Vocabulary Week!


We hope that you are all well and keeping safe.

This week, we have started our new unit of learning on The Spider Diaries. The children have really enjoyed taking a look at documentaries including Planet Earth and the Deadly 60 (CBBC) in order to find out more about these creepy crawlies! At the start of the week, Year Four designed their very own arachnid and used vocabulary banks in order to use scientific terminology when labelling the parts of the body e.g. muscular, strong pedipalps. As the week progressed, the children then considered a selection of nouns and pronouns that they could use to replace ‘spider’ and ‘web’ for the non chronological report they shall make as their written outcome. We have been amazed by the quality of the language that has been used by the children and are delighted to see lots of pupils accessing challenge tasks e.g. Can you include a verb, adverb, or preposition to add further detail to your expanded noun phrase?

In Maths, we have been focusing on subtraction and how to use expanded column to solve problems. We discussed how to exchange values and use a ‘magic exchanging pen’. Later on, the children then had a go at bar model challenges, discussing where they felt particular numbers should go based upon their place value when interpreting a problem. By Friday, Year Four had successfully interpreted a range of multi step word problems that involved both addition and subtraction. Please make sure that your child logs on to My Maths, as there have been lots of activities set based on Money and Conversions. We look forward to exploring pounds and pence next week! What do you know about money already? How do you calculate change? Be ready to share your ideas with the class on Monday…

A few quick reminders:

  • Please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on Monday for a PE lesson with their class teacher in the afternoon.
  • Red home learning books (spelling/vocabulary) and Yellow home reading journals to be handed in on Thursday please.

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns

The Tin Forest…

Hello everyone,

We hope that you have all been having a good week so far.

In English, we have been learning about the Tin Forest and the children have been using subordinating conjunctions to add their ideas together across sentences. We have been very impressed by the children’s use of emotion words, technical vocabulary and expanded noun phrases. Next week, we look forward to selecting WAGOLL examples (What A Good One Looks Like) and sending copies to Waterlooville library for their display board.

In Maths, we have been looking at the addition of four digit numbers. The children have used place value counters to explore what happens when they have too many ones, tens or hundreds in their place value columns (i.e. carrying). They have now begun to solve Tin Forest problems on subtraction – both classes have used dienes drawings to explore what happens when they need to do when exchanging a ten or hundred for more ones or tens  (i.e. exchanging). Please ensure that your child logs on to Sumdog for additional Times Table practice this week.

Reminders for next week:

  • Children to wear PE kits to school on Thursday morning, for a PE session with CM sports.
  • Spelling and vocabulary homework is due on Thursday.
  • We will not be collecting yellow reading journals until two weeks time (a fortnightly homework).
  • Sumdog has been updated with Times Table learning only for this week.

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend,

See you on Monday,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns

Anti Bullying Assembly 2020

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all having a lovely week so far.

Today, we took part in the Big Anti Bullying Assembly 2020. The children watched an online assembly which discussed bullying, the various forms it could take, and who to speak to when there is a problem. Both classes learnt a lot about the types of bullying and how to help someone who is feeling unhappy at school.

In English, we have been learning about our new text, The Tin Forest. The children have enjoyed playing ‘spot the difference’ and matching activities, to learn new vocabulary including the names and actions of different tools that can be used to make mechanical animals. We also created an emotion graph to explore how the main character’s feelings change across the course of the story – the children were very successful when they used evidence from the text to support their point of view.

In Maths, we have been continuing our work on number and place value. In particular, we have started to learn about addition and subtraction. Today, the children were given a Tin Forest problem to explore as a group – they enjoyed using Maths tools such as place value counters, to add, subtract and exchange different amounts. We also discussed a new class problem, using ‘think aloud’ to annotate what we noticed… the children were curious to find that they had been given the answer but had to use the inverse and work backwards to solve the challenge.

Please remind your children to bring in their spelling and home reading journals tomorrow. They will also need to arrive in their school PE kit for a session with CM sports. Please do not forget that we have an Inset day on Friday 2nd October 2020.

We hope you all have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns

We feel proud!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are all keeping well.

Here is a quick reminder of the homework your child will need to complete:

  • Sumdog is live with activities on number and place value.
  • Reading passports have gone home and need to be started.
  • Our fortnightly reading reviews in our yellow book journals are due on Thursday.
  • Spelling and vocabulary homework are due on Thursday.
  • Please remind your child to wear their PE kits to school on Thursday.


This week the children have worked really hard on their curriculum learning. In English we have been creating setting descriptions for a winter wonderland. Please check out some excellent examples from each class below:

In Maths we have been looking at rounding to the nearest 10’s and 100’s. Next week we will start to explore addition with 4 digits  using formal written methods. We have also used the following link to practise our times tables, why not have a go at home? https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check

We are really looking forward to our Black history month afternoon session on Thursday next week. In this session will shall be discussing family traditions, celebrations and beliefs.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and stay safe,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns


Another busy week!

Hello everyone,

It has been another busy week in Year 4 and we cannot wait to tell you what the children have been up to. For example on Tuesday 15th we celebrated our Year 4 Liturgy which was all about coronavirus and how we can show prayers of gratitude and spread hope during such a difficult time. We explored the story of Noah’s Ark and the symbol of the rainbow as being a sign of  promise. The children enjoyed sharing their prayers of gratitude for our unsung heroes and their promises they made for the future.

Here is the homework your child needs to be working on at the moment:

  • Spelling and Vocabulary homework in their red books (this needs to be completed by Thursday)
  • Remember to keep reading your books at home and to fill in a book review in your reading journal when you are ready (you can be as creative as you like and we would like you to hand them in by Thursday 1st October 2020). Remember your book reviews can just be based on a chapter.
  • Your child has been given a homework diary, please check out the introductory pages and the last few pages at the back of the diary.

Please remember to send your child in their PE kits on Monday 21st September 2020.

We look forward to seeing you all next week,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns

First Week Back!

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to St Peters, we hope you’ve all been keeping well. Thank you for your patience as the school adapts to new routines. Just a quick few reminders for you this week :

  • Please check out welcome meeting on this link. This presentations provides information on home learning expectations and new updates for you to be aware of in Year 4.  Welcome information video for Year 4 parents
  • Home work for this week is for children to complete their front page of their home reading journals and begin to look into the 6 must reads.
  • PE is on Thursday next week with CM sports.
  • Additional homework will be set as of next week. We appreciate that the children will need time to adapt to routine and settle into Year 4 and we do not wish to overload families with homework information on the first week back.
  • Thank you for those who have worked hard on their summer holiday learning. Feel free to bring them in next week. Our homework hand in day is on Thursdays.

Take care and best wishes,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns.

Home learning Friday 10th July 2020

Hello everyone!

We hope that you have all been having a good week so far and that you enjoyed the sunshine this weekend. Please keep up all of the great work you have completed so far as part of your home learning. As we now approach week 15 of our remote learning tasks, stay motivated and don’t give up as you are all doing so well with the homework and we are very proud of you all for your fantastic efforts! Feel free to send any more examples of learning that you are proud of, to our classroom email accounts. This is our last week of term and therefore our last set of home learning tasks for you! All blog posts will be staying on our website so please feel free to complete any tasks that you may have missed along the way during the summer holidays! Please remember as you go about completing this home learning that our priority is reading, writing and maths so use your time to complete the tasks set for those. Pick and choose from the other subjects e.g. science, music and art; there is no expectation to complete them all. We are very excited to see you all this week for our Keeping in Touch meetings. It will be lovely to have a catch up with you all, and for you to be able to tell your teachers and classmates what your lock down experience has been like so far. See you soon!


Reading comprehension


This week, we would like you to focus upon diary entries as part of your Guided Reading and writing tasks. In particular, we would like you to have a go at comparing the differences between fact and opinion, then try to infer the feelings of a character by what he/she has written and described.


Lesson 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-comprehension-fact-retrieval-d9fe16


Lesson 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-comprehension-inference




* Fancy a challenge? Give the following task a try…


Take a look at the diary entry below (word document), by clicking on the link:


Wilbur’s Diary: 

10.07.20 Guided Reading challenge


Can you read through the diary entry from Charlotte’s Webb and locate the following key features?


Key Feature

Yes  /  No

Example (from the text, or your own)

Past tense
First person
Emotion words
Fronted adverbials
Expanded noun phrases
Time and date headings



If you cannot find a particular feature, can you use an editing pen to improve Wilbur’s diary entry so that it includes some of the missing features?




* For those who complete separate guided reading activities, have a go at the following task…

Watch the following video, from Literacy Shed: https://www.literacyshed.com/beans.html Can you have a go at filling in the emotion graph for the main character, for the different stages of his life?



In addition, please continue to read 20-30 minutes daily. Try and read a range of texts too.


Writing activity


To continue your learning on diary entries that you completed as part of this week’s reading comprehension task, we would like you to have a go at the following tasks in order to help you apply the skills that you have already started to identify from WAGOLL diary extracts (What A Good One Looks Like). Once you have made your own diary entries, why not email them to the classroom email account so we can celebrate your great effort?


Lesson 3: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-identify-the-key-features-of-a-diary


Lesson 4: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/spag-focus-07a5ff


Lesson 5: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-write-our-own-composition-using-the-key-features-of-a-diary




* Fancy a challenge? Give the following task a try…



This task follows on from the reading challenge task this week…


Wilbur’s Diary:

10.07.20 Guided Reading challenge


Now have a go at writing the diary entry for the next morning, from Wilbur’s point of view. Don’t forget to use your Diary Entry checklist from the writing challenge task on this week’s blog post!




* Too tricky? Why not take a look at the activity below. This task follows on from the reading challenge task this week…

– Re-watch the following video, from Literacy Shed: https://www.literacyshed.com/beans.html

– Now that you have identified how the main character felt at different stages of his baked bean journey, can you choose one of the following tins of baked beans to write your own diary extract?



Take a look at the examples below to help you with your ideas…


Support examples:

The one for one

Dear diary,

My favourite food in the whole entire world is a tin of baked beans! I know that sounds silly but it is my true passion. Beans are so good for you and I want to invent a tin that is just the right size for one person to snack on…

To begin my work, I had a go at using my baked-bean-o-meter to crush my aluminium cans into just the right size. It was tiring work and things didn’t go too well. Just before lunch time, my beans had exploded everywhere and splattered all up the windows of my workshop! It made such a mess and I felt so cross and humiliated. Perhaps I shall try again tomorrow instead…

Your exhausted friend,



The one for two

Dear diary,

You’ll never guess what! Just as I was about to enter my workshop to have another try at making the perfect sized can of beans at the Heinz factory, I had the most wonderful surprise.

As I looked out of the window of my workshop, I saw the most beautiful girl of my dreams. Her smile dazzled in the lamplight and her glossy, golden hair swished from side to side. I showed her the can of beans I had been working on so far and she kindly giggled and told me not to give up.

And then the idea hit me… I must make a lovely can of beans to share with her! I cannot wait to get to work and impress her, my heart is leaping with joy.

Your excited friend,




This week, we would like you to revise the following Y3/4 spelling words from our list. These words contain double consonants…


Accident         Address        Grammar        Pressure         Possess        Different        Disappear



* Fancy a challenge? Give the following task a try…


Can you practise your spelling words for the week by using silly sentences and word pyramids?


Why not try a spelling graffiti wall in order to practise each word in different sections of the drawing you have made?




For those working on tricky common exception words, use the following online ‘Spelling Times Game’, then select ‘Word Silhouette’ to recognise the patterns of ascenders and descenders across your practise words.




This week, we shall complete our learning on measurements and calculations involving measure. In particular, we are going to look at different word problems for measure, as well as how to continue to convert between measurements where necessary. Feel free to take a look back at the learning your did last week before having a go at these new sessions from Oaks Academy…


Lesson 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-weight-two-point-seven


Lesson 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-money-buying-fruit

Lesson 3:


Lesson 4: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-length-flag-pole


Lesson 5: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-mixed-measure-problems-fe977c




Too easy? Have a go at the problem solving tasks on measures, below. Don’t forget to draw the problem first and discuss with an adult. Clue: how could you use squared paper, or number lines to help you?


Rope Mat

I have a square table-mat made from rope that spirals from the centre. It is rather like this one:



The mat is a 14 centimetre square. The rope is 2 cm wide.

How many centimetres of rope will I need to make another mat just like it?

How much rope would I need to make a 12 cm square, or a 16 cm square?

Is there a quick way to work this out?


Walk and Ride

A group of 10 students are on a field trip when their bus breaks down 40 miles away from the school.

A teacher takes 5 of them back to school in her car, travelling at an average speed of 40 miles per hour.

The other 5 students start walking towards school at a steady 4 miles per hour.


The teacher drops the 5 at school, then immediately turns around and comes back for the others, again travelling at a steady speed of 40 miles per hour.

How far have the students walked by the time the car reaches them?



For those who have additional support during maths activities in school, please take a look at the following discussion tasks to support your learning. How can you use your learning on measures label these Talk Tasks with your ideas?


Hand Span

Spread your fingers as wide as you can,

What you have now is called a hand span .

A hand span can help you to find out how big

Is the height of a cow, a horse or a pig.


Use your hand span very carefully and see

How many it takes to go right round a tree.

Now get a good friend and make this a game,

Compare if the number of spans round the tree is the same.


Next find an adult and compare their hand span too

To see if they use more or less spans than you.

Now write down the answers and think as hard as can be,

Why is it better to use a tape measure like me?



Remember that Sumdog, Times Table Rockstars and My Maths have also been updated with activities.




Visit the ‘hour of code’ website below and have a go at the following activities…


  • To follow on from last week’s ICT task on algorithms, take a look at this Alice in Wonderland memory game and work through as many levels as you can. Could you design your own memory puzzle, on paper, using counters and character cards?



  • Now try the Multiplication Escape game – can you use code to answer the times table questions correctly and dodge the giant boulders? When complete, could you try this game with a friend, remotely?



Religious Education – Miss Honeywell


As we approach the end of the school year and consider our journey in faith towards God, now is a great time to reflect upon each of the Sacraments that form a special part of this journey. Please choose ONE of the seven Sacraments below: Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, Reconciliation, or Anointing of the Sick.



With your chosen Sacrament, have a go at ONE of the following tasks…


  • Write a prayer or poem about your favourite Sacrament. How could you ask for God’s blessing and guidance throughout your Christian journey? Describe how you would feel during the Sacrament.


  • Create a stained glass window to represent the key symbol(s) of your chosen Sacrament. What do these symbols mean and why do you think that they are they important?


  • Can you find any photographs at home from when you or a family member took part in any of the Sacraments? Discuss what the experience was like and what you can both still remember.


  • Make a set of game cards to help you remember each of the sacraments (e.g. Snap, Pairs, Dobble) and how they are similar or different to one another.


  • Are there any special garments or items of clothing that you would wear when taking part in your chosen Sacrament? Design an appropriate outfit – which colours or details would be suitable?


  • Research how your chosen Sacrament is celebrated across different churches and countries. How do the celebrations compare to each other? Is there anything that surprised you?




Take a look at the following video from the Thinking Shed: https://www.literacyshed.com/the-bridge.html

Can you create a poster to teach others about the moral lessons that this video has taught you? For example:


– To work as a team

– To not be unkind to others

– To share what you have

– To be a good listener


Extension: Can you role-play your own moral story with your friends or family members? Which lessons do you feel are the most important to teach to other people, during the lock down?


Music – Mrs Sumba


Think back over the past school year which started in September 2019. What can you remember doing? Make a list of these things.


Now think of a tune you know well.

Using this tune and the list you have written, can you compose a song about this school year? Perhaps you could record yourself singing it.


Family Science Activity – Miss Stapley


Spaghetti Towers

https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/spaghetti-towers – to watch the video


The activity:

  • Make a tower from spaghetti and marshmallows.
  • ExpeRiment with the construction of your tower to find out which shapes are best for building with.
  • Learn why some shapes are more stable than others when you build a tower.

https://www.rigb.org/docs/spaghettitowers_infosheet_0_1.pdf – for the full information on the activity and questions to ask your child(ren)


You will need:

Packet of spaghetti (uncooked) • Packet of marshmallows


What to do:

Challenge a child or children to use marshmallows (whole ones or pieces) to join lengths of spaghetti together to make the tallest tower possible. You could start by building a simple cube and seeing what you need to do to make a taller structure that remains standing.


Going Further challenge:

  • Instead of building a tall tower, you could try to build the strongest bridge from spaghetti and marshmallows.
  • You could limit the amount of spaghetti and number of marshmallows to make the task more difficult.
  • You could give children a budget with which to ‘buy’ spaghetti and marshmallows and make the ‘cost’ of the tower another element they have to consider.
  • Try out this interactive ‘shapes’ lab to see how forces affect different shapes: http://bit.ly/ShapesLab


Have fun!

Home Learning – Friday 3rd July 2020

Home learning – 3.7.2020

Hello everybody! The sun is shining and it has been lovely hearing all about the time you’ve spent in the garden, going on social distance walks and even some of you have been lucky enough to visit the beach! We are so excited to see you next week for our catch up hour and enjoy our final time together in year 4!  Remember if you are proud of any particular pieces of work, please do not hesitate to bring them in.

A quick update just to let you know Miss Jackson-Nash has finally competed her charity walking challenge! Her and her fiancé walked 1, 800,000 steps in just under 3 months! The charity was super happy with the money raised and the efforts Miss Jackson-Nash made and phoned her up to say a big thanks, sent her a t-shirt to wear and a big shiny medal. Though she has completed this charity challenge, she enjoyed it so much that she is doing another one to prepare herself to walk up Ben Nevis which is a big mountain in Scotland!


Reading –

This week in reading we would like you to follow the lessons from Oak’s academy. You will be using your fact retrieval and summary skills.

Lesson 1 – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/persuasion-reading-comprehension-fact-retrieval

Lesson 2 – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/persuasion-reading-comprehension-summary

Support –

If you are in a separate group for guided reading try the reading activities below –

Watch the persuasive rap – can you answer the following questions? Use the video to help you.


  • Can you name three things that we need to do to help the Earth?
  • What message do you think the children are trying to get across? Use your summary skills.
  • How are the children trying to persuade you? Can you identify any features?

In addition to this please continue 20-30 minutes of daily reading.

Writing – Persuasive Rap

Lesson 3 –  https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/persuasion-identifying-the-features-of-a-text

Lesson 4 – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/persuasion-spag-focus-imperative-and-modal-verbs

Lesson 5 – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/persuasion-write-a-persuasive-rap

Support –

Can you design a poster to persuade others to be more eco-friendly?

This is a snippet from the rap, we will use this as our WAGOLL. You can magpie ideas to put on your poster. There are some tricky words here so read with your grown up. If you see a word that you do not recognise or understand, think about our strategies we have learnt.

  • Look at the surrounding words in the sentence?
  • What other words would fit?
  • Has the word got any prefixes or suffixes which would help you?
  • Discuss what the word means with your learning buddy or with an adult

Here are some examples of persuasive posters. As you can see they have used modal verbs and imperative (bossy) verbs like ‘You must recycle… We need to help our Earth’. I can also see Slogans, diagrams, captions and key vocabulary. Remember your task is to create a poster that will persuade others to think about their eco-choices.

Here are a list of modal and imperative verbs you could use –

Spellings –

Difference , difficult, accordance, recycle, reduce,  convert, pollution , efficient  

This week, we would like you to revise the following Y3/4 spelling words from our list. These should also help you during your reading and writing activities for this week.

Challenge – Can you put these words into a silly sentence?

Support – If you are in a separate spelling group –

For those working on Y2 common exception words, use the following online ‘Practise/Test’ to listen to your spelling words within sentences, then fill the gaps.



Maths –

Last week you started the topic – Measurements. Continue the Oaks academy lessons, we would like you to continue this topic starting from lesson 6.

Lesson 1 – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-time-marathon-training

Lesson 2 – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-money-the-price-of-stamps

Lesson 3 – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-length-ribbon-riddle

Lesson 4 – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-money-coin-purse-challenge

Lesson 5 –  https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-mixed-measure-problems

Challenge –

In 1908 the Olympic Games were held in London, that’s just over 100 years ago. Then, just after World War 2 they were again in London in 1948.

Here are the results from some track events;


100 metres 10.8 secs

200 metres 22.6 secs

400 metres 50.0 secs

800 metres 112 secs

1500 metres 240 secs


100 metres 10.3 secs

200 metres 21.1 secs

400 metres 46.2 secs

800 metres 109 secs

1500 metres 229 secs

The 2012 London Olympics were another 64 years later.
How did the results differ?
Could you have predicted the results?
Perhaps more importantly, what’s the reason for your answer?

What about the results for 2016, what would you predict?

What another challenge – Try this money problem

Support – Try these measure problems –

Sasha has five coins in her purse.

How much money might she have? Can you find all the different combinations?


Task 2 – Look at the shapes, can you measure the perimeter them and put them in size order.

Challenge: Is there any other ways you could order these shapes?


Computing –

This week we would like you to think about algorithms. Algorithms are sets of instructions. Computers use algorithms to carry our tasks. Computers like to have the shortest route possible.


We can try to do this using the Tower of Hanoi.  You begin with three poles and 3 discs.  Move all the disks from the leftmost peg to the rightmost peg.

Rules:  only one disk can be moved at a time a larger disk may not be placed on top of a smaller disk  only one disk can be moved at a time.

Task one – Move all the discs following the rules, to the last pole with the largest disc at the bottom and the smallest on top.

Task two– write a list of instructions to get all the disks in the correct place. To do this number your poles 1, 2 and 3.  Move 1 to 2  Move 1 to 3  How many moves does it take you?

You can use the link above to do this task or you could make your own using 3 pieces of paper, of different sizes.

Challenge: Find out what is the least amount of moves this can be done in and make a new instruction list (algorithm) What if you had 5 discs. How many poles would you need to complete this? Can you do it with 4 or do you have to have 5?


Topic – PHSE

This week we would like you to reflect on all the things there are to be grateful for in your life. Times are very different at the moment, and even though a lot of us wish life would go back to ‘normal’, we would like you to think about all the good that lockdown has brought you.  Here are some ideas for you to focus upon:

  • Have you learnt any new skills?
  • Have you taken more responsibility at home?
  • Have you been enjoying the sunny weather?
  • Have you been spending more time with your family?
  • Have you been enjoying sharing your learning with your family?
  • Have you been using technology in a positive way to stay in contact with friends and family?
  • Are you enjoying staying in your pyjamas a little later?
  • Will you appreciate things more when this is over?


We would love you to create a colourful, visual mind map, including pictures and noting all the things that you’re are grateful for. Have a deep think, as we all have so many things to appreciate in our lives.


As a challenge, you could extend your learning by thinking about an imaginative way to present your work. You could create a poem, song, interpretive dance or a piece of creative artwork to show all the things you are grateful to have. We would love to see some of these on our Year 4 Art blog!

Music –

Over the past few weeks, you have listened to 10 pieces of music composed by Musical Trailblazers. Go to the website below and listen to them again.


Which was your favourite and why?

Which was your least favourite and why?

Art – 

Art Challenge For Father Jeremy:

Father Jeremy has got a very special celebration coming up on 26th July this year. He will be celebrating 45 years since his ordination into the priesthood.  I think this is a remarkable achievement and should be marked by your incredible artwork. Therefore, your Art challenge for the next fortnight is to produce a piece of art for Father Jeremy.  This can take any form you like from street art, a drawing, collage or even some edible art! As well as being a priest, Father Jeremy has a wide range of interests including walking, reading and nature.  So let you creative juices flow and come up with something spectacular….I know you will!

As I have mentioned, this is a two week challenge and I would ask that, as well as me displaying your art on the Blog, would you please keep hold of it (yes even sculptures you may make), so that I can collect it from you, when we are all back in school and put it in a book and then present in to Father Jeremy.

As always, you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!


If your child has an allergy to eggs – please choose another exciting investigation from https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental

Bouncing Eggs

https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/eggsperiments – watch the video

  • Make an uncooked egg bounce!
  • ExpeRiment with different liquids to see what effect they have on eggs.
  • Learn how the acid in household liquids like orange juice and vinegar react with eggshells and make them dissolve, leaving the inside of the egg intact.

https://www.rigb.org/docs/dissolving_eggs_infosheet_v2_0_1.pdf – download worksheet for instructions and questions to ask before and after the investigation.

You will need:

5 eggs • Glasses or jars that an egg can fit inside comfortably • Cling film • Oil • Milk • Water • Vinegar • Orange juice

Going further challenge:

  • You can use the shell-less eggs you make from this experiment to do another activity which will let you shrink and expand the eggs by placing them in different liquids: http://bit.ly/nakedeggs
  • Watch a video of how to make a coloured bouncy egg, then try making one yourself: http://bit.ly/RubberEgg

Home learning Friday 26th June 2020

Hello everyone!


We hope that you are all well and keeping safe, remembering to social distance where required and continue your regular hand washing! Now that we are back to school teaching full time, we shall not be posting our weekly baking and activity photos however we have really enjoyed hearing all about what you have been up to at home during our 3-weekly phone calls and correspondence on our classroom email accounts. If you’ve not done so already, please respond to our school survey to indicate whether you would like to attend one of our Keeping in Touch sessions as St. Peters. As you know, this will be our final opportunity to say farewell to one another and for teachers to wish you the best of luck as you embark upon your journey to Year Five in September. We hope to see you all at the Keeping in Touch sessions, please do let the office know if you change your mind and decide you would like to attend – even if it is later during the week! Of course, we’ll try our best to group our ‘pods of 4’ pupils based on our current classroom friendship groups. We cannot, however, guarantee this as our decisions for groupings shall be informed by the choices parents have made as to whether or not they wish their for child to come to school to attend a session…


Reading comprehension


This week, we would like you to focus upon Instructions as part of your Guided Reading and writing tasks. Now that we have moved on from narratives,, character descriptions and recording speech dialogue, let’s take a look at how we can use the skills of adverbs (-ly), imperative verbs, statements and factual 5Ws (who, what, where, when, why) in order to produce a set of precise and logical instructions.


Lesson 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-comprehension-fact-retrieval


Lesson 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-comprehension-language




* Fancy a challenge? Give the following task a try…



Colour code the following key features:


– Imperative Verbs (bossy!)

– Adverbs (-ly words)

– Rhetorical questions (?)

– Captions (picture labels)

– Prepositions (where?)


  • What is missing from this instruction page? Why not have a go at making the lizard card, to help you consider whether there are any other features that you feel should have been used in order to give you more information and detail for completing the card?


To see a larger version of this instruction page, please take a look at the document below:


PDF link:






* For those who complete separate guided reading activities, have a go at the following task…



  • Read each instruction. Draw a picture to show each step within the instruction.


  • Write a short statement beneath each image, telling the robot what to do. How can you break the instructions down into smaller, simpler steps?


For a larger version of the cards above (you are welcome to cut and stick them, if you would prefer to), take a look at the document below:


PDF link:




In addition, please continue to read 20-30 minutes daily. Try and read a range of texts too.



Writing activity


To continue your learning on Instructions that you completed as part of this week’s reading comprehension task, we would like you to have a go at the following tasks in order to help you apply the skills that you have already started to identify from WAGOLL instruction texts (What A Good One Looks Like). Once you have made your set of instructions, why not email them to the classroom email account so we can celebrate your great effort?


Lesson 3: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/identifying-the-features-of-a-text-0a55e8


Lesson 4: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/spag-focus-adverbials


Lesson 5: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/write-a-set-of-instructions




* Fancy a challenge? Give the following task a try…



  • Can you put these instructions into the correct order?


  • Use a coloured pen to include adverbs to each step (-ly words). Do your adverbs make sense with each verb you have been given? g. Carefully divide the mixture, place the cases equally on a baking tray.


  • Now try another coloured pen to include any time connectives that you feel would help show the logical order of each step, g. Firstly, use an electric whisk, or After that, place the ingredients in a bowl..


For a larger version of the cards above (you are welcome to cut and stick them, if you would prefer to), take a look at the document below:


PDF link:






* Too tricky? Why not take a look at the activity below…










Think of a simple daily chore that you would like help with (e.g. making your breakfast cereal in the morning). What are the main steps that you would need to tell the robot to do? How can you be as ‘bossy’ as possible and ensure that your instructions are in clear steps, so that there is no risk of your robot becoming confused?


There are plenty of ideas to inspire you, on page 6 and 7 of this handy document…


PDF link:







This week, we would like you to revise the following Y3/4 spelling words from our list. These should also help you during your reading and writing activities for this week.


caught         centre         century        certain        circle        decide        describe




* Fancy a challenge? Give the following task a try…


Can you practise your spelling words for the week by using spelling spirals and staircases? Why not try a spelling doodle in order to practise each word in different sections of the drawing you have made?



For those working on Y2 common exception words, use the following online ‘Practise/Test’ to listen to your spelling words within sentences, then fill the gaps.







Lesson 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-choosing-appropriate-measures


Lesson 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-converting-between-mm-and-cm

Lesson 3:


Lesson 4: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-capacity-and-mass


Lesson 5: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measures-solving-measures-problems




Too easy? Have a go at the problem solving task on capacity, below. If you would like to view it  from the website, visit:





For a downloadable copy of the measuring cylinders, please open the link below:


PDF link:


Maths Problem Solving challenge


Oh, Harry!


A group of eight children in Class 6 were measuring water using measuring cylinders. They coloured the water to make reading the scales easier.

They lined up the cylinders in two neat rows, each labelled with a child’s name and the amount they had measured out.

Then Harry opened the window and the wind blew most of the labels onto the floor! “Oh! Harry!” they all wailed. Can you re-label the cylinders for them?


Ahmed had measured out just a thousand millilitres and Belinda twice as much as Ahmed.

Grace had measured out three-quarters of the amount that Belinda had done and Freddie had half the amount that Ahmed had measured out.

Which were their cylinders?


Callum had coloured his water blue. How much did he measure out?

Ellie had coloured her water pink and Dan coloured his orange. How much did they measure out?

“Don’t drink that!” Harry had laughed, pointing at Dan’s cylinder, “It’s not orange juice!” As his hand stretched out he knocked over his red liquid. “Oh! Harry!” they all wailed again.

How much was left in Harry’s cylinder after the accident?




* For those who have additional support during maths activities in school, please take a look at the following tasks to support your learning…



Pouring the Punch Drink


Task One:

There are four jugs.

The largest holds exactly 9 litres of drink, and is filled to the top.

The 7 litre, 4 litre and 2 litre jugs are empty.

Find a way to pour the drink from one jug to another until you are left with exactly 3 litres in three of the jugs.


Task Two:

You have three jugs one of which is full and holds 8

The capacity of other jugs is not known. But, it is known that when using them every whole number quantity from 1 litre to 8 litres can be accurately measured out.

What could be the capacities of the 2 other jugs?

How would you measure all the whole number quantities from 1 to 8 litres?


Please note:

To have a go at this task at home, why not make the measurements smaller? e.g. what if each measurement was in millilitres (ml) instead of litres (L)…  Use cups in your kitchen to transfer each amount of liquid.


Remember that Sumdog, Times Table Rockstars and My Maths have also been updated with activities.




Visit the ‘hour of code’ website below and have a go at the following activity on responsible recycling and production, which forms part of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals project.




How can we dispose of our litter and use energy in a responsible way?  Can you use coding to help you create a Google logo that promotes the environment and how we can care for wildlife? Watch the video tutorial below and then access your Google task through the second weblink below.


Video tutorial:




Google activity: 







Due to the fabulous summer heat wave we have been experiencing recently, now seems an excellent time to revisit some of our learning on States of Matter.

This week, we would like you to have a go at the following Science experiment. Can you find an item to freeze in water? What temperature does the water freeze at?




Once you have frozen your item, how could you get it back out of the ice again? There are many ways, can you find out which method is the quickest and explain why? Clue: can you remember how a solid turns back into a liquid? See if you can use your scientific knowledge to draw a labelled diagram of your item before, during and after the experiment. Can you include key words and temperatures, for each stage?



Religious Education – Miss Honeywell


Our school patronal feast day takes place on Sunday 28th June. In order to prepare for this special time of the year, please choose ONE of the following activities in order to learn more about St. Peter…


  • Write a diary entry as St. Peter, when he escaped from prison. Describe how he felt when the Lord sent an angel to free him from the jail that Herod had cruelly locked him up in. How did they get out of the prison?


  • Jesus told Peter, ‘I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven’. Design the keys and include as many symbols as you can to represent St. Peter and why he was so special. What would the keys be made of?


  • Jesus said to Peter, ‘You are a rock, and on this rock I will build my church’. Could you paint or decorate a stone or pebble, to show ways in which to build God’s church? (e.g. by spreading love, faith and Good News).


  • Create a selection of short prayers to ask for God’s guidance during the global pandemic. How could we demonstrate the courage, faith and commitment that was demonstrated by St. Peter, as we work to support others?


  • Take a look at the St. Peter’s logo on our school website. Can you re-design the crest so it reflects the qualities of St. Peter? (e.g. trust, hope, responsibility). Why did Jesus say ‘feed my lambs’? How might St. Peter ask us to continue God’s work on earth?


  • Use the internet to research St. Peter – can you make a fact file about our school saint? Which key words might you use as part of your factual information page? Were there any articles about St. Peter that particularly interested or surprised you?


Family STEM activity – Miss Stapley


Giant Bubbles


https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/giant-bubbles  – watch the video


  • Make a home-bubble mixture and wands. Use them to look more closely at the characteristics and behaviour of soap bubbles.
  • Experiment with different shapes and sizes of bubbles and see what you can and cannot control about bubbles. Learn how to make giant bubbles and find out why bubbles are usually round.
  • Learn how to make giant bubbles and find out why bubbles are usually round. https://www.rigb.org/docs/giantbubbles_infosheet_0_0.pdf – details on the information sheet.


You will need:

  • Good quality washing up liquid
  • Water
  • Glycerin (optional)
  • Plastic tub or other container for bubble mixture
  • Measuring jug (optional)
  • Various things with holes in them for blowing bubbles with. Watch the video for ideas. Straws, pipe cleaners, paperclips, coat hangers, cookie cutters and cake tins with removable bottoms are all particularly good.
  • For giant bubbles: wooden spoons (or other sticks), a couple of metres of string and a small weight you can thread through it, like a metal key ring or nut.


What to do:

A mixture we found that works is 1 litre of water, 100ml of washing up liquid and 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of glycerin. Blow some bubbles!

Put a straw into your bubble solution and try blowing gently into the liquid. You should be able to make a lot of bubbles very quickly. Then dip one end of a straw into the solution, take it out and blow gently through the other end. See if you can control the size of bubble you can blow out of the straw.

Try making bubbles using things with bigger holes, like a paperclip or pipe cleaner bent into a circle. Try poking a dry finger into a bubble, then try the same thing after dipping your finger in bubble solution.

Try making bubbles inside bubbles by poking a straw dipped in bubble solution into an existing bubble and blowing again.

Try out objects with different shaped holes, like cookie cutters or pipe cleaners bent into other shapes. Try objects with really big holes, like a coat hanger or a cake baking tin with its bottom removed. Try making giant bubbles with the special wand we show you how to make in the video.


Going Further:

  • You can experiment with your bubble mixture and giant bubble wand to see just how big you can get your bubbles to be. There are lots of different bubble mixture recipes on the internet, just search for “soap bubble recipe”.
  • You could try making two or three of them and comparing how good the bubbles they make are.


Music – Mrs Sumba


Hans Zimmer


Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Hans Zimmer




Hans Zimmer – Earth – BBC Teach

Hans Zimmer has composed Earth especially for Ten Pieces. The piece is his personal celebration of the planet we live on. With his trademark sense of scale and drama, Hans captures the majesty and …



Why is Hans Zimmer considered a musical trail blazer?


Now listen to the whole piece in the second video.

Zimmer tells us to,

‘Do what you wanna do with it!’

How can you ‘play and get creative’ with this piece?


Art Challenge: The Great Getaway! TRANSPORT


The title for your art this week is The Great Getaway! TRANSPORT. This can take the form of a drawing, a painting, a sculpture, a collage or anything else that you would like to create. As always, I’m sure you will impress me with your creativity!


Here are some ideas:


CHALLENGE: Design your own vehicle, maybe one that flies and can float on water!

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too. Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson

Home Learning 19.06.2020

Hello everyone!

We hope you have had a lovely weekend and was able to enjoy the sunshine. Once again it has been fantastic hearing about what you are doing at home and all the hard work that has taken place. Thank you for using the class emails and showing us your creative work!

Miss Jackson-Nash has found it tricky to get in as many walks this week due to the weather being rubbish! Luckily Miss Jackson-Nash is teaching at school and it is very surprising how many steps you do whilst teaching! She has also made more yummy treats and using up some Easter eggs that you kindly brought her back in March time!

Miss Honeywell has also been very busy at school this week but has managed to enjoy the sun and find the time to cook more delicious bakes! Take a look… mmmm!


Reading –  News report.

The last few weeks you have been focusing a lot on fiction texts along with character descriptions and story setting. In order to write a gripping news report, though it is non-fiction, it is still important to use the fantastic writing skills you have used in these last few weeks. These skills include expanded noun phrases, use of vibrant vocabulary and paragraphs etc.

Your first task is to have a look at this news report, once you have read it click on the link for lesson one from Oaks academy.

Lesson 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-reading-comprehension-fact-retrieval

In lesson 1, read the text and then on the worksheet slide answer the questions. You will need to use your fact retrieval skills.

Lesson 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-reading-comprehension-inference/

In lesson 2, familiarise yourself with the news report and then using your comprehension skills , answer the questions giving evidence.

**Support: For those who complete separate guided reading activities, have a go at the following task-

Fact retrieval – read the following newspaper report. Can you answer these question?

Where did Farmer Fred take his Turnip?

How do you know the turnip was big?

When did Farmer Fred plant his turnip and how did he look after it?

Do you think it was easy pulling up the turnip? Explain your answer using evidence from the text.


In addition, please continue to read 20-30 minutes daily. Try and read a range of text too. 

Writing –

Now we are going to write our own newspaper report. Follow the Oaks Academy lessons and complete the worksheets on each slide.

Lesson 3: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-identifying-the-features-of-a-text/

Lesson 4: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-spag-focus-inverted-commas

Lesson 5: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-write-a-news-report

**Support: If you are finding these tricky have a go at this task.  Looking at the newspaper report, can you identify the key features?


Name of the newspaper, headline, reporters name, opening, sub-heading, picture, caption, advert, extra information.

Spellings –

This week, we would like you to revise the following Y3/4 spelling words from our list. These should also help you during your reading and writing activities for this week.

Therefore    Though    Through    Thought    Various Accidentally 

Please note:

For those working on Y2 common exception words, use the following online ‘Spelling Tiles’ games (there are four to choose from).



Maths –

Last week, you started looking at Area and Perimeter, to follow on form this we will be continuing with the sessions looking at lessons 6-10. If you need reminding of anything from the previous week, please do not hesitate to go back to previous lessons.

Lesson 6: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-1-estimating/

Lesson 7: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-2-calculating/

Lesson 8: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-3-cm2/

Lesson 9: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-4-m2/

Lesson 10: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-5-application/


**Support: If the lessons above are too tricky, try the following activity.

Watch the video to remind yourself of what area is.


Remember when calculating the area of a square or rectangle you need to multiply width x height.

Can you find the area of these shapes? Remember use your times table skills and strategies to help you.

Remember that Sumdog, Times Table Rockstars and My Maths have also been updated with activities.

Topic – Windrush

Read the poem Windrush child by John Agard. You can also watch John Agard read the poem:

Windrush Child by John Agard

Behind you

Windrush child

palm trees wave goodbye


above you

Windrush child

seabirds asking why


around you

Windrush child

blue water rolling by


beside you

Windrush child

your Windrush mum and dad


think of storytime yard

and mango mornings


and new beginnings

doors closing and opening


will things turn out right?

At least the ship will arrive

in midsummer light


and you Windrush child

think of grandmother

telling you don’t forget to write


and with one last hug

walk good walk good

and the sea’s wheel carries on spinning


and from that place England

you tell her in a letter

of your Windrush adventure


stepping in a big ship

not knowing how long the journey

or that you’re stepping into history


bringing your Caribbean eye

to another horizon

grandmother’s words your shining beacon


learning how to fly

the kite of your dreams

in an English sky

Windrush child

walking good walking good

in a mind-opening

meeting of snow and sun


Explain to children that the SS Wind rush docked in Tilbury on June 21st 1948. This was the start of post-war migration to Britain from the Caribbean. Between 1948 & 1970 nearly 500 thousand people left their homes in the West Indies to come to Britain. They were all British citizens and has the right to work and settle in Britain. They came for various different reasons; most responded to a call from Britain for workers in the transport system, the postal service and hospitals; some came to work for a while before returning home with money they had saved, others were looking for better opportunities for themselves and their families. Many were also soldiers who had fought for Britain during World war 2.

  Task 1: Using an Atlas or researching on the internet, can you find the countries such as Jamaica, Trinidad or other West Indian islands. Once you have found them, using a map can you mark the journey of SS Windrush?

Empire Windrush started at Trinidad and headed north up the Caribbean via Kingston, Tampico, Havana and Bermuda then over Atlantic Ocean to Tilbury.

Task 2: Research and make notes on the climate in the West Indies and how it differs from British climate. What else differs?

Task 3: Now you have a clear understanding on what SS Windrush was and where the many people had migrated from we would like you to imagine you are one of those people. Write a letter or postcard to your family back home in the West Indies. Describe what Britain is like compared to the West Indies (climate, houses, food, transport etc) and how the people of Britain are treating you. How do you feel about it? Was it what you were expecting?

Science –

Last week you revisited electric circuit and it has been fantastic to hear the brilliant electrical objects you have managed to make work by successfully creating a closed circuit! We will be going back to circuits but before we do, there is just one more session on sound we would like you to explore.

Over the last few weeks we have been conducting lots of science experiments to explore sound.

Now we should understand that sound is made from vibrations that travel in the air. This week we are going to explore how the sound enters our ears and how our ears work.

Watch the video – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgdmsbk/articles/zkdkmfr 

If you want more information about the ear, check out the rest of the bitesize page, or watch videos on youtube!

Your task for Science this week is to create a diagram or model of the ear with labels of each part and its function. You might even want to try and build your own ‘ear’ to see how it works.

Music –

Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Grazyna Bacewicz.


Why was Grazyna  Bacewicz considered a musical trail blazer?


Now listen to the whole piece in the second video. Can you hear the morse code pattern  v …-  for victory?

Why not try creating your own secretive rhythms

eg. This is top secret.

Don’t tell anyone!

STEM – Balloon Car Racers

https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/balloon-car-racers – to watch the video

The activity –  Make cars which are propelled by balloon power.

ExpeRiment with designs and see what factors affect how fast or how far your car goes.

Learn how a balloon car works just like a rocket.


https://www.rigb.org/docs/ballooncarracers_infosheet_1_1.pdf – to view the information sheet

What to do:

  • Make a balloon car based on the instructions Mark gives in the video.
  • Decide how you will judge what makes a ‘good’ car – is it how far it goes or how fast it goes?
  • Investigate what happens if you have bigger or smaller wheels (you can use other types of lids or make wheels from cardboard and use blu-tac or glue to attach them to the kebab skewers).
  • Investigate what happens if you change the design of your car in other ways – you can watch the video again for inspiration for other designs.

Going further challenge:

  • Measure how far your car travels using a tape measure.
  • Time how fast your car travels ½ a metre – would double the speed be the time that your car would travel 1 metre? Test it out.
  • You can find the speed of your car in metres per second using a stopclock and a tape measure: Measure the distance the car travels (in metres) then dividing that distance by the time it took to travel (in seconds).


Art –

We have two important Feast Days in our Church calendar for June.  The 19th June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart and 29th June is the Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul.

For your art challenge this week I would like you to do a creation linked to either of these Feast Days.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is an object of devotion and always falls 19 days after Pentecost.

As you know, St Peter was given the ‘keys to heaven’ by Jesus and was our first Pope and in Matthew Ch16v18 Jesus said ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.’  He is also the Patron St of fishermen.

St Paul changed from not believing in Christianity to spreading the word through the letters that he wrote. Naturally, he is the Patron St of writers.

Ideas to inspire you: