwell and how they adapt to their habitats in the wild as well as considering how certain species become endangered. The children were introduced up-close to a hissing cockroach and an albino rat. We then explored the rest of the park and had an interesting encounter with a tiger before visiting the tropical house, the giraffes and finally the penguins. We returned to the coach, wet and cold but having enjoyed the experience despite of the inclement weather.

In English this week, we have continued with our Goodies vs Baddies unit. This week we have been looking at newspaper reports and articles and analysing their layout and language features. Next week the children will write a report about a superhero dual.
In Maths we have been continuing our Statistics unit with analysing and interpreting data using line graphs. Please continue to support the children’s times tables learning, with secure times table knowledge this really supports learning across other units including fractions and multiplication and division.
Please continue to encourage your children to take part in the reading challenge; the prize for completing the reading challenge and being drawn from the hat is a trip to Rock Up in Whiteley which the children are very excited about.
Next week we will be hearing the children’s poetry performances to vote for the grand final so please continue to support your children with their poem.
Golden Key
4s: James Watson: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to share his learning and focus more on his work task.’
4B: Hollie King: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to be a kind and conscientious member of the class.’
Showstopper Writer:
4S: Albie Brough: ‘For producing a tense descriptive commentary of Peter Pan Vs Hook.’
4B: Filip Machedon: ‘For a creative opening to his descriptive commentary.’
Mathemagician of the Month – January 2019
4S: Roberta Ouatu: ‘For constantly challenging herself in her problem solving to a high standard.’
4B: Daniel Ostrowski: ‘For thinking critically to prove why his answers are correct.’
Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be updated each day in the home learning diary and this is checked on a Thursday.
We hope you have a lovely week.
The Year 4 Team